返始咏叹调 克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂作品中的女性主体研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐莎著
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787309107067
- 页数:243 页
Abbreviations 1
Introduction 1
1.Literature Review 3
2.Da Capo Aria and the Paradigm of"silence-voice-Silence" 10
3."silence-voice-Silence"inside Christina Rossetti's Works 13
Chapter 1 Female Speakers in Christina Rossetti's Lyrics 17
1.1 Christina Rossetti as a Lyricist 17
1.2 The Speaking Silence:Dead Women in Christina Rossetti's Death Lyrics 20
1.2.1 Death in Christina Rossetti's Lyrics 21
1.2.2 Ghosts Presented as Spectators 23
1.2.3 Dreamers Speaking from Remoteness 28
1.3 The Restless Introspection:Reserved Women in Christina Rossetti's Meditative Lyrics 35
1.3.1 Christina Rossetti and the Meditative Lyrics 35
1.3.2 The Heart-broken Lover in the Willowwood 38
1.3.3 A Frustrated Spirit Seeking Peace:"An Old-World Thicket" 48
Chapter 2 Muse in Christina Rossetti's Sonnet Sequence 56
2.1 "Muse"and Traditional Love Sonnets 56
2.1.1 La Vita Nuova and Dante's Beatrice 57
2.1.2 Canzoniere and Petrarch's Laura 60
2.1.3 Fair Youth and Dark Lady in Shakespeare's Sonnets 63
2.1.4 Muse in the Traditional Love Sonnets 67
2.2 Victorian Muse:Victorian Poets and the Love Sonnet Sequences 71
2.2.1 The House of Life and D.G.Rossetti's Elizabeth Siddal 72
2.2.2 "Sonnets from the Portuguese"and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's New Muse 75
2.3 "Monna Innominata":a Declaration of Anti-Muse 79
2.3.1 Preface:Declaration of Anti-Muse 82
2.3.2 Christina Rossetti's Reception of Elizabeth Barrett Browning 87
2.3.3 Christina Rossetti's Reception of Dante and Petrarch 95
2.3.4 Christina Rossetti's Muse 103
Chapter 3 Sisters and Maidens in Christina Rossetti's Dramatic Monologues 132
3.1 Christina Rossetti and the Dramatic Monologues 132
3.2 A Harsh Dissonance in Victorian Era:Maidens in Christina Rossetti's Dramatic Monologues 138
3.2.1 "Sister Christina"and St.Mary Magdalene 138
3.2.2 Fallen Maidens in Christina Rossetti's Short Dramatic Monologues 143
3.3 The Victorian Heloise in"The Convent Threshold" 154
3.3.1 Heloise and Her Variations in Literary Texts 154
3.3.2 Penitent Sinner:the Victorian Heloise in"The Convent Threshold" 158
Chapter 4 Female Protagonists in Christina Rossetti's Fictions 169
4.1 Christina Rossetti and the Genre of Fiction 169
4.2 "Maude":A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Poetess 171
4.2.1 Christina Rossetti as Poetess 171
4.2.2 "Maude":The Self-Portrait of a Young Poetess 182
4.3 The Metamorphosis of"Hero" 192
4.3.1 Hero in Classical Mythology and Elizabethan Age 193
4.3.2 "Hero":The Victorian Metamorphoses 199
Conclusion 210
Works Cited 219
Selected Bibliography 227
Appendix-Ⅰ Illustrations 236
Appendix-Ⅱ 克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂译诗节选 237
Acknowledgements 242
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