机械制造技术基础 英汉双语对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:任小中,任乃飞,王红军编著;王贵成,钟庆伦主审
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787111468905
- 页数:408 页
Introduction绪论 1
0.1 Manufacturing industry and its position in national economy制造业及其在国民经济中的地位 2
0.2 Development of machine manufacturing technology机械制造技术的发展 4
0.3 The research objects and the purpose of the book本书的研究对象和目的 6
0.4 Requirements for learners学习要求 8
Chapter 1 Principles of Metal Cutting金属切削原理 11
1.1 Introduction概述 12
1.2 Basic knowledge of metal cutting金属切削的基本知识 12
1.2.1 Cutting motions and machining variables切削运动与切削用量 12
1.2.2 Geometry of cutting tools刀具的几何形状 14
1.2.3 Undeformed chip dimensions切削层参数 22
1.2.4 Cutting tool materials刀具材料 22
1.3 Basic theory of the metal cutting process金属切削过程的基本理论 28
1.3.1 Deformation in the metal cutting process金属切削过程中的变形 28
1.3.2 Cutting forces and cutting power切削力与切削功率 32
1.3.3 Cutting heat and cutting temperature切削热与切削温度 38
1.3.4 Tool wearand tool life刀具磨损与刀具寿命 40
1.4 Applications of basic theory in the cutting process金属切削基本规律的应用 46
1.4.1 Control of chips切屑的控制 48
1.4.2 Machinability切削加工性 50
1.4.3 Cutting fluids切削液 52
1.4.4 Proper choice of tool geometric parameters刀具几何参数的合理选择 56
1.4.5 Proper choice of cutting variables切削用量的合理选择 62
Chapter 2 Machine Tools and Cutting Tools机床与刀具 71
2.1 Introduction概述 72
2.1.1 Classification and model of machine tools机床的分类及型号 72
2.1.2 Methods of surface generating and kinematic analysis of machine tools表面的形成方法与机床运动分析 76
2.2 Lathes and lathe cutters车床与车刀 80
2.2.1 Basic contents of turning车削的基本内容 80
2.2.2 Constructional features of a center lathe(CA6140)CA6140卧式车床的结构特征 82
2.2.3 Lathe cutters车刀 108
2.3 Grinding wheels and grinding machines砂轮与磨床 110
2.3.1 Introduction概述 110
2.3.2 Grinding wheels砂轮 110
2.3.3 Grinding machines磨床 114
2.4 Gear cutting machines and cutting tools齿轮加工机床及其刀具 118
2.4.1 Gear cutting methods齿轮加工方法 118
2.4.2 Gear cutting machines齿轮加工机床 120
2.4.3 Gear cutting tools齿轮刀具 130
2.5 Other machine tools and cutting tools其他类型的机床与刀具 132
2.5.1 Hole-making machine tools and cutting tools孔加工机床与刀具 132
2.5.2 Milling machines and milling cutters铣床与铣刀 142
Chapter 3 Machining Process Planning机械加工工艺规程的制订 149
3.1 Basic concepts基本概念 150
3.1.1 Production course and process course of the machine机器的生产过程和工艺过程 150
3.1.2 Elements of process course工艺过程的组成 150
3.1.3 Production program and production type生产纲领和生产类型 154
3.2 Procedure of process planning工艺规程制订的步骤 156
3.2.1 Process rule and its functions工艺规程及其作用 156
3.2.2 Original information required in process planning制订工艺规程所需的原始资料 158
3.2.3 Procedure of process planning工艺规程制订的步骤 158
3.3 Selection of location datum定位基准的选择 160
3.3.1 Datum and its classification基准及其分类 160
3.3.2 Selection of location datum定位基准的选择 162
3.4 Drawing up the process route工艺路线的拟订 170
3.4.1 Selection of surface machining methods表面加工方法的选择 170
3.4.2 The division of machining phases加工阶段的划分 174
3.4.3 Process concentration and dispersal工序集中与工序分散 174
3.4.4 Arrangement of operation sequence工序顺序的安排 176
3.5 Determination of machining allowance加工余量的确定 178
3.5.1 Concept of machining allowance加工余量的概念 178
3.5.2 Factors affecting machining allowance影响加工余量的因素 182
3.5.3 Methods to determine machining allowance确定加工余量的方法 182
3.6 Determination of operation dimensions and their tolerances工序尺寸及其公差的确定 184
3.6.1 Introduction概述 184
3.6.2 Dimension chain尺寸链 186
3.6.3 Calculation formulas of dimension chains尺寸链的基本计算公式 188
3.6.4 Examples of calculating process dimension chains工艺尺寸链计算举例 192
3.7 Economic analysis of technological processes工艺过程的经济分析 198
3.7.1 Determination of time rating时间定额的确定 198
3.7.2 Economic analysis of process plans工艺方案的经济性分析 200
Chapter 4 Design Principles of Machine Tool Fixtures机床夹具设计原理 205
4.1 Introduction to machine tool fixtures机床夹具概述 206
4.1.1 Introduction to fixtures夹具概述 206
4.1.2 Classification of fixtures夹具的分类 206
4.1.3 Functions and elements of fixtures夹具的功用和组成 208
4.2 Location of the workpiece in a fixture工件在夹具中的定位 212
4.2.1 Location principles工件定位原理 212
4.2.2 Locators定位元件 216
4.2.3 Analysis and calculation of location errors定位误差的分析与计算 222
4.3 Clamping of the workpiece工件的夹紧 234
4.3.1 Elements and requirements of the clamping device夹紧装置的组成和要求 234
4.3.2 Principles of determining the clamping force夹紧力的确定原则 236
4.3.3 Several commonly used clamping mechanisms几种常用的夹紧机构 242
4.4 Other devices in machine tool fixtures机床夹具的其他装置 254
4.4.1 Indexing device分度装置 254
4.4.2 Tool guiding element刀具引导元件 256
4.4.3 Tool aligning device对刀装置 260
4.4.4 Connecting elements连接元件 260
4.5 Methods to design special-purpose fixtures专用夹具的设计方法 262
4.5.1 Basic requirements for the design of special-purpose fixtures专用夹具设计的基本要求 262
4.5.2 Approaches and procedures for the design of special-purpose fixtures专用夹具设计的方法和步骤 262
4.5.3 A case of special-purpose fixture design专用夹具设计案例 264
Chapter 5 Analysis and Control of Machining Quality机械加工质量分析与控制 271
5.1 Introduction概述 272
5.1.1 Introduction to machining quality机械加工质量概述 272
5.1.2 Basic concepts of machining accuracy机械加工精度的基本概念 272
5.1.3 Basic concepts of machined surface quality加工表面质量的基本概念 274
5.2 Factors affecting machining accuracy影响加工精度的因素 278
5.2.1 Machining principle errors加工原理误差 280
5.2.2 Errors of machine tools机床误差 282
5.2.3 Errors caused by elastic deformation of process systems工艺系统弹性变形引起的加工误差 292
5.2.4 Errors caused by thermal deformation of process systems工艺系统热变形引起的加工误差 302
5.2.5 Errors caused by inner stress of the workpiece工件内应力引起的误差 306
5.3 Statistic analysis of machining errors加工误差的统计分析 308
5.3.1 Categories of machining errors加工误差的分类 308
5.3.2 Distribution curve method分布曲线分析法 310
5.3.3 Point diagram method点图分析法 318
5.4 Factors influencing surface quality影响加工表面质量的因素 320
5.4.1 Factors influencing surface roughness影响表面粗糙度的因素 320
5.4.2 Factors influencing physical and mechanical properties of surface layer影响表面层物理力学性能的因素 324
5.5 Vibrations in machining processes机械加工过程中的振动 326
5.5.1 Introduction概述 326
5.5.2 Forced vibration in machining processes机械加工过程中的强迫振动 326
5.5.3 Self-excited vibration in machining processes机械加工过程中的自激振动 328
5.5.4 Ways to control vibrations in machining processes控制机械加工振动的方法 332
Chapter 6 Fundamentals of Machine Assembly Technology机械装配技术基础 337
6.1 Introduction概述 338
6.1.1 Concept of assembly accuracy装配精度的概念 338
6.1.2 Factors affecting assembly accuracy影响装配精度的因素 340
6.1.3 Relation of part accuracy to assembly accuracy零件精度与装配精度的关系 340
6.2 Assembly methods装配方法 342
6.2.1 Assembly dimension chain装配尺寸链 342
6.2.2 Interchangeable assembly method互换装配法 344
6.2.3 Selective assembly method选择装配法 352
6.2.4 Individual fitting assembly method修配装配法 354
6.2.5 Adjustment assembly method调整装配法 358
6.3 Assembly process planning装配工艺规程的制订 362
6.3.1 Major contents of assembly process regulation装配工艺规程的主要内容 362
6.3.2 Principles and original information required in assembly process planning制订装配工艺规程的基本原则及所需要的原始资料 362
6.3.3 Approaches to assembly process planning制订装配工艺规程的方法与步骤 364
Chapter 7 Brief Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing Technology先进制造技术简介 369
7.1 Introduction概述 370
7.1.1 Definition of advanced manufacturing technology先进制造技术的定义 370
7.1.2 Characteristics of advanced manufacturing technology先进制造技术的特点 370
7.2 Advanced machining technology先进加工技术 370
7.2.1 Ultra-precision machining technology超精密加工技术 370
7-2.2 Nanofabrication technology纳米加工技术 374
7.2.3 High-speed machining technology高速加工技术 380
7.2.4 Modem non-traditional machining technology现代特种加工技术 386
7.2.5 Rapid prototyping&manufacturing technology快速原型制造技术 398
References参考文献 408
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