- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈璐著
- 出 版 社:上海:同济大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787560856018
- 页数:139 页
Chapter One Theoretical Background 1
1.Optimality Theory 1
1.1 A General Introduction 1
1.2 Basic Concepts of OT 3
1.2.1 Markedness Constraint 3
1.2.2 Faithfulness Constraint 5
1.2.3 Conflicts between Markedness and Faithfulness 7
1.3 The OT grammar as an Input-Output Device 8
2.Reduplication in the Study of OT 9
2.1 Reduplication in OT 9
2.2 The Basic Model of the Correspondence Theory of Reduplication 12
3.Morphology and Phonology 13
4.Reduplication in World's Languages 16
4.1 Reduplication in Languages Other than Chinese 16
4.2 Reduplication in Mandarin 17
4.2.1 Total Reduplication in Mandarin 17
4.2.2 Disyllabicity Requirement of Mandarin 19
Chapter Two Reduplication Data in Mandarin 22
1.Verb Reduplication 23
1.1 Different Patterns of Verb Reduplication 23
1.2 Grammatical Functions of Reduplicated Verbs 28
2.Adjective Reduplication 31
2.1 Different Patterns of Adjective Reduplication 32
2.1.1 AAABB 32
2.1.2 AABAB 33
2.1.3 AAliAB and ABB 35
2.2 Grammatical Functions of Reduplicated Adjectives 36
3.Noun Reduplication 40
3.1 Reduplication of Measure Words 40
3.2 Reduplication of Kinship Terms 43
3.3 Grammatical Functions of Reduplicated Nouns 44
4.Adverb Reduplication 45
4.1 Different Patterns of Adverb Reduplication 47
4.1.1 AA 47
4.1.2 AAB 48
4.1.3 AABB 48
4.2 Grammatical Functions of Adverb Reduplication 49
5.Summary 53
Chapter Three AABB and ABAB Reduplication 56
1.The Prosodic Structure of the Reduplication 56
2.Morpho-syntactic Structure of AABB and ABAB Reduplication 59
2.1 Evidence from Third Tone Sandhi 59
2.2 Extra MRU Pattern for AABB 66
3.Special Patterns of Disyllabic Verb and Adjective Reduplication 69
3.1 VAABB 71
3.2 A ABAB 75
4.AABB Vs.ABAB Reduplication 77
Chapter Four An OT Analysis of Reduplication in Mandarin 79
1.AABB and ABAB Reduplication in the OT Framework 80
1.1 Realize-μandσσσ 81
1.1.1 σσσ 81
1.1.2 Realize-μ 82
1.2 Alignment 83
1.2.1 Generalized Alignment 84 The Format of Alignment Constraints 85 Alignment and Infixation in Tagalog 89
1.2.2 Align(Verb,MRU)and Align(Adjective,MRU) 92
1.3 Linearity 95
1.4 Summary 96
2.AAB Reduplication for Verb-Object Verbs 97
3.Adjective Reduplication A/iAB 98
3.1 Property of"li" 99
3.2 [σLT and Align-li-L 100
4.Adverb Reduplication 102
5.Summary 106
Chapter Five A Ternary OT Model for the Mandarin Reduplication 108
1.Introduction 108
1.1 Morpheme Realization in Zoque 110
1.2 Ineffability in Mandarin Chinese 110
1.3 Double Affixation in English 111
1.4 The Ternary Model of Morphology-Phonology Correspondence 113
2.The Ternary Model in Zoque 114
3.Application of the Ternary Model in Mandarin Reduplication 117
3.1 Distributive Forms of Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Classifiers 117
3.2 Double Affixation 121
4.Summary 125
Chapter Six Conclusions 127
Bibliography 133
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- 《图书馆弱势群体服务研究》姜璐著 2019
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