轮机工程材料 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:严志军,朱新河,程东,于桂峰主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787563226740
- 页数:221 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 States of materials 1
1.2 Bonds of solid materials 2
1.3 Types of engineering materials 6
1.4 Exercises 7
Chapter 2 Manufacture of Iron and Steel Products 9
2.1 Fabrication of iron and steel materials 9
2.2 Products of iron and steel 14
2.3 Exercises 18
Chapter 3 Properties of Metals and Testing Methods 20
3.1 Strength and ductility of metal 20
3.2 Hardness of metal 26
3.3 Toughness of metal 32
3.4 Fatigue strength of metal 33
3.5 Some mechanical properties at high temperature 36
3.6 Other properties of metal 38
3.7 Exercises 41
Chapter 4 Crystal Structures and Solidification of Metal 43
4.1 Crystal structures of metals 43
4.2 Imperfection in metallic solids 52
4.3 Solidification and crystallization of metal 56
4.4 Exercises 61
Chapter 5 Plastic Deformation and Recrystalization of Metals 63
5.1 Plastic deformation of single-crystalline metals 63
5.2 Plastic deformation of poly-crystalline metals 69
5.3 Mechanisms of strengthening in metals 70
5.4 Changes of metal at elevated temperature 76
5.5 Cold and hot working 82
5.6 Exercises 83
Chapter 6 Phase Diagrams 85
6.1 Phase diagrams of alloy 85
6.2 Iron-iron carbide diagram 93
6.3 Different reactions of Fe-C alloys during cooling 98
6.4 The effects of alloying elements on iron alloy phase diagrams 103
6.5 Exercises 108
Chapter 7 Heat Treatment of Metal 110
7.1 Structural changes of steel when heating 110
7.2 Structural changes of steel when cooling 112
7.3 Annealing and normalizing of steel 117
7.4 Quenching and tempering of metal 119
7.5 Surface modification and heat treatment 122
7.6 Exercises 127
Chapter 8 Industrial Steels 129
8.1 Carbon and alloying elements in steel 129
8.2 Carbon steel grades 133
8.3 Alloy structural steel grades 139
8.4 Alloy tool steel grades 143
8.5 Special steel grades 144
8.6 Exercises 146
Chapter 9 Cast Iron 148
9.1 Introduction of cast iron 148
9.2 Gray cast iron 152
9.3 Malleable cast iron 155
9.4 Ductile iron 158
9.5 Compacted graphite iron 161
9.6 Special purpose cast iron 163
9.7 Exercises 165
Chapter 10 Non Ferrous Metals and Alloys 167
10.1 Copper and alloys 167
10.2 Aluminum and alloys 172
10.3 Titanium and alloys 176
10.4 Bearing alloys 177
10.5 Exercises 181
Chapter 11 Non-metallic Materials 182
11.1 Polymer material 182
11.2 Plastic and rubber material 185
11.3 Ceramic material 189
11.4 Composite material 192
11.5 Exercises 195
Chapter 12 Application of Material for Marine Engineering 196
12.1 Crankshaft materials 196
12.2 Connecting rod materials 200
12.3 Cylinder liner materials 201
12.4 Piston materials 204
12.5 Gudgeon pin materials 206
12.6 Piston ring materials 208
12.7 Hot valve materials 211
12.8 Propeller materials 214
12.9 Rolling bearing materials 216
12.10 Turbocharger nozzle ring and blades 218
12.11 Exercises 220
References 221
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