儿科耳鼻喉学 下 第5版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:46 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Charles D.Bluestone,Jeffrey P.Simons,Gerald B.Healy著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787117204675
- 页数:2044 页
1.Evolution of Pediatric Otolaryngology&Robert J.Ruben 3
2.Phylogenetic Aspects and Embryology&Anne Chun-Hui Tsai and Carol Walton 13
3.Genetics,Syndromology,and Craniofacial Anomalies&Anne Chun-Hui Tsai and Carol S.Walton 27
4. Outcomes and Evidence-Based Medicine in Pediatric Otolaryngology &Jennifer J.Shin and Christopher J.Hartnick 59
5.Ethical Issues in Pediatric Otolaryngology&David B.Waisel and Laurie A.Ohlms 69
6.Professionalism,Communication,and Teamwork in Surgery &Rahul K.Shah 81
7.Pediatric Otolaryngology:A Psychosocial Perspective& Edward J.Goldson and Kenny H.Chan 89
8.Psychiatric Disorders in Pediatric Otolaryngology&Abigail L.Donovan and Bruce J.Masek 99
9.Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy& Basil J.Zitelli 107
10.Pediatric Anesthesiology&Lynne R.Ferrari 113
11.Allergy and Immunology&Deborah A.Gentile and David P.Skoner 127
12.Pediatric Neurology&Amy C.Goldstein 133
13.Pediatric Ophthalmology& Melanie Kazlas 143
14.Pediatric Hematology:The Coagulation System and Associated Disorders&James D.Cooper and A.Kim Ritchey 155
15.Antimicrobial Agents for the Treatment of Pediatric Head and Neck Infections&Stephen I.Pelton 171
16.The Role of Biofilms in Pediatric Otolaryngologic Diseases&J.Christopher Post and Garth D.Ehrlich 191
17.Pediatric Gastroenterology&Philip E.Putnam 199
18.Pediatric Pulmonology&Jonathan E.Spahr 217
19.Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery:Craniofacial Growth and Interdisciplinary Surgical Care&Bernard J.Costello and Ramon L.Ruiz 233
SECTION 2:EAR AND RELATED STRUCTURES&Margaretha L.Casselbrant,David H.Chi,and Margaret A.Kenna 253
20.Embryology and Developmental Anatomy of the Ear&Nathan Page and Keiko Hirose 253
21.Physical and Physiological Bases of Hearing&John D.Durrant 271
22.Methods of Clinical Examination:Ear and Related Structures&Charles D.Bluestone and Jerome O.Klein 301
23.The Assessment of Hearing and Middle-Ear Function in Children&Brian Fligor 317
24.Methods of Examination:Radiologic Aspects&Hisham M.Dahmoush,Arastoo Vossough,and Avrum N.Pollock 355
25.Vestibular Evaluation&Joseph M.Furman,Margaretha L.Casselbrant,and Susan L.Whitney 409
26.Otalgia&Frank W.Virgin and Greg Licameli 423
27.Otorrhea&Joseph E.Dohar 431
28.Tinnitus in Children&Samantha Anne and Anne F.Hseu 447
29.Balance Disorders&Margaretha L.Casselbrant and Joseph M.Furman 453
30.Genetic Hearing Loss and Inner Ear Diseases&Michael S.Hildebrand,A.Eliot Shearer,Murad Husein,and Richard J.H.Smith 465
31.Nongenetic Hearing Loss&Margaret A.Kenna 513
32.Congenital Inner Ear Anomalies&David H.Chi and Ellis M.Arjmand 531
33.Cochlear Implants in Children&Richard T.Miyamoto,R.Christopher Miyamoto,and Karen Iler Kirk 547
34.Congenital Anomalies of the External and Middle Ears&Makoto Miura and Isamu Sando 561
35.Surgical Management of Microtia and Congenital Aural Atresia&Robert F.Yellon 595
36.Diseases of the External Ear&Barry E.Hirsch and Noriko Yoshikawa 621
37.Otitis Media and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction&Charles D.Bluestone and Jerome O.Klein 633
38.Complications and Sequelae of Otitis Media&Charles D.Bluestone,David H.Chi,and Jerome O.Klein 761
39.Facial Paralysis in Children&Barry M.Schaitkin 849
40.Diseases of the Labyrinthine Capsule&Diego Preciado,Gilbert Vezina,and Rahul Shah 869
41.Injuries of the Ear and Temporal Bone&Ana H.Kim,Clare Dean,and Simon C.Parisier 879
42.Tumors of the Ear and Temporal Bone&Pamela A.Mudd and Stephen P.Cass 895
43.Embryology and Anatomy of the Paranasal Sinuses&Michael Rontal,Todd D.Otteson,Jack B.Anon,and S.James Zinreich 913
44.Nasal Physiology&Asli Sahin-Yilmaz and Robert M.Naclerio 927
45.Methods of Examination of the Nose,Paranasal Sinuses,Face,and Orbit&Gi Soo Lee,Reza Rahbar,and Gerald B.Healy 943
46.Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses in Pediatric Patients With Special Considerations for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery&Ken Kazahaya 951
47.Nasal Obstruction and Rhinorrhea&Walter M.Belenky,David N.Madgy,Michael S.Haupert,and Sonal Saraiya 963
48.Epistaxis&Scott C.Manning,Prabhat Bhama,and Marvin C.Culbertson Ⅲ 981
49.Pediatric Headaches&Belinda A.Mantle 989
50.Oral and Facial Neuropathic Pain in Children&Navil F.Sethna 993
51.Orbital Swellings&Jeffrey D.Suh and Nina L.Shapiro 1003
52.Congenital Malformations of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses &Todd D.Otteson 1017
53.Rhinitis and Acute and Chronic Sinusitis&Ellen R.Wald 1037
54.Surgical Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis&Rodney P.Lusk 1057
55.Complications of Rhinosinusitis&Natalie E.Edmondson and Sanjay R.Parikh 1065
56.Allergic Rhinitis&Andrew MacGinnitie 1075
57.Foreign Bodies of the Nose&Desiderio Passali and Raymond C.Maguire 1089
58.Injuries of the Nose,Facial Bones,and Paranasal Sinuses &Andrew M.Shapiro and Fred Fedok 1095
59.Tumors of the Nose,Paranasal Sinuses,and Nasopharynx&Anthony E.Magit 1109
SECTION 4:THE MOUTH,PHARYNX,AND ESOPHAGUS&Dennis J.Kitsko and Deepak K.Mehta 1123
60.Embryology and Anatomy of the Mouth,Pharynx,and Esophagus&Nira A.Goldstein and Sharon Marie Tomaski 1123
61.Physiology of the Mouth,Pharynx,and Esophagus&John Sinacori and Craig S.Derkay 1145
62.Methods of Examination of the Mouth,Pharynx,and Esophagus&Karen B.Zur,Lawrence W.C.Tom,William P.Potsic,and Steven D.Handler 1151
63.Congenital Malformations of the Mouth and Pharynx:Orofacial Clefts and Related Syndromes&Frederic W.B.Deleyiannis and Raymond C.Maguire 1161
64.Inflammatory Disease of the Mouth and Pharynx&Karen F.Watters,Naishadh Patil,and John Russell 1175
65.Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy&David H.Darrow,Craig S.Derkay,and Ron Mitchell 1189
66.Pediatric Sleep Disorders& Sangeeta Chakravorty,Dennis Kitsko,and Deepak Mehta 1223
67.Dental and Gingival Disorders&Brian S.Martin,Yasser Armanazi,J.E.Bouquot,and M.M.Nazif 1231
68.Orthodontic Problems in Children&Sylvia A.Frazier-Bowers and L'Tanya J.Bailey 1243
69.Idiopathic Conditions of the Mouth and Pharynx&George H.Conner and Kay W.Chang 1259
70.Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Manifestations of Systemic Disease &Rodrigo C.Silva,Paul Rosen,and Jeffrey P.Simons 1269
71.Diseases of the Salivary Glands&Deepak Mehta and David L.Mandell 1279
72.The Management of Drooling(Sialorrhea) &Dennis J.Kitsko and Deepak Mehta 1289
73.Tumors of the Mouth and Pharynx& Carlos Gonzalez 1297
74.Pediatric Dysphagia &Matthew Bromwich,Aliza P.Cohen,Claire K.Miller,and J.Paul Willging 1311
75.Functional Abnormalities of the Esophagus&Andrew J.Hotaling and Carl W.Moeller 1323
76.Eosinophilic Esophagitis&Todd D.Otteson and Alka Goyal 1337
77.Foreign Bodies of the Pharynx and Esophagus &Scott C.Manning 1347
78.Trauma to the Mouth,Pharynx,and Esophagus in Children &Michael S.Cohen,David L.Mandell,and Jeffrey P.Simons 1355
79.Caustic Injuries and Acquired Strictures of the Esophagus&Kathryn L.Colman,Jeffrey P.Simons,and Cuneyt M.Alper 1365
80.Neurologic Disorders of the Mouth,Pharynx,and Esophagus&Ingrid Loma-Miller and Michael J.Painter 1381
SECTION 5:THE AIRWAY&David L.Mandell and Reza Rahbar 1397
81.Developmental Anatomy and Physiology of the Larynx,Trachea,Esophagus,and Lungs&Glenn Isaacson 1397
82.Physiology of the Larynx,Airways,and Lungs&Robert E.Wood 1407
83.Methods of Examination of the Pediatric Airway &David Albert and Peter Bull 1415
84.Radiologic Evaluation of the Pediatric Airway &Ammie White,Tamara Feygin,and Avrum N.Pollock 1425
85.Cough&Andrew J.Hotaling and James J.Jaber 1459
86.Stridor:Presentation and Evaluation&Peter J.Koltai,Aaron C.Lin,and Jen? Hirschberg 1473
87.Aspiration:Etiology and Management&Carine Fuchsmann,Sonia Ayari,and Patrick Froehlich 1485
88.Airway and Laryngotracheal Manifestations of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease&Dana Mara Thompson 1495
89.Congenital Laryngeal Anomalies&Mark E.Gerber and Judy L.Chen 1517
90.Congenital Malformations of the Trachea and Bronchi &Luv R.Javia,Brian P.Dunham,and Ian N.Jacobs 1533
91.Pediatric Upper Airway Infections& David L.Mandell 1547
92.Acquired Disorders of the Larynx and Trachea &Nicolas Leboulanger and Erea Noёl Garabedian 1555
93.Pediatric Tracheotomy& Ralph F.Wetmore 1565
94.Pediatric Airway Stenosis:Minimally Invasive Approaches &Samuel T.Ostrower and Reza Rahbar 1581
95.Airway Surgery:Open Approach&Michael J.Rutter,Evan J.Propst,Aliza P.Cohen,and Alessandro de Alarcon 1593
96.Foreign Bodies of the Larynx,Trachea,and Bronchi &David H.Darrow and Michael A.DeMarcantonio 1609
97.Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Laryngotracheal Trauma&Robert J.Tibesar,Susan E.Pearson,Frank L.Rimell,and James D.Sidman 1627
98.Tumors of the Larynx,Trachea,and Bronchi&Dale A.Tylor and Seth M.Pransky 1635
SECTION 6:THE HEAD AND NECK&Trevor J.McGill and Robert F.Yellon 1655
99.Laser Surgery&Jay Werkhaven 1655
100.The Neck:Embryology and Anatomy&Mark A.Richardson and Kathleen C.Y.Sie 1665
101.Methods of Examination of the Head and Neck &Joseph Haddad Jr.,Sarah E.Keesecker,and David T.Kent 1681
102.Imaging of Pediatric Neck Masses&Kalliopi Petropoulou and Barton F.Branstetter Ⅳ 1691
103.Neck Masses& Paul W.Bauer and Rodney P.Lusk 1717
104.Congenital Cysts and Sinuses of the Head and Neck&Robert F.Yellon and David H.Chi 1737
105.Cervical Adenopathy& Ari J.Goldsmith and Richard M.Rosenfeld 1747
106.Head and Neck Space Infections &Robert F.Yellon,Todd Falcone,and David W.Roberson 1767
107.Benign Tumors of the Head and Neck&Karen F.Wetters,Reza Rahbar,and Trevor J.McGill 1791
108.Malignant Tumors of the Head and Neck&Kenneth R.Whittemore Jr.and Michael J.Cunningham 1803
109.Thyroid&Jeffrey C.Rastatter,Sivi Bakthavachalam,and John Maddalozzo 1841
110.Injuries of the Neck&Peggy E.Kelley 1851
111.Craniofacial Development and Congenital Anomaly:A Contemporary Review of Processes and Pathogenesis&Adel Y.Fattah,John G.Meara,and Jonathan A.Britto 1861
112.Primary Care of Infants and Children With Cleft Palate& Margaret L.Skinner and David E.Tunkel 1879
113.Pediatric Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck& Lorelei J.Grunwaldt and Joseph E.Losee 1885
114.Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations& Ravindhra G.Elluru,Matthew Bromwich,and Aliza P.Cohen 1901
115.Pediatric Skull Base Surgery&Harshita Pant,Carl H.Snyderman,Elizabeth C.Tyler-Kabara,Carlos D.Pinheiro-Neto,Maria Koutourousiou,Juan C.Fernandez-Miranda,Eric W.Wang,and Paul A.Gardner 1919
116.Disorders of Language,Phonology,Fluency,and Voice in Children:Indicators for Referral&Thomas F.Campbell,Christine A.Dollaghan,and J.Scott Yaruss 1945
117.Velopharyngeal Insufficiency&Jeremy D.Prager,Aliza P.Cohen,and J.Paul Willging 1961
118.Pediatric Voice Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment&Roger C.Nuss and Geralyn Harvey Woodnorth 1971
119.Early Identification and Early Intervention for Hearing Loss &Terrell A.Clark 1987
120.Amplification Selection for Children With Hearing Impairment&Todd A.Ricketts,Erin M.Picou,and Anne Marie Tharpe 1995
121.Behavioral Intervention and Education of Children With Hearing Loss&Sheila Pr 2019
122.Auditory Access to Language Resulting From Cochlear Implant Technology&Marilyn W.Neault 2033
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