第四届中日澳钢铁冶金学术会议论文集 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:罗志国,邹宗树主编
- 出 版 社:沈阳:东北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787551704755
- 页数:349 页
Session 1 General Topics 1
Integrated Experimental and Modelling Research Methodology for the Characterisation of Thermodynamic and Physico-Chemical Properties in Metallurgical Slags&Evgueni Jak,Peter Hayes 1
JFE Steel's Recent Development of Ironmaking Technology&Watakabe S,Sato M,Murao A,et al. 14
Progress and Achievements of Cokemaking Industry in China—Solid Foundation of Iron and Steel Industry&Meng Qingbo,Liu Yang,Xu Xiuli,et al. 24
Session 2 Raw Material Preparation 32
Analysing Sintering Performance by Data Mining&David Pinson,Andrew Gadd 32
Nondestructive Analysis of Coke with/without Iron Catalyst Using μ-X-ray CT&Yuichiro Yamamoto,Yoshiaki Kashiwaya 38
Relationship between Coke Properties and Solution Loss Behavior and Its Influence on Post Reaction Strength of Coke&Guo Rui,Wang Qi 42
Effects of CaCl2 on Sinter RDI and Coke CSR&Lu L,Holmes R J,Hapugoda S,et al. 49
Chemistry,Structure and Quality of Iron Ore Sinter&Lu L,Hapugoda S,Adam M,et al. 52
Strength,Micro-Strength and Microstructure of Carbonaceous Materials&Xing Xing,Zhang Guangqing,Ostrovski O 55
Simultaneous Characterization of Coke Microstructure and Mineralogy&Gupta S,Lester E,Ismail M,et al. 63
Carbothermic Reduction Behavior of Iron Oxide/Carbon Composite under High Pressure&Zhou Qi,Naohiro Tsuda,Taichi Murakami,et al. 69
Study on Sintering Solid Fuels Optimal Particle Size&Zhou Mingshun,Liu Jie,Wang Junshan,et al. 75
Thermal Analysis Kinetics of Graphite-CO2/H2 O Gasification&Liu Zhongsuo,Wang Qi,Zou Zongshu,et al. 81
Discussion about Operation Technology of Low Fuel Ratio of Meigang Blast Furnace&Han Hongsong,Jin Ming 89
Effect of Coke Micro-Textural and Basic Metal Oxide on Coke Strength Characteristics&Zhang Wencheng,Wang Chunhua 94
Session 3 Ironmaking 99
Distribution Behavior of Phosphorus during Smelting Reduction of Steel Slag in Iron Bath&Cui Yuyuan,Zhang Tongsheng,Wang Deyong,et al. 99
Effects of Mineral Oxides on the Precipitation Micro-Morphology of Metallic Iron in the Reduction of Iron Oxides under CO Atmosphere&Zhao Zhilong,Guo Zhancheng,Tang Huiqing 103
Viscosities of Blast Furnace Slags&Chen Mao,Zhang Dianwei,Zhao Zhixing,et al. 110
An Overview of CFD Studies of Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace&Shen Yansong,Yu Aibing,Zulli Paul 118
Discrete Particle Simulation of Gas-Solid Flow in an Ironmaking Blast Furnace&Zhou Zongyan,Liu Sida,Yu Aibing,et al. 131
Thermodynamic Study on Solid Direct Reduction Process of Chromite&Zhao Qing,Liu Chengjun,Jiang Maofa 146
Discussion on the Feasibility of Coke-Oven Gas Used in the Shaft Furnace&Zhao Zongbo,Ying Ziwei,Xu Lixian,et al. 152
Study on the Effect of Caustic Calcined Magnesite to Quality of Green-Pellets&Gao Qiangjian,Jiang Xin,Wei Guo,et al. 156
Reduction Kinetics of Carbon-Containing Bayan Obo Ore Pellets&Zhang Bo,Liu Chengiun,Jiang Maofa 159
Effect of Chute Angle on Pile Structure under the Mixing Charging&Li Haifeng,Luo Zhiguo,Han Lihao,et al. 163
Design and Maintenance of Prolonging the Campaign Life of Baosteel No.3 BF&Liang Lisheng,Wei Guo,Shen Fengman 169
Study on the Direct Reduction of Nickel Laterite and Separation Mechanism of Direct Reduction of Nickel-Ore&Wen Qiulin,Wei Guo,Gao Qiangjian,et al. 176
Thermodynamics Behavior of Vanadium in the Chlorination Process of Vanadium-Bearing Titanomagnetite&Sun Yu,Zheng Haiyan,Dong Yue,et al. 180
Session 4 Steelmaking 184
Modelling of Supersonic Oxygen Jet Injection inside Steelmaking Furnace&Morshed Alam,Geoffrey Brooks,Jamal Naser 184
Preventing Rephosphorization during Tapping in BOF Steelmaking&Takashi Abiko,Takashi Sugitani,Atsushi Tazuke,et al. 193
The Characteristics of Air Gap Formation between Slab Mold Copper Plate and Solidifying Shell during Continuous Casting of Peritectic Steel&Cai Zhaozhen,Zhu Miaoyong 199
An Experimental Study on Silicon-Aluminum Complex Deoxidization of Titanium Bearing Ultra-Pure Ferritic Stainless Steel&Li Guangqiang,Li Yongjun,Yuan Gang,et al. 208
Microstructural Evolution of Simulated Coarse-Grained Heat-Affected Zone of New HSLA Q690D&Lu Hengchang,Li Zhe,Chen Zhongyi,et al. 214
Model Study on Inclusion Coagulation in Liquid Steel with Large Difference in Initial Particle Sizes&Hirotada Arai,Shinichi Shimasaki,Shoji Taniguchi 219
Change in Inclusions after Mg Deoxidation Process&Yang Jian,Zhu Kai,Wang Ruizhi,et al. 225
Researches on the Evaluation of Surface Defects of Cold-Rolled IF Sheet&Zhu Guosen,Ji Chenxi,Chen Bin,et al. 232
Physical Chemistry of A1-Ti Deoxidation Reaction of Molten Iron and Formed Inclusions&Hiroyuki Matsuura,Wonjin Choi,Fumitaka Tsukihashi 238
Effcet of Calcium Treatment on Low Carbon Al-Kilied Steel in CSP Process&Zhu Wanjun,Ou Tie,Wang Chunfeng,et al. 244
Capillary Refining of Iron Alloys by Porous CaO with Molten Slag&Toshihiro Tanaka,Masanori Suzuki 250
Study on Periodic Fluctuation of CC Slab Mould Level&Jiang Zhongkuai,Cheng Nailiang,Chen Zhiping 255
Effect of Agitation on Crystallization of Calcium Silicate Based Slags&Noritaka Saito,Kunihiko Nakashima 260
The Slag Melting Characteristic and its Recycling Use Effects for BOF Less Slag Smelting&Wu Wei 268
Development and Application of Online Mold Monitor System&Tian Yong,Zhang Xiangchun,Dai Wenmao,et al. 273
Microstructural Modification of Q345D Steel by Air-Cooling Solidification in Different Time&Li Zhe,Ma Ru,Liu Bingguang,et al. 279
Thermodynamic Research of MnS Precipitation in the Process of the Slab Continuous Cast&Zhang Ning,Guo Xiaobo,Zhao Cheng-lin,et al. 284
Thermodynamic Study on Precipitation Behavior of Inclusions in 09CuPCrNi Steel with Rare Earth during Solidification&Li Yandong,Liu Chengiun,Jiang Maofa 291
BOF End-Point Prediction Model Based on Nonlinear Homotopic BI Algorithm&Feng Mingxia,Chen Ren,Li Qiang,et al. 295
Occurrence State of Niobium and Titanium in High Pure Ferritic Stainless Steel&Wang Hongpo,Shi Junjie,Sun Lifeng,et al. 302
Aging Behavior of Boron Bearing Low Carbon Steel with Various Copper Contents&Zhang Zhihong,Xue Xiangxin 306
Mold Flux Design in Terms of Crystallization Control&Masahito Hanao,Yuichi Tsukaguchi,Masayuki Kawamoto 310
Session 5 Other Topics 315
The Research on Granulation of Gas Quenching Steel Slag by Numerical Simulation&Long Yue,Cai Zhenlei,Zhang Yuzhu 315
Study on Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel Bars for Bridges&Qin Liyan,Fan Guangwei,Wang Huimian 319
The Influence of Dioxin Reduction on Sintering Exhaust Gas Chemical Composition with Adding Urea&Long Hongming,Li Jiaxin,Wang Ping 324
CFD Modelling of Slag Atomisation by Spinning Disc&Pan Yuhua 325
Combustion Synthesis of β-SiAION&Tomohiro Akiyama 330
The Research on the Effect of Cooling Rate on Isothermal Crystallization Kinetic of C2 S in Gas Quenching Steel Slag&Zhang Yuzhu,Bao Jiwei,Long Yue,et al. 334
Experimental and Calculation Analysis on Characteristics of Combustion Jets&Akihide Kaizawa,Takeo Inomoto,Yuji Ogawa,et al. 339
The Influence of the Dispersion of the Caking Component by Coal Selective Crushing on Coke Strength&Munehiro Uchida,Yukihiro Kubota,Tomoyuki Nakagawa,et al. 346
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