新视界大学英语 长篇阅读 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Simon Greenall(英文)周燕总主编;汪士彬主编;邓小兰副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:7513542319
- 页数:184 页
Unit 1 A world insideGuided reading Are you living your life purpose? 1
Timed reading 1 Negative attitude:Causes,consequences and cures 8
Timed reading 2 Ten resolutions for maximizing your potential 13
Timed reading 3 How to raise your self-worth 17
Unit 2 Through the eyes of a childGuided reading Michael Jackson:Memories of my childhood 23
Timed reading 1 Do kids need friends? 30
Timed reading 2 Myths surrounding children and divorce 35
Timed reading 3 Early childhood:It's important to encourage reading 40
Unit 3 The living artsGuided reading What makes a good movie? 45
Timed reading 1 The power of music 52
Timed reading 2 Beauty of composition in Chinese calligraphy 56
Timed reading 3 An artist's life inNewYork City 60
Unit 4 A change for the betterGuided reading How has technology changed the way we conduct business? 65
Timed reading 1 How family life has changed in one generation 72
Timed reading 2 Six ways tech will change education forever 77
Timed reading 3 Sixty years on Chinese people's marriage 81
Unit 5 Know your placeGuided reading Importance of marriage to society 87
Timed reading 1 Longer lifespan makes age a poor gauge of productivity 94
Timed reading 2 Our ageing world 99
Timed reading 3 New heroes for a new age:Stories of nonviolence inspire the best in us 103
Unit 6 Lives of heroesGuided reading Alexander the Great—Heroic villain or villainous hero? 109
Timed reading 1 Ten reasons why we need heroes 116
Timed reading 2 Do we need another sports hero? 122
Timed reading 3 Your child's hero 127
Unit 7 Brave new worldGuided reading Science of language 133
Timed reading 1 Risks and rewards of plastic surgery 140
Timed reading 2 Professor predicts human time travel this century 145
Timed reading 3 Wind energy 149
Unit 8 Let's celebrate!Guided reading Spring Festival 153
Timed reading 1 Did you know?Facts,figures&folklore about the Pilgrims&the first Thanksgiving 159
Timed reading 2 Loneliness and the holidays:Dealing with loneliness during the holiday season 164
Timed reading 3 Legend of the Christmas stocking 168
Answer keys 175
网络教学管理平台使用指南 183
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