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第二次转型  英文版
第二次转型  英文版

第二次转型 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:迟福林著
  • 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787508519807
  • 页数:408 页
《第二次转型 英文版》目录
标签:英文版 转型

Introduction:China's Road to a Consumer Power Is Not an Unknown Number 1

Part Ⅰ China's New Signpost:Justice and Sustainable Development 6

Chapter Ⅰ Crossroads of Chinese Development Models Transition 6

Section Ⅰ The First Transition:Termination of Export-oriented Model 6

Section Ⅱ The Second Transition:Terminating Investment-driven Model 19

Section Ⅲ The Third Transition:Terminating the So-called Economic Growth Theories Centered on GDP 35

Section Ⅳ Fourth Transformation:China's Reform SeeksNew Breakthrough 42

Chapter Ⅱ Transition of Chinese Development Phases 46

Section Ⅰ Stepping from Survival-style Phase into Development-style Phase 47

Section Ⅱ Phasic Changes of Social Contradictions during New Development-style Phase 72

Section Ⅲ New Requests during the New Development-style Phase 78

Chapter Ⅲ The Second Transition:Leading to Justice and Sustainable Development 86

Section Ⅰ Objective Basis of the Second Transition Comes into Being 86

Section Ⅱ Rare External Opportunities of the Second Transition 89

Section Ⅲ The Second Transition and the Second Reform 102

Part Ⅱ From a Big Country of Production to a Big Country of Consumption 110

Chapter Ⅰ Transition and Change in Consumption-led Era 110

Section Ⅰ Historical Starting Point for China to Become a Big country of consumption 110

Section Ⅱ A Critical Period to Build a Consumption-led Pattern 131

Section Ⅲ Important Actions to Shape a New Consumption-led Pattern 138

Chapter Ⅱ Transition and Reform in the Era of Urbanization 159

Section Ⅰ China Has Entered the Era of Rapid Development of Urbanization 159

Section Ⅱ Urbanization:The Main Carrier to Build a Big Consuming Country 168

Section Ⅲ Urbanization and Industrialization 176

Section Ⅳ Transition and Reform with Urbanization as the Main Line 185

Chapter Ⅲ Transition and Reform in Era of Urban and Rural Integration 196

Section Ⅰ The Urban and Rural Integration in China Has Come to the Period of"Major Breakthrough" 196

Section Ⅱ Urban and Rural Integration has Decisive Influence on Urbanization 210

Section Ⅲ Push Ahead Urban and Rural Integration by Breaking the Dual Institutional Structure of Urban and Rural Areas 212

Chapter Ⅳ Transition and Reform in Era with Shortage of Public Products 221

Section Ⅰ Coming of the Era with Shortage of Public Products 221

Section Ⅱ Expand Key Areas of Public Product Supply 226

Section Ⅲ Establish the Development-oriented Social System and Social Policy System 237

Chapter Ⅴ Transition and Change in the Era of Low Carbon Economy 247

Section Ⅰ Develop Low Carbon Economy-A General Trend 248

Section Ⅱ Low Carbon Economy-New Model of Development 259

Section Ⅲ Low Carbon Economy-Institutional Innovation Is the Key 267

Section Ⅳ Low Carbon Economy-New Economic Growth Points 277

Part Ⅲ Historical Challenges to Government Transition 284

Chapter Ⅰ Government Transition-An Important Role in the Second Transition 284

Section Ⅰ The Change of the Government's Role in Transition 284

Section Ⅱ Government Transition-The Burden Is Heavy and the Road Is Long 290

Section Ⅲ The Particularities of Government Transition 296

Section Ⅳ Government Transition Influences the Overall Situation 301

Section Ⅴ Government Transition Determines the Success of the Second Transition 306

Chapter Ⅱ Promoting the Second Transition and Reform Focusing on Government Transition 311

Section Ⅰ Establishing a Government System Conducive to Promoting Domestic Consumption 312

Section Ⅱ Breaking Urbanization Led by Administrative Departments 317

Section Ⅲ Forming Concerted Intergovernmental Efforts for Cities to Support Rural Areas 324

Section Ⅳ Building a Diversified Public Service Supply System 328

Section Ⅴ Innovating the Government Management System for the Low-carbon Economy 336

Chapter Ⅲ Government Transition with Public Services as the Goal 342

Section Ⅰ From"Focusing on the GDP"to"Focusing on Human Development" 342

Section Ⅱ The Transition from a Development-oriented Government to a Public Services-oriented Government 351

Section Ⅲ The Three Major Roles of Government Transition 356

Chapter Ⅳ The Administrative System Reform with Government Transition as the Main Line 362

Section Ⅰ Establishing a Standardized System of Division of Public Duties 363

Section Ⅱ Promoting the Administrative Division System Reform 368

Section Ⅲ Promote Reform for the Separate Establishment of the Three Powers within the Scope of the Administrative System 373

Section Ⅳ Improving the Public Governance Structure Focused on the Government's Self-Building and Reform 377

Chapter Ⅴ Government Transition:A Profound Revolution 386

Section Ⅰ Government Transition Shakes the Pattern of Profound Interest Relations 386

Section Ⅱ Preventing Public Policies from being Impeded by Special Interest Groups 388

Section Ⅲ Establishing a High-Level Coordination Mechanism 390

Concluding Remarks The"Twelfth Five-Year Plan"Period,a Historical Juncture 396

Section Ⅰ The"Twelfth Five-Year Plan"Period Will Be a Key Historical Period 396

Section Ⅱ The Reform of the"Twelfth Five-Year Plan"Period with the Transition of the Development Model as the Main line 402

Section Ⅲ Planning to Make Breakthroughs in the Reform of the"Twelfth Five-Year Plan"Period 405

Postscript 409
