- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:丁晓钟主编;刘骏,燕守伟,张培副主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7811337916
- 页数:314 页
1.CANADA:A Danger of Dependence 1
2.Is a Dolphin a Person? 9
3.Scratching at Beauty 19
4.How Russia Really Won 26
5.What Will Globalization Do to Languages? 37
6.Wars and Laws 47
7.The Neanderthal—Human Split:(Very)Ancient History 56
8.Innovation Lessons from the 1930s 65
9.Stocks:The Real Post—Meltdown Victors 70
10.A New Way to Measure Word—of—mouth Marketing 82
11.Hedge Funds and Private Equity 89
12.The Trouble With Homeownership 96
13.The Long and Short of Sales 102
14.When Individuals Don't Matter 113
15.Rollina Away the Barrel 121
16.The Root of the Problem 126
17.Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young 135
18.Stand Up and Be Counted 148
19.Virtual Friendship,for Real 154
20.As Harvard Goes… 160
21.When Social Fear Disappears,So Does Racism 169
22.Brain Imaging Hints at Emotion's Role in Moral Judgments 177
23.How To Change A Personality 181
24.Pain in the Gas 189
25.Bugs:The Forgotten Victims of Climate Change 194
26.Die—Hard Sports Fans Face Heart Risk 206
27.Using Music to Lift Depression's Veil 214
28.Are'Test Tube Babies'Healthy? 220
29.Good Dogs Live Longer 226
30.When Pigeons Flock,Who's in Command? 233
31.Solar Water—Cleaning 241
32.Not Merely Slipping Away:Forgetting Requires Biochemical Action 248
33.What Causes Chest Pain When Feelings Are Hurt? 253
34.Cloudy With a Chance of Rain 259
35.How to Build Ethical Understanding into Pilotless War Planes 271
36.Repairs Begin at Home 278
37.Why the Democratic Ethic of the World Wide Web May Be About to End 287
38.New Study:Autism Linked to Environment 297
39.Up in Smoke 306
40.Finding a Dream Job:A Little Chaos Theory Helps 310
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