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新视角基础英语  上
新视角基础英语  上

新视角基础英语 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:沈金华总主编;李瑶主编;王冰,曹鑫,熊爱平副主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787548712107
  • 页数:241 页
《新视角基础英语 上》目录

Unit 1 Love 1

Text A On Love 1

Text B I Love You,Mum 7

Oral Communication 11

Grammar Review 12

Chinese Version 14

Key to Exercises 15

Unit 2 Food 19

Text A Fast-Food Culture Grows in China 19

Text B Cooking Grandma's Recipes 26

Oral Communication 31

Written Communication 32

Chinese Version 34

Key to Exercises 36

Unit 3 Health 40

Text A On the Importance of Good Health 40

Text B Start Heart-healthy Workouts 46

Oral Communication 51

Grammar Review 52

Chinese Version 54

Key to Exercises 55

Unit 4 Dreams 59

Text A If the Dream Is Big Enough 59

Text B American Dream 67

Oral Communication 73

Written Communication 74

Chinese Version 75

Key to Exercises 77

Unit 5 Education 81

Text A The Myth of Higher Education 81

Text B A Teacher's Life Lesson 88

Oral Communication 92

Grammar Review 93

Chinese Version 95

Key to Exercises 96

Unit 6 Jobs 100

Text A How to Find a Job After College 100

Text B Professions that Provide Maximum Job Satisfaction 106

Oral Communication 111

Written Communication 112

Chinese Version 113

Key to Exercises 115

Unit 7 Interview 119

Text A How to Prepare for a First Job Interview 119

Text B What I Learned from My Worst Job Interview 126

Oral Communication 130

Grammar Review 131

Chinese Version 132

Key to Exercises 134

Unit 8 Awards 138

Text A Nobel and the Peace Prize 138

Text B Lucille Clifton:First African American Poet Laureate of Maryland 146

Oral Communication 152

Written Communication 152

Chinese Version 154

Key to Exercises 156

Unit 9 Celebrities 160

Text A The"King of Pop" 160

Text B Confucius 167

Oral Communication 171

Grammar Review 171

Chinese Version 174

Key to Exercises 175

Unit 10 Holidays 179

Text A How Do People Celebrate New Year's Eve 179

Text B How to Spend Holidays 186

Oral Communication 191

Written Communication 192

Chinese Version 194

Key to Exercises 196

Unit 11 Environment 200

Text A Global Warming 200

Text B Protection of the Environment 209

Oral Communication 213

Grammar Review 214

Chinese Version 216

Key to Exercises 217

Unit 12 Manners 221

Text A The Power of One Kind Act 221

Text B English Manners 229

Oral Communication 233

Written Communication 234

Chinese Version 236

Key to Exercises 238
