向父向母又向风 布洛赫小说神话诗学研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋根成著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513554855
- 页数:274 页
Introduction 1
0.1 A Review of Broch's Life and Writing Career 5
0.2 An Overview of Broch's Three Great Novels 12
0.2.1 The Sleepwalkers 12
0.2.2 The Death of Virgil 17
0.2.3 The Guiltless 19
0.3 The Reception of Broch's Novels in the InternationalCritical Community 24
0.3.1 The Reception in the UK 25
0.3.2 The Reception in the USA 28
0.3.3 The Reception in Japan and France 34
0.3.4 The Reception in China 37
0.4 The Purpose,Significance and Approaches of the Study 40
0.4.1 The Purpose 40
0.4.2 The Significance 44
0.4.3 The Approaches 47
Chapter One Yearning for a New Myth 49
1.1 An Epoch of Crisis 50
1.1.1 The Death of God 51
1.1.2 The Desertion of Philosophy 54
1.1.3 The Blackmail of Enlightenment 57
1.2 A New Myth:First Focus on Ego 59
1.2.1 The Rise of Psychoanalysis 60
1.2.2 The Rise of Modern Myth Literature 62
1.3 Broch's Theories of Myth 67
1.3.1 Myth and Totality 68
1.3.2 The Logos 70
1.3.3 The Style of Older Age and Individual Personality 72
Chapter Two The Human Actors:Archetypes and Characterization 76
2.1 A Heroic Age of Sleepwalking 79
2.1.1 A Nostalgic Faust 79
2.1.2 A Juanist Don Quixote 82
2.1.3 An Oedipus Devil 86
2.2 Walk to the Garden of Eden 92
2.2.1 Virgil:Orpheus and Dante 92
2.2.2 Beauty Boy and the Slave 95
2.2.3 Plotia:Dido,Beatrice and Eve 99
2.3 The Guiltless Cains 102
2.3.1 Andreas and Hildegard 103
2.3.2 The Beekeeper and Mellita 109
2.3.3 Zerline and Juna 114
2.3.4 Zacharias and Philippine 117
Chapter Three The Non-Human Actors:Images and Symbols 121
3.1 The Sleepwalkers 121
3.1.1 The Image of Sleepwalking 122
3.1.2 The Image of Horse 124
3.1.3 The Image of Trinity 127
3.2 The Death of Virgil 129
3.2.1 The Death-Ship 129
3.2.2 The Ring 133
3.2.3 The Grail 136
3.3 The Guiltless 139
3.3.1 Triangle 140
3.3.2 The Hat 144
3.3.3 Animals and Plants 148
3.4 Symbols Transcending through Broch's Novels 151
3.4.1 The City 152
3.4.2 Trees and The Forest 154
3.4.3 The Sun 163
Chapter Four The Invisible Actors:Mystic Subject and Ego 174
4.1 Literature:the Path of Poetic Pursuit of Ego 174
4.2 Lacan's Subject Theory 178
4.3 The Process of Pursuing Subject 182
4.3.1 The Pattern of The Sleepwalkers 182
4.3.2 The Pattern of The Death of Virgil 185
4.3.3 The Pattern of The Guiltless 189
4.4 Movements of Pursuing Subject 192
4.4.1 Motherward Movement 193
4.4.2 Fatherward Movement 198
4.4.3 Windward Movement 200
Chapter Five The New Myth of Broch 206
5.1 A New City of Man 207
5.1.1 Walk to Nature 208
5.1.2 Walk to Love 218
5.1.3 Walk to Republic 225
5.2 The Earthly Absolute 230
5.2.1 An Epistemology 231
5.2.2 Not"Poetic Inhabitation" 232
5.2.3 The Revulsion against Heidegger 233
Chapter Six Aesthetics or Redemption? 238
6.1 A Path of Tradition 239
6.2 Ethic Beauty of Broch 246
6.3 Ruminational Aesthetics 250
Conclusion 257
Bibliography 265
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