动物与帝国主义 英语文学中的后殖民动物研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜礼福著
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787305113994
- 页数:181 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Violent Conquest of Zoological Imperialism and the Transforming of Colonial Animal Stereotypes: The Animal“Bites” Back 26
a. The Conquered Tiger, and Its Awakening and Avenging in The White Tiger 30
b. Shameful Elephants, Colonial Mimicry and Brutal Slaughtering in The White Bone 44
c. European Dogs, Racialization and Violence in Disgrace 50
d. Animal Counterpart, Cannibalism and Violence in Life of Pi 58
Chapter Two Cultural Domination of Zoological Imperialism and Counter-colonial Animal Representation: The Animal “Roars” Back 64
a. Language Demythologization and Coloniser-Animal Boundary Subversion 69
b. Becoming-Animal and Cultural Identity Reconstruction 81
c. Zoological Space, Cultural Domination and Conflicts 94
d. Postcolonial Allegory, Animal Images and Cultural Conflicts 102
Chapter Three Ecological Invasion of Zoological Imperialism and the Welfare of Animal Others: The Animal “Gazes” Back 118
a. Animal Exploitation, Ecological Imperialism and Ecocritical Ethics 120
b. Western Anthropocentrism, Compromising and Coexisting with the Bengal Tiger in Life of Pi 127
c. Animal Sentimentality, Animal Subjectivity and Moaning Elephants in The White Bone 136
d. Colonial Cattle-killing Movement and Postcolonial Animal Conservation in The Heart of Redness 141
e. Natural Resource Exploitation, Animal Pathos and the Postcolonial Ecological Thinking in The White Tiger 147
Conclusion 154
Works Cited 163
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