文化、民族和跨文化传播交际 跨学科论文选读PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈凌编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787544625098
- 页数:671 页
论文化和具体文化:跨学科的多面观点 3
导读 3
The Analysis of Culture&Raymond Williams 7
Thick Description:Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture&Clifford Geertz 18
A Conception of Culture for a Communication Theory of Mind&Michael Cole 45
New Ethnicities&Stuart Hall 73
Cultural and Social-Structural Explanations of Cross-National Psychological Differences&Carmi Schooler 84
Cultural Persuadables,Kristine&L.Fitch 115
Cultural Variability in Communication:An Introductory&William B.Gudykunst 142
不同文化间的比较:不同学科的多方面研究 167
导读 167
The Impact of Confucianism on Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Patterns in East Asia&June Ock Yum 171
Revisiting Shame and Guilt Cultures:A Forty-Year Pilgrimage&Millie R.Creighton 192
Intercultural Aspects of the Speech Act of Promising:Western and African Practices&Inge Egner 222
Communicative Styles in English and German&Juliane House 246
Stories of Intercultural Communication Conflict Lived and Told by Sojourners in Korea&Hyonsook Chong 269
The Concept of Trustworthiness:A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Japanese and U.S.Business People&Masami Nishishiba,L.David Ritchie 291
Cultural Variations in Personal Space&Jacob Lomranz 319
与其他文化的相遇:不同学科对跨文化传播交际的概念界定建构 329
导读 329
Georg Simmel'S Concept of the Stranger and Intercultural Communication Research&Everett M.Rogers 334
Inquiry in Intercultural and Development Communication&Young Yun Kim 355
Adumbration as a Feature of Intercultural Communication&Edward T.Hall 386
Thinking Dialectically about Culture and Communication&Judith N.Martin Thomas K.Nakayama 399
Communication Accommodation in Intercultural Encounters&Howard Giles,Kimberly A.Noels 429
Facework Competence in Intercultural Conflict:An Updated Face-Negotiation Theory&Stella Ting-Toomey,Atsuko Kurogi 446
Rorty's Approach to Cultural Difference:The Conflict between Solidarity and Procedural Liberalism&Seyed Mohammad Ali Taghavi 490
语境中的跨文化传播交际:跨学科研究 513
导读 513
China Encounters Darwinism:A Case of Intercultural Rhetoric&Xiaosui Xiao 517
Cultural Communication Competence and Psychological Adjustment:A Study of Chinese Immigrant Children's Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Canada&Betty Kaman Lee,Ling Chen 541
Language Choice in Bilingual,Cross-Cultural Interpersonal Communication&Ingrid Piller 572
Consumer Nationalism and Corporate Reputation Management in the Global Era&Jay Wang 591
Global Culture-Myth or Reality?Perceptions of"National Cultures" in a Global Corporation&Hans J.Ladegaard 614
Bridging Cultures:Understanding the Construction of Relational Identity in Intercultural Friendship&Pei-Wen Lee 646
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