王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第34集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:罗宏杰主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7811183191
- 页数:231 页
Multiscale Simulations of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems&TAO Wen-quan,HE Ya-ling 1
Laser Materials Processing Applications,Trends and Challenges Ahead&MAN H C 23
Mo Effect on the Microstructure in Co-Al-W-Based Superalloys&XUE Fei,LI Zhi-qiang,FENG Qiang 38
Geomagnetic Precursor Diurnal Phase Anomaly Recognition Based on the Pattern Distance&WU Shao-chun,YUAN Tong-yu,TANG Yan,ZHANG Bo-feng,WEI Da-ming 45
Finding Breakthrough Points for Strengthening Government Accountability in Current China&HUANG Jian-rong 59
中华医药:创新与研发&王一涛 64
中华医学:传承与创新&王一涛 69
Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviors Using Double Glow Forming TiN Multi- permeation Layer&LIU Yan-ping,XUE Jin-xiang,HAN Pei-de 72
Edge Detection Using Advanced Grey Prediction Model&XIE Song-yun,XIE Yu-bin,YANG Wei,WANG Ge 78
Novel Bio-inspired Approach for Adaptive Manufacturing System Control&GU Wen-bin,TANG Dun-bing,WANG Lei 88
Dynamic Behavior of Polymeric Thermo-viscoelastic Bar Described by Fractional Calculus Constitutive Law&ZHANG Wei,HUANG Hua-chang,SHIMIZU Nobuyuki 98
Type Ⅲ Secretion System is involved in the invasion and intracellular survival of Escherichia coli K1 in human brain microvascular endothelial cells&YAO Yu-feng,XIE Yi,PERACE Donna,ZHONG Yi,LU Jie,TAO Jing GUO Xiao-kui,KIM Kwang Sik 106
Helium Evolution in Nanocrystalline Titanium Films by Slow Positron Beam Techniques&DENG Ai-hong 118
Low Power Microwave Assisted Transglycosylation of Stevioside Using Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase Toruzyme 3.0 L&LI Wei,KIM Doman,CAI Ya,XIA Yong-mei 125
Secure Concurrency Control Protocol with Timeliness Guarantees in Real-Time Database Systems&XIAO Ying-yuan LU Kevin 134
Covariates of a Latent Class Model of Heuristic Activity-Travel Scheduling Choices under Multiple Sources of Uncertainty and Travel Information&SUN Zhong-wei,ARENTZE Theo,TIMMERMANS Harry 149
Local Derivations of a Matrix Algebra Over a Commutative Ring&WANG Xian,WANG Deng-yin 166
Global Structure Stability of Riemann Solutions for Linearly Degenerate Hyperbolic Conservation Laws under Small BV Perturbations of the Initial Data&SHAO Zhi-qiang 178
Regional Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in China&WEI Long-bao 201
Development of Local Special Industry As the Way of Poverty Relief:A Case of Zhejiang Province,China&WEI Long-bao 216
编后记 231
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