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商务英语口语大全  白金版
商务英语口语大全  白金版

商务英语口语大全 白金版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘文宇,王慧莉,张旭主编;曹硕,李强,邱进副主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787561137666
  • 页数:413 页
《商务英语口语大全 白金版》目录

上篇 商务情景 2

01 建立联系 2

02与客户见面 8

1.抵达机场Meeting at the Airport 8

2.自我介绍与介绍他人 Self-Introduction&Introducing the Guests to others 12

3.初次接触与进一步接触First and Further Contact 17

4.初到公司Arriving at the Company 19

5.安排约会Making an Appointment 21

6.取消约会Canceling an Appointment 24

7.告别Saying Good-bye 25

03宴会宴请 28

1.宴会邀请An Invitation to Dinner 28

2.用餐At Dinner 31

04商务谈判 36

1.委托代理谈判Negotiating an Agency Agreement 36

2.招标谈判Negotiations on Calling for a Bid 40

3.贸易谈判Trade Negotiations 43

4.解决抱怨的谈判Negotiations on Complaints 47

5.商标谈判Negotiating Trade Marks 50

6.讨价还价谈判Negotiating Prices 54

05商务会议 58

1.策划会议与执行任务 Planning Meetings and Carrying Out Tasks 58

2.对策讨论会Problem-Solving Meeting 63

3.业务伙伴会议Meeting with Business Partners 67

4.工作总结会Review Meeting 72

06商务旅行 77

1.预订宾馆Reserving a Room 77

2.取消宾馆预订Cancelling a Reservation 80

3.登记入住Checking in 82

4.客房服务Room Service 85

5.投诉Complaint 88

6.结账离店Checking out 90

7.预订机票Booking a Ticket 94

8.确认航班Confirming a Flight Reservation 98

9.办理登机手续Checking in 100

10.入境Irnnugration 102

11.过海关At the Customs 106

07商务休闲 109

1.观光Sightseeing 109

2.城市介绍City Introduction 113

3.餐饮Eating and Drinking 117

4.购物Purchasing 120

5.听音乐会/看地方剧 Going to the Concert/Theater 123

08进出口业务 127

1.询价Inquiry 127

2.报价Offer 129

3.包装Packing 131

4.价格Price 135

5.支付条件Terms ofPayments 137

6.装运Shipment 140

7.保险 Insurance 142

09合资合作 145

1.代理Agency 145

2.技术转让与技术合作 Technology Transfer and Cooperation 149

3.兼并与收购Mergers and Acquisition 153

4.投资合作Making Investment 158

5.贸易合作International Trade 161

10 日常事务 168

1.安排会议Conference Arrangements 168

2.客户预约To Make Appointments with Clients 173

3.谈论工作Talk aboutWork 176

4.接待来访To Receive Visitors 180

5.产品介绍Introduction to Products 182

6.预订Making a Reservation 185

7.面试Interview 189

8.处理投诉Settling Complaints 192

9.下订单Placing an Order 194

下篇 企业经营管理 198

11 创建企业 198

1.企业产权形式Forms ofBusiness Ownership 198

2.公司类型Types ofCompanies 202

3.商务计划Business Plan 207

4.特许经营 Franchise 211

12公司简介 215

1.组织结构Organizational Structure 215

2.参观厂房Visiting a Factory 218

3.公司介绍Company Introduction 221

4.部门介绍Department Introduction 225

5.公司历史Company History 230

6.公司员工Company Staff 233

13企业战略 237

1.公司责任Corporate Responsibility 237

2.商务环境Business Environment 241

3.工业间谍Industrial Espionage 245

4.工作安全Workplace Safety 249

5.办公设备Office Equipment 254

14商务沟通 257

1.展销会Exhibition 257

2.广告 Advertisement 261

3.商业媒体Business Media 264

4.上下级沟通Negotiation with Superiors 266

5.公司内部沟通 Internal Communication 270

15人力资源 278

1.人员招聘Recruitment 278

2.领导素质Leadership Quality 283

3.评价老板Comments on the Boss 288

4.求职面试Job Interview 290

5.招聘方式Recruitment Methods 296

16市场营销 304

1.市场调查Market Research 304

2.营销战略Marketing Strategy 306

3.产品介绍Product Presentation 311

4.客户服务Customer Service 316

5.质量控制 Quality Control 319

6.产 品定价Pricing 323

7.逾期付款Overdue Payment 326

17生产运营 329

1.公司采购 Corportate Procurement 329

2.生产过程描述 Describing the Manufacturing Process 333

3.包装与运输Packing and Shipping 335

18公司金融 338

1.预算与财务管理Budget and Financial Control 338

2.财务报表 Financial Statements 342

3.审计Audit 347

4.信贷控制 Credit Control 348

5.国际支付International Payment 355

19电子商务 363

1.网上购物Shopping On line 363

2.信息技术Information Technology 365

3.网上业务Business On line 369

4.网站Website 376

5.电子商务的优势Advantages ofE-commerce 380

20 组织文化 385

1.管理风格Management Style 385

2.激励员工 StaffMotivation 390

3.公司使命 Mission Statement 394

4.公司价值观Corporate Value 399

5.公司政策Corporate Policy 404

6.公司文化Corporate Culture 408
