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无敌高中英语句型全解  新课标
无敌高中英语句型全解  新课标

无敌高中英语句型全解 新课标PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:郑艳萍等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787119083087
  • 页数:238 页
《无敌高中英语句型全解 新课标》目录

Part1 句子的基本知识 9

第一章 句子按使用目的分类 10

1陈述句 10

2疑问句 11

3祈使句 15

4感叹句 19

第二章 句子按结构分类 21

1简单句 21

2并列句 22

3复合句 23

4并列复合句 24

第三章 简单句的五大基本句型 25

1主语+谓语 25

2主语+系动词+表语 26

3主语+谓语+宾语 27

4主语+谓语+双宾语 27

5主语+谓语+复合宾语 29

Part2 超重要常用句型 31

常用句型 1There be句型 32

1There be 32

2There+情态动词+be+主语 33

3There stand/lie/exist/remain/come/go+ 主语 33

4There seems/appears/happens/used to 34

5There be no use/good/sense/point/harm+(in)+doing sth 34

6There be no doing 34

7There be sb/sth doing sth 35

8There be sth+to do/to be done 35

9There be not/none sth left 36

10There be sth to go 36

11There being 36

12There to be 37

13There be (no) need 37

14Theer be no/little doubt/possibity/chance 38

15There is no question about/that 38

16There be no way to do/of doing/(that) 39

17There be/comes a time/times when 39

18There be no such thing/person as 39

常用句型2 强调句型3is/was…that 40

1It is/was+被强调的部分+that+剩余部分 40

2It is/was not until…that 41

常用句型3 It句型 42

1It takes (sb) some time/energy/effort…to do sth 42

2It is/was+形容词+for/of sb+to do sth 43

3It is/was+形容词+that从句 43

4It is/was+名词+that从句 44

5It is/was+过去分词+at从句 45

6It seems/happens/seemed/happened…that从句 46

7It hits/strikes/comes to/occurs to sb that 46

8It is/was time for sth/for sb to do sth/that从句 47

9It is/was one’s turn to do sth 47

10It is/was no use/no good/no pleasure/useless doing 48

11It is worth doing sth/It is worthwhile doing/to do sth 48

12It is (not) like sb to do sth 49

13It is/was typical of sb to do sth 49

14It/This/That is/was the first/second…time that从句 49

15It is/was up to sb to do sth 50

16It is one thing to do…another to do 50

17It matters+that/wh…从句/if/whether从句 50

18主语+谓语+it+形容词/名词+to do/doing/that从句 51

19sb Iikes/loves/hates/dislikes it when 52

20I/We would appreciate it if 52

21sb would prefer it if 52

22It cannot/can’t be helped 53

常用句型4 名词性从句句型 54

1A is to B what/as C is to D 54

2What impressed/surprised/shocked…me most 54

3I wonder if/whether 54

4The chances are(that) 55

5It/This/Ihat is/was because 55

6subscribe to the view that 55

7sb holds/held the (firm) belief that 56

8No one can deny the fact that 56

常用句型5 状语从句句型 57

1when/while 57

2be doing…when 58

3as 58

4each/every time 59

5the moment/instant(that) 59

6immediately/instany/directly 59

7as soon as 60

8by the time 60

9It will (not) be…before 60

10现在完成时+since 61

11延续性动词+till/until 61

12once 61

13if 62

14as/so long as 62

15providing/provided (that) 62

16suppose/supposing that 63

17given that 63

18on condition that 63

19(just) in case 64

20now that 64

21because 65

22considering (that) 65

23seeing (that)/as/how 65

24not that…but that 65

25even if/even though 66

26though/although/while 66

27however 66

28no matter wh- 67

29whether……or (not) 68

30where/wherever 68

31so that 69

32in order that 69

33for fear that 70

34so/such…that 70

常用句型6 定语从句句型 72

1as is known to all…/as we all know 72

2which 72

3as sb puts it 73

4such…as 73

5the same…as…/the sane as 73

6one of the+复数名词+定语从句 73

常用句型7 倒装句型 75

1only+状语+部分倒装(主句) 75

2not only/just/merely…引导的倒装句+but (also) 76

3hardly…when/before 76

4no sooner……than 77

5not ubtil 77

6so/as+部分倒装句 77

7were/should/had 78

8at no time/i n no way/by no means/in no case/on no accouunt/under no condition/circumstances 79

9in front of/at the foot of/…south/north/…of…+全部倒装 79

10up/down/u/out…+全部倒装 80

11as/though 80

12so+形容词/副副词+hat 81

常用句型8 否定句型 83

1I/We don’t think/believe/suppose/expect 83

2Both/All/Every…not=Notboth/all/every 83

3neither/none/no/no one/nobody/nothing 84

4no/not/never…nor 85

5否定词+形容词/副词比较级 85

6cannot (can never)…too/nough 86

7no/not…without 86

常用句型9 并列句型 87

1both…and 87

2either…or 87

3neither…nor 88

4not only(just/merely)…but (also) 89

5not…but 90

6…while/whereas 91

7…for 91

常用句型10 虚拟语气句型 92

1If型虚拟语气 92

2wish型虚拟语气 93

3as if/though型虚拟语气 93

4if only型虚拟语气 94

5it’s (high/about) time (that)…型虚拟语气 95

6would rather (that)…型虚拟语气 96

7(should) do型虚拟语气 96

8if it were not for/if it had not been for 型虚拟语气 98

9without/but for/but that型引导的含蓄虚拟语气 99

常用顺型11 非谓语动词句型 100

1see/notice/watch/observe/hear…sb/sth do/doing/done 100

2let sb/sth do 101

3make sb/sth do 102

4have sb/sth do 104

5get to do 106

6keep doing 108

7leave sb/sth to do 109

8main doing 110

9…nowhere to be see…n/found 111

10catch sb doing 112

11find sb/sth to do 112

12…the first /second…to do 113

13need/want/require doing/to be done 114

14be worth sth/doing 115

15疑问词+to do 117

16remember to do 118

17连词when/while/once/unless/although/though…+doing/done 122

18including sb/sth 123

19easy/difficult…to do 124

20prefer sth to sth 125

21would rather do 126

22come doing 126

23having done 127

24do nothing but do 128

25do noing 128

26only to do/to be done 129

27have problem/trouble/difficulty with sth 130

28sb be busy with sth 131

29…the key to sth/doing sth 132

30a/the way of doing sth/to do sth 132

31devote…to sth/doing sth 133

32be used to sth/doing 134

33sb spend time/money on/in sth 135

34prevent/stop/sb/sth(from) doing sth 136

35judging by/from 137

36compared with/to 137

37sb/sth be said/believde/reportde/thought/consided…to do 138

38why do sth 139

39…enough to do 140

常用句型 12情态动词句型 141

1used to 141

2ought to 141

3had better/best 142

4may/might well/easily 143

5may/might (just) as well do 143

6if I may 144

7may…but 144

8if you (really) must 144

9Must you…? 144

10What/Why must…? 145

11cannot/can not/can never…too 145

12what/who/where can…? 145

13Need you ask…? 146

14疑问词+should…? 146

15情态动词+have done 146

常用句型13 表示数量和比较的句型 149

1rise/increase/decrease/drop by/to 149

2as+形容词/副副词原级+as 150

3主语+谓语+形容词/副副词比较级 150

4倍数+as+形容词/副副词原级+as 151

5more than 152

6more…than 153

7no more…than 155

8the+形容词/副副词比较级…,the+形容词/副词比较级 155

9the+形容词比较级+of the two+(复数名词) 156

10Which/Who is+比较级…,A or B? 156

11…最高级+in/of/among+表示范围的词 157

12比较级+than+any(other)+名词单数 158

13…最高级+名词+(that)+sb have/has ever+过去分词 158

14be senior to 159

15be different from/than 160

16as many/much as 161

17as…as possible 163

18(Just) As…so 163

19数词+单位词+形容词 164

常用句型14 with复合结构和独立主格结构 165

1with复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语 165

2独立主格结构:名词/代词 167

Part3 口语名型与写作句型 169

Part4 实力检测及参考答案 213
