- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘露营著
- 出 版 社:成都:电子科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787811149524
- 页数:308 页
Chapter One A Study of the Functions of Pragmatic Pre-supposition in Advertising Language 1
1.1 Introduction 4
1.1.1 Importance of Advertising 4
1.1.2 Research Issue and Significance of the Study 5
1.1.3 Research Method and Data Source 7
1.1.4 Layout and Scope of the Study 7
1.2 Literature Review 8
1.2.1 Pragmatic Presupposition 8
1.2.2 Advertising Language 24
1.3 Analysis of the Functions of Pragmatic Presupposition in Advertising Language 32
1.3.1 The Research Question 32
1.3.2 Data Collection 33
1.3.3 Data Analysis 34
1.3.4 Results and Discussion 78
1.4 Conclusions 80
1.4.1 Findings of the Study 80
1.4.2 Limitations of the Study 80
1.4.3 Suggestions for Further Research 81
Chapter Two A Study of Trap-setting in Chinese Debate Tournaments—from the Perspective of Pragma-tic Presupposition 83
2.1 Introduction 85
2.1.1 Significance of Research on Debate 85
2.1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study 86
2.1.3 Layout and Scope of the Study 88
2.2 Literature Review 89
2.2.1 On Debates 89
2.2.2 On Pragmatic Presupposition 93
2.2.3 Trap-setting 106
2.3 Analysis of Trap-setting with Pragmatic Presuppositions in Chinese Intercollegiate Debate Tournaments 108
2.3.1 Research Objectives 108
2.3.2 Data Collection 109
2.3.3 Data Analysis 110
2.3.4 Results and Discussions 143
2.4 Conclusions 146
2.4.1 Summary of the Study 146
2.4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 147
2.5 Appendix:Excerpts Analyzed in this chapter 148
Chapter Three A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Court-room Arguments 155
3.1 Introduction 157
3.1.1 General Introduction 157
3.1.2 Objectives and Significance 159
3.1.3 Methodology 160
3.1.4 Layout and Scope of the Study 160
3.2 Literature Review 162
3.2.1 Previous Studies on the Courtroom Arguments 162
3.2.2 Previous Studies on Hedges and Hedging 166
3.3 Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Courtroom Arguments 176
3.3.1 Objectives 176
3.3.2 Data Collection 176
3.3.3 Data Analysis 177
3.3.4 Results and Discussion 203
3.4 Case Analysis 205
3.4.1 Objectives 205
3.4.2 Data Collection 205
3.4.3 Data Analysis 206
3.4.4 Findings and Discussion 222
3.5 Conclusions 226
3.5.1 Summary of the Study 226
3.5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 227
3.6 Appendix 1 Courtroom arguments in Chinese 228
3.7 Appendix 2 Courtroom arguments in English 232
3.8 Appendix 3 List of the Arguments 235
Chapter Four A Study of the Rhetoric in English Com-munication—From the Perspective of the Violation of Cooperative Principle 237
4.1 Introduction 238
4.2 Literature Review 240
4.2.1 Grice's CP Theory 240
4.2.2 Rhetoric 241
4.2.3 Previous Studies on CP and Rhetoric 242
4.3 Analysis on the Rhetoric through the Violation of CP 245
4.3.1 Rhetorie through the Violation of the Maxim of Quantity 245
4.3.2 Rhetoric through the Violation of the Maxim of Quality 246
4.3.3 Rhetoric through the Violation of the Maxim of Relevance 249
4.3.4 Rhetoric through the Violation of the Maxim of Manner 250
4.3.5 Findings and Discussion 252
4.4 Conclusions 253
Chapter Five A Contrastive Study on Politeness Formu-lae in English and Chinese 255
5.1 Introduction 256
5.1.1 Purpose of the Study 256
5.1.2 Significance of the Study 256
5.2 Politeness Principle(PP) 257
5.2.1 Leech's PP 257
5.2.2 Gu's Four Notions on Politeness in China 258
5.2.3 Contrastive Overview 259
5.2.4 Previous Studies on PP 260
5.3 Contrastive Analysis on Politeness Formulae in English and Chinese 261
5.3.1 Contrastive Analysis on Addresses in English and Chinese 261
5.3.2 Contrastive Analysis on Making Requests and Complimenting in English and Chinese 264
5.3.3 Contrastive Analysis on Expressing Thanks and Apologies in English and Chinese 267
5.3.4 Findings and Discussion 269
5.4 Conclusion 270
Chapter Six Study on the Correlation Between Pragma-tic Competence and English Leaming Motivation of Undergraduates 272
6.1 Introduction 273
6.2 Theoretical Basis 274
6.2.1 Pragmatic competence 274
6.2.2 Motivation 277
6.3 Study on the Correlation Between Pragmatic Competence and Motivation 279
6.3.1 Research questions 279
6.3.2 Subjects 279
6.3.3 Research methods 280
6.3.4 Study on undergraduates' pragmatic competence 280
6.3.5 Study on undergraduates' motivation 282
6.3.6 The correlation between pragmatic competence and motivation 284
6.4 Fostering Students' Pragmatic Competence 286
6.4.1 The significance of culture instruction to ELT 286
6.4.2 The enlightenment in ELT in higher education 287
6.5 Conclusion 288
Appendix 1:Pragmatic Competence Questionnaire 289
Appendix 2:Motivation Questionnaire 292
参考书目 294
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