- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆开喜,张华涌主编
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787548210207
- 页数:189 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study of the Attributive Clause 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 4
1.3 Scope of the Study 5
1.4 Summary 6
Chapter Two Literature Review 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Definitions of the Attributive Clause 8
2.3 Studies of the Top Three Essential Factors of the Attributive Clause 10
2.3.1 Antecedents 11
2.3.2 Relative Words 12
2.4 Manifestations of the Attributive Clause 13
2.5 Transformations of the Attributive Clause 14
2.6 Summary 15
Chapter Three Scanning the Attributive Clause 16
3.1 A Comprehensive Definition of the English Attributive Clause 16
3.2 The Top Three Essential Factors of the Attributive Clause 17
3.3 Summary 24
Chapter Four Uncommon Antecedents 26
4.1 Introduction 26
4.2 Uncommon Antecedents 27
4.2.1 Pronominal Antecedents 27
4.2.2 Adjectival Antecedents 33
4.2.3 Numeral Antecedents 35
4.2.4 Prepositional Antecedents 36
4.2.5 Verbal Antecedents 37
4.2.6 Sentential Antecedents 39
4.2.7 Repeated Antecedents 43
4.3 Summary 44
Chapter Five Tangled Relative Words 46
5.1 Introduction 46
5.2 A Definition of the Relative Word 46
5.3 Classifications of Relative Words 47
5.4 Tangled Relative Words 48
5.4.1 Zero Relative Words 48
5.4.2 Relative Pronouns That and Who(m) (se) etc.Indicating Persons 58
5.4.3 Relative Pronouns Who(m) and Which 63
5.4.4 Relative Pronouns That and Which etc. Indicating Things 65
5.4.5 Which Used Only 67
5.4.6 That Used Only or Mostly 71
5.4.7 Relative Determiners Whose&Which 77
5.4.8 Relative Possessives Whose, of Which and of Whom 78
5.4.9 "Prep + Relative Pronoun"&That&Relative Adverbs When/Where/Why, etc 81
5.4.10 As&Which 85
5.4.11 The Use of the Relative Pronoun But 94
5.4.12 The Quasi-Relative Word Than 95
5.4.13 Compound Relative Words (Independent Relative Words) 97
5.5 Summary 112
Chapter Six Manifestations of the Attributive Clause 115
6.1 Introduction 115
6.2 Non-finite&Finite Attributive Clauses 115
6.2.1 Non-Finite Attributive Clauses 115
6.2.2 Finite Attributive Clauses 117
6.3 Simple Attributive Clauses 122
6.3.1 Continuative Attributive Clauses 122
6.3.2 Split Attributive Clauses 124
6.3.3 Nominal Attributive Clauses 128
6.3.4 Adverbial Attributive Clauses 129
6.4 Complex Attributive Clauses 130
6.4.1 Push-Down Relative Clauses or Embedded Relative Clauses 131
6.4.2 Double Qualified Attributive Clauses 132
6.4.3 Parenthetic Complex Attributive Clauses 133
6.5 Compound Attributive Clauses or Coordinated Relative Clauses 135
6.6 Multiple Attributive Clauses 136
6.6.1 Overlapped Attributive Clauses or Relative Clauses of Double Restriction 137
6.6.2 Appositive Multiple Attributive Clauses 139
6.6.3 Chain Attributive Clauses or Complex Multiple Attributive Clauses 144
6.7 Summary 145
Chapter Seven Transformative Relationships between Attributive Clauses and other Linguistic Phenomena 147
7.1 Introduction 147
7.2 Adjective Phrases&Attributive Clauses 148
7.3 Infinitives&Attributive Clauses 149
7.4 -ing Participles&Attributive Clauses 156
7.5 -ed Participles&Attributive Clauses 160
7.6 A Comparison of 3 Non-Finite Verbs&Attributive Clauses 162
7.7 Adverbs&Attributive Clauses 162
7.8 Prepositional Phrases&Attributive Clauses 163
7.9 Noun Phrases&Attributive Clauses 164
7.10 Non-Simple Sentences&Attributive Clauses 167
7.10.1 Compound Sentences&Attributive Clauses 167
7.10.2 Appositive Clauses&Attributive Clauses 170
7.10.3 Object Clauses&Attributive Clauses 172
7.10.4 Adverbial Clauses&Attributive Clauses 173
7.11 Summary 173
Chapter Eight Conclusion 175
8.1 Major Findings 175
8.2 Implications of the Study 178
8.2.1 Implications of the Theory 178
8.2.2 Implications of the Practice 178
8.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for the Further Study 179
Bibliography 181
书中部分术语英汉对照 187
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