国际基金会与中国研究型大学的国际化 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:于展著
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787305111433
- 页数:359 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of Problem 1
1.2 National Initiatives That Facilitated the Internationalization of Chinese Research Universities Since the 1990s 2
1.3 Quality Improvement:The Core Issue to Chinese Research Universities in the Current of Internationalization 8
1.4 The Current Research 10
1.5 Institution-based Activities 11
1.6 Goals and Key Research Questions 13
1.7 Organization of the Research 15
2 The Development of a Conceptual Model and an Analytical Framework 16
2.1 The Conceptualization of Internationalization of Higher Education 16
2.2 Rationale Analysis of the Internationalization of Higher Education 19
2.3 The Study of the Interests,Roles,and Impact of Foundations in Higher Education 23
2.4 The Organization Model for Studying the Process of Internationalization of Higher Education from Quality Improvement Perspective 32
2.5 Performance Categories for Assessing the Internationalization of Higher Education 34
2.6 Indicators to Assess the Context,Process,and Impact of Internationalization 36
2.7 A Conceptual Model for the Proposed Research 39
2.8 An Analytical Framework 40
2.9 Summary 46
3 Internationalization of Higher Education in China:Development and Policies 48
3.1 Higher Education Development in China Since 1978 49
3.2 An Analytical Framework for Studying the Literature on Internationalization of Higher Education 53
3.3 The Internationalization of Higher Education in China Since 1978 63
3.4 Development and Internationalization of Peking University 88
3.5 The Nippon Foundation Group:Missions,Activities,and the Relationship with Peking University 93
3.6 Summary and Gaps in Knowledge 96
4 Research Design 100
4.1 Goals and Key Research Questions 100
4.2 Research Methodology:Case Study Approach and Mixed Research Methods 101
4.3 Data Collection Procedures 109
4.4 Data Analysis 117
4.5 Validity and Reliability 123
5 Cooperative Program Ⅰ 126
5.1 Program Description 126
5.2 Analysis of Program 152
5.3 Summary of Findings 178
6 Cooperative Program Ⅱ 182
6.1 Program Description 182
6.2 Analysis of Program 216
6.3 Summary of Findings 241
7 Cross-case Comparison and Conclusion 245
7.1 Cross-case Comparison 245
7.2 Major Findings and Implications of the Entire Study 267
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions 279
Appendix A Alternative Views of Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan and a Comparison Between China and Japan 283
Appendix B Personnel Interviewed 335
References 338
Postscript 359
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