国际英语语法大全+精记精练 CD-ROM版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:芬尼编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787561934241
- 页数:476 页
The words of grammar-Parts of speech语法术语——词性 9
Present be Be的现在时 9
Lexical theme:Friends and family词汇主题朋友和家人 9
1 Be present simple Be的一般现在时(I am,I'm not,Areyou...?) 12
2 Be present simple-Usage and idiomatic expressions Be的一般现在时——用法和习惯表达 14
3 Thereis/Thereare;Hereis/Hereare 16
4 It's/That's-Impersonal usage It's/That's——非人称的用法 18
Review 1 Units 1-4复习1第1~4单元CD-ROM 20
Present have (got)Have(got)的现在时 20
Lexical theme:People and clothing词汇主题:人物与衣着 20
5 Havegot present simple Have got的一般现在时(I'vegot,Ihaven'tgot,Haveyougot...?) 22
6 Have and have got-Usage and idiomatic expressions Have和have got——用法和习惯表达 24
Review 2 Units 5-6复习2第5~6单元CD-ROM 26
Present simple一般现在时 26
Lexical theme:Weekend routines词汇主题周末安排 26
7 Present simple-Form(1)一般现在时——形式(1)(I walk,I don't walk) 28
8 Present simple-Form(2)一般现在时——形式(2)(Do you walk?) 30
9 Present simple and adverbs offrequency-Usage(1)一般现在时与频度副词——用法(1) 32
10 Present simple-Usage(2)一般现在时——用法(2) 34
Review 3 Units 7-10复习3第7~10单元CD-ROM 36
Present continuous现在进行时 36
Lexical theme:Hobbies词汇主题:业余爱好 36
11 Present continuous-Form(1)现在进行时——形式(1)(Iam leaving) 38
12 Present continuous-Form(2)现在进行时——形式(2)(I am not leaving,Are you leaving?) 40
13 Present continuous-Usage现在进行时——用法 42
14 Present simple and present continuous-Difierences in usage 一般现在时与现在进行时——用法的不同 44
15 Action verbs and stative verbs动态动词与静态动词 46
Review 4 Units 11-15复习4第11~15单元CD-ROM 48
A Exam preparation备考测试CD-ROM 50
Past simple一般过去时 50
Lexical theme:Holidays词汇主题:节假日 50
16 Be past simple Be的一般过去时(I was,I wasn't, Were you...?) 52
17 Past simple-Form(1)一般过去时——形式(1)(I worked,Iwent...) 54
18 Past simple-Form(2)一般过去时——形式(2)(I didn'tgo,Didyou go...?) 56
19 Past simple-Usage一般过去时——用法 58
Review 5 Units 16-19复习5第16~19单元CD-ROM 60
Used to and Past continuous Used to和过去进行时Lexical theme:Sport词汇主题:运动 60
20 Usedto/Would 62
21 Past continuous-Form过去进行时——形式(Iwas/wasn'tplaying,Wereyouplaying...?) 64
22 Past continuous-Usage and comparison with the past simple 过去进行时——用法以及与一般过去时的比较 66
Review 6 Units 20-22复习6第20~22单元CD-ROM 68
B Exam prepa ration备考测试CD-ROM 70
Past participle and Present perfect simple过去分词与现在完成时 70
Lexical theme:The house词汇主题:住宅 70
23 Past pa rticiple过去分词(worked,sent) 72
24 Present perfect simple-Form现在完成时——形式(Ihave/haven't visited,Haveyou visited...?) 74
25 Present perfect simple-Usages withjust,already,yet,not...yet,still...not 现在完成时——含有just,already,yet,not...yet,still...not的用法 76
26 Present perfect simple-Usages with ever,never,recently,today... 现在完成时——含有ever,never,recently,today...的用法 78
27 Present perfect simple-Usages with How long,for,since 现在完成时——含有How long,for,since的用法 80
28 Present perfect simple and past simple-Differences in usage 现在完成时与一般过去时——用法的不同 82
Review 7 Units 23-28复习7第23~28单元 CD-ROM 84
Present perfect continuous,Past perfect simple and continuous现在完成进行时、过去完成时与过去完成进行时 84
Lexical theme:Education词汇主题:教育 84
29 Present perfect continuous-Form and usage现在完成进行时——形式和用法 (I've been learning,Have you been learning?) 86
30 Present perfeCt simple and continuous-Differences in usage 现在完成时与现在完成进行时——用法的不同 88
31 Past perfect simple-Form过去完成时——形式(I had/hadn'tstarted,Hadyou started?) 90
32 Past perfect simple-Usage过去完成时——用法 92
33 Past perfect continuous-Form and usage过去完成进行时——形式和用法 (I had/hadn't been playing,Hadyou been playing?) 94
Review 8 Units 29-33复习8第29~33单元 CD-ROM 96
C Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 98
Future with going to and will含有going to和will的将来时 98
Lexical theme:Jobs词汇主题工作 98
34 The future:going to-Form and usage将来时;going to——形式和用法 (I'm (not)going to apply,Areyou going to apply?) 100
35 The future:will-Form将来时:will——形式(I will go,I won'tgo,Will you go?) 102
36 The future:wilL-Usage(1)将来时:will——用法(1) 104
37 The future:will-Usage(2)将来时:will——用法(2) 106
Review 9 Units 34-37复习9第34~37单元 CD-ROM 108
Other ways to express the future,Future continuous and Future perfect 将来时的其他表达方式、将来进行时和将来完成时 108
Lexical theme:Health词汇主题:健康 108
38 Present continuous and present simple for the future用现在进行时和一般现在时表达将来时 110
39 Going to/Present continuous/Will future-Differences in usaqe 用Going to/现在进行时/Will表达将来时——用法的不同 112
40 Future continuous(I will be doing)and futu re perfect(I will have done) 将来进行时(I will be doing)与将来完成时(I will have done) 114
Review 10 Units 38-40复习10第38~40单元 CD-ROM 116
D Exam prepa ration备考测试 CD-ROM 118
Imperative,Infinitive and-ing form祈使句、不定式与-ing形式 118
Lexical theme:Shopping and money词汇主题购物与货币 118
41 Imperative-Form and usage祈使句——形式和用法(Go!Don'tgo!Let's go!) 120
42 Infinitive-Form and usage不定式——形式和用法(toplay,nottoplay,tohaveplayed) 122
43 -ing form-Form and usage-ing形式——形式和用法(going,having gone) 124
44 Verbs+infinitive动词+不定式(I want to go) 126
45 Verbs+-ing form/+infinitive动词+-ing形式/+不定式(Istarted reading/to read) 128
46 Prepositions+-ing form;-ing clauses介词+-ing形式:-ing分句 (I'm goodatskiing,Before/Aftergoing) 130
Review 11 Units 41-46复习11第41~46单元 CD-ROM 132
E Exa m prepa ration备考测试 CD-ROM 134
Modal verbs can,could,may,might情态动词can,could,may,might 134
Lexical theme:Celebrations词汇主题庆祝活动 134
47 Modals:can/could-General cha racteristics情态动词:Can/could——一般特征 136
48 Modals:can/could-Usage and alternative verbs情态动词:Can/could——用法和可替代的动词 138
49 Modals:may/might情态动词:May/Might 140
Review 1 2 Units 47-49复习1 2第47~49单元 CD-ROM 142
Modal verbs must,have to,need情态动词must,have to,need 142
Lexical theme:Rules and regulations词汇主题:规定和规章 142
50 Modals:must情态动词:Must 144
51 Have to/Have got to;be to;mustn't/don't have to 146
52 Needto/Need+-ing;hadto/willhaveto;beobliged/becompelled 148
Review 1 3 Units 50-52复习13第50~52单元 CD-ROM 150
Other modal verbs其他情态动词 150
Lexical theme:The weather词汇主题:天气 150
53 Modals:shall/should情态动词:Shall/Should 152
54 Hadbetter;oughtto;bedue;beboundto 154
55 Modals:will/would情态动词:Will/Would 156
56 Would like to;want to;wouldprefer to/would rather 158
Review 14 Units 53-56复习14第53~56单元 CD-ROM 160
F Exam prepa ration备考测试 CD-ROM 162
The passive被动语态 162
Lexical theme:Lite ratu re,inventions,procedures词汇主题:文学、发明、程序 162
57 Passive form被动结构 164
58 Passive form-Present and past tenses被动结构——现在时和过去时 166
59 Passive form-Perfect tenses and future被动结构——完成时和将来时 168
60 Passive form-Infinitive,modal verbs and conditional被动结构——不定式、情态动词和条件句 170
61 Passive form-Verbs with double object;He is said to be... 被动结构——双宾语动词;Heis saidto be 172
62 Make/Let someone do something;get someone to do something; have/getsomething done 174
63 See someone do/doing something;see something being done 176
Review 15 Units 57-63复习15第57~63单元 CD-ROM 178
G Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 180
Articles冠词 180
Lexical theme:The natural world,geog raphy词汇主题:自然世界、地理 180
64 The indefinite article:a/an不定冠词:a/an 182
65 The definite article:the(1)定冠词:the(1) 184
66 The definite article:the(2)定冠词:the(2) 186
67 No a rticle vs.the零冠词与the 188
Review 16 Units 64-67复习16第64~67单元 CD-ROM 190
Nouns,possessive case名词、所有格 190
Lexical theme:Entertainment词汇主题:娱乐 190
68 Nouns名词 192
69 I rregular plurals;compound nouns不规则复数;复合名词 194
70 Nouns:countables and uncountables(1)名词:可数名词与不可数名词(1) 196
71 Nouns:countables and uncountables(2)名词:可数名词与不可数名词(2) 198
72 Collective and plural nouns;adjectives used as nouns集合名词和复数名词;形容词用作名词 200
73 Possessive case所有格(Tom's friend,A friendofTom's) 202
Review 17 Units 68-73复习17第68~73单元 CD-ROM 204
H Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 206
Adjectives形容词 206
Lexical theme:Famous people,music词汇主题:名人、音乐 206
74 Adjectives形容词(a big red apple/The book is new.) 208
75 Adjective formation(surprising,surprised);nouns used as adjectives(afilm star)形容词的构成(surprising,surprised);名词用作形容词(a film star) 210
76 The comparative of adjectives(1)形容词比较级(1)(cheaper than/more expensive than) 212
77 The compa rative of adjectives(2)形容词比较级(2)(as interesting as/less interesting than) 214
78 The superlative of adjectives形容词最高级 (the cheapest/the most expensive/theIeast expensive) 216
79 The compa rative and superlative of adverbs副词的比较级和最高级(faster/fastest;morequickly/mostquickly) 218
80 Compa rative and superlative:irregula r forms比较级和最高级:不规则形式(better/the best) 220
81 Compa ratives with nouns and verbs名词和动词的比较级 (more/less...than;as much/as many...as) 222
Review 18 Units 74-81复习18第74~81单元 CD-ROM 224
1 Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 226
Pronouns代词 226
Lexical theme:Everyday life,countries and nationalities词汇主题:日常生活、国家和民族 226
82 Personal pronouns人称代词(I,you,he.../me,you,him...) 228
83 Possessive adjectives and pronouns所有格形容词和物主代词(my,your.../mine,yours...) 230
84 Reflexive and emphasising pronouns反身代词和用于加强语气的代词(myself/yourself...) 232
85 Demonstrative adjectives and p ronouns指示形容词和代词(this/these,that/those) 234
86 one/ones 236
87 Distributive adjectives and pronouns(1)个体形容词和代词(1)(each/every/everyone...);reciprocal pronouns相互代词(each other/one another) 238
88 Distributive adjectives and pronouns(2)个体形容词和代词(2)(both/either/neither);correlative structu res关联结构(both...and.../either...or.../neither...nor...) 240
89 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns(1)不定形容词和代词(1)(some/any/no/a little/a few) 242
90 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns(2)不定形容词和代词(2)(a lot/much/many;too much/ too many/enough;most/all) 244
91 Compounds of some,any,no(1)Some,any,no的复合词(1) 246
92 Compounds of some,any,no(2);compounds with-ever Some,any,no的复合词(2);-ever的复合词 248
Review 19 Units 82-92复习19第82~92单元 CD-ROM 250
J Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 252
Numbers,dates,relative pronouns数字、日期、关系代词 252
Lexical theme:Technology,gadgets词汇主题:技术、装置 252
93 Cardinal numbers基数词 254
94 Ordinal numbers and dates序数词和日期 256
95 Relative pronouns in defining clauses限定性关系从句中的关系代词 258
96 Relative pronouns in non-defining clauses非限定性关系从句中的关系代词 260
97 Relative adverbs where,when,why;which,what, all that in relative clauses 关系副词where,when,why;关系分句中的which,what,all that 262
Review 20 Units 93-97复习20第93~97单元 CD-ROM 264
Wh-words,questions,agreeing and disagreeing Wh-疑问词、疑问句、同意与不同意 264
Lexical theme:Technology,communication词汇主题:技术、交流 264
98 Interrogative adjectives and pronouns;exclamations疑问形容词和代词;感叹句 266
99 Interrogative adverbs疑问副词 268
100 Structure of Yes/No questions and Wh-questions一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构 270
101 Asking for confirmation:question tags要求确认:附加疑问句 272
102 Agreeing同意(So doI./Neither doI./Nor doI./I think so.); disagreeing不同意(Don'tyou?Ido./Doyou?Idon't./Idon'tthinkso.) 274
Review 21 Units 98-102复习21第98~102单元 CD-ROM 276
K Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 278
Adverbs,prepositions副词、介词 278
Lexical theme:Fame,celeb rities and success词汇主题:名声、名人和成功 278
103 Adverbs of manner方式副词(quickly,slowly...) 280
104 Adverbs of time时间副词 282
105 Adverbs ofdegree程度副词(too,very,quite,rather...) 284
106 Word order in statements陈述句中的词序 286
107 Prepositions oftime(1)时间介词(1) 288
108 Prepositions of time(2)时间介词(2) 290
109 Prepositions indicating place and position(1)表示地点与位置的介词(1) 292
110 Prepositions indicating place and position(2)表示地点与位置的介词(2) 294
111 Prepositions indicating movement(1)表示运动的介词(1) 296
112 Prepositions indicating movement(2)表示运动的介词(2) 298
113 Prepositions to and for;verbs with double object介词to和for;双宾语动词 300
114 Other prepositions其他介词 302
Review 22 Units 103-114复习22第103~114单元 CD-ROM 304
L Exam prepa ration备考测试 CD-ROM 306
Reported speech引语 306
Lexical theme:Spo rts词汇主题体育 306
115 Verbs say and tell动词say和tell 308
116 Reported speech(1):reporting orders;reporting statements in the present 间接引语(1):引述命令;引述现在时的陈述句 310
117 Reported speech(2):reporting statements in the past间接引语(2):引述过去时的陈述句 312
118 Reported speech(3):reporting questions间接引语(3):引述疑问句 314
Review 23 Units 115-118复习23第115~118单元 CD-ROM 316
If clauses If从句 316
Lexical theme:Ext remes and danger词汇主题极限与危险 316
119 Conditional verb form;future in the past条件句中的动词形式;过去将来时 318
120 Ifclauses-Type zero and type one If从句——零条件句和第一类条件句 320
121 Ifclauses-Type two If从句——第二类条件句 322
122 Ifclauses-Type three If从句——第三类条件句 324
123 Conditional clauses introduced by when,unless...; I wish.../lfonly...由when,unless...引导的条件句;I wish.../If only... 326
Review 24 Units 119-123复习24第119~123单元 CD-ROM 328
M Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 330
Connectors and linkers,word formation,prepositions,phrasal verbs 连接词、构词法、介词、短语动词 330
Lexical theme:Food and drink,cooking词汇主题:食品和饮料、烹饪 330
124 Connectors and linkers(1):coordinating,concessive连接词(1):并列、让步 332
125 Connectors and linkers(2):reason,result and purpose连接词(2):原因、结果和目的 334
126 Connectors and linkers(3):time linkers and sequencers连接词(3):时间和顺序 336
127 Other connectors and linkers(4)其他连接词(4) 338
128 Word formation(1):prefixes构词法(1):前缀 340
129 Word formation(2):suffixes构词法(2):后缀 342
130 Prepositional verbs带介词的动词 344
131 Adjectives followed by prepositions后跟介词的形容词 346
132 Phrasal verbs(1)短语动词(1) 348
Phrasal verbs(2)短语动词(2) 350
Phrasal verbs(3)短语动词(3) 352
Review 25 Units 124-132复习25第124~132单元 CD-ROM 354
N Exam preparation备考测试 CD-ROM 356
British and American English-Main grammatical differences英式英语和美式英语:主要的语法差异 358
International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)国际音标(IPA) 359
Punctuation marks标点符号 360
Modals and other verbs related to communicative functions与交际功能相关的情态动词和其他动词 361
Moda l verbs-Tenses情态动词——时态 362
Use of modal verbs in ifclauses If从句中情态动词的用法 363
Comparing quantities数量的比较 364
Conjugation of a regular verb规则动词的词形变化 365
Main irregular verbs主要的不规则动词 366
INDEX索引 368
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