![涉外英语实用教程 下](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/36/s6b7fca8.jpg)
![涉外英语实用教程 下](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/36/s6b7fca8.jpg)
涉外英语实用教程 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈良旋
- 出 版 社:开封:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7810410873
- 页数:186 页
Part Five Secretarial Duties 1
Ⅰ.Receiving Visitors 1
1.Receiving a visitor with an appointment 2
2.Receiving a visitor who doesn’t introduce herself well 3
3.Receiving a visitor without an appointment 4
4.Rearranging the appointment 5
5.When the executive is engaged 6
6.Drills 8
Ⅱ.Making Appointments 9
1.Making an appointment for the executive 9
2.Postponing an appointment for the executive 10
3.Cancellation of an appointment 12
4.Fixing the time for an interview 13
5.Drills 15
Ⅲ.Bookings 16
1.Reserving a room for the executive 17
2.Reserving a room for the executive through a travel agent 18
3.Booking an international telephone call for theutive 19
4.Booking an airline ticket 21
5.Booking of taxi service 23
6.Drills 24
Ⅳ.Taking and Passing Messages 25
1.Messages for the executive 26
2.Some more messages for the executive 29
3.Drills 30
Ⅴ.Travel Arrangements 31
1.Fixing the time and place 32
2.Schedule arrangement 35
3.Drills 38
Part Six Speeches for Various Occasions 40
Ⅰ.Welcoming Speech at a Banquet 41
Ⅱ.Answering Speech at a Welcoming Banquet 42
Ⅲ.Welcoming Speech at an Academic Lecture of a Visiting Scholar 44
Ⅳ.Answering Speech at a Welcome Meeting 44
Ⅴ.Welcoming Speech by a National Guide 45
Ⅵ.Send-OffSpeech by a National Guide 47
Ⅶ.Send-Off Speech at a Farewell Party 48
Ⅷ.Farewell Speech by a Foreign Teacher 50
Ⅸ.A Toast by a Chinese Official 51
Ⅺ.Speech of Congratulation by Mr....,Vice-Chairman of the Football Association of the People's Republic of China 52
Ⅹ.A Toast at a Reception 52
Ⅻ.Speech of Congratulation by Dr....,President of the Federation International Football Association 53
ⅩⅢ.Opening Remarks of a Meeting 54
ⅩⅣ.An Announcer's Opening Remarks at an English Evening 55
ⅩⅤ.Opening Speech at a Symposium 55
ⅩⅥ.Closing Speech at a Symposium 56
ⅩⅦ.Memorial Speech 57
ⅩⅧ.Useful Expressions for Various Meetings 58
Part Seven Protocol in Foreign Affairs 63
Ⅰ.Handshake 64
Ⅱ.Introduction 67
Ⅲ.Appearance and Posture 72
1.Be neatly dressed 72
3.San Yatsen’s uniform 73
4.Women’s clothing 73
2.Western-style clothes 73
5.Clothing depending on occasion 74
6.Personal hygiene 75
Ⅳ.Demeanour and Manner 76
1.Standing and sitting 76
2.Walking 76
3.Talking 77
4.Others 77
Ⅴ.The Way to Get Along With People 77
1.Greetings and farewells 78
2.Language civilization 80
3.Lady first 80
4.Respecting other’s habits,customs and protocol 80
Ⅵ.Public Hygiene 83
Ⅶ.Invitation and Response to Invitation 85
1.What should be done by an inviter 86
2.What should be done be an invitee 86
Ⅷ.Punctuality and Keeping Promise 88
Ⅸ.The Polite Manner of Talking 89
Ⅹ.Telephoning 92
1.Voice 93
2.Expression 93
3.Position 93
4.Manners 93
5.Points for attention of the persons who are to receive telephones 93
6.Points for attention of the persons who are to make telephone calls 94
2.The way of putting western tableware 95
1.Ways of having meals 95
Ⅺ.How to Use Tableware 95
3.Ways of using western tableware 96
Ⅻ.Manners at Dinner Table 97
1.Kinds of entertainment 97
2.Correct manners at a dinner table 98
ⅩⅢ.Etiquette of Sitting in a Car 104
Part Eight Documents 107
Ⅰ.Diplomatic Documents 107
1.Letter of credence and speeches made on the occasion of presenting letter of credence 107
2.Diplomatic notes 110
3.Declaration,communique and statement 117
4.Treaty,agreement and contract 122
1.Memorandum 131
Ⅱ.Other Ordinary Official Documents 131
2.Common certificates and instruments of notary public 133
Part Nine Other Practical Writing Con-cerning Foreign Affairs Or Foreign Nationals 141
Ⅰ.Taking Minutes 141
Ⅱ.Notes andBills 145
1.Notes 145
2.Form of I.O.U.and form of receipt 149
Ⅲ.Notice,Notification and Poster 151
Ⅳ.Announcement 159
Ⅴ.Advertisement 163
Appendixes 169
Ⅰ.Placards or Public Signs 169
Ⅱ.The International Standard Time and Its Calculation 176
Ⅲ.Temperature Difference VariousCities in the World 181
References 186
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