宽带网络技术基础 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(U.布莱克)Uyless Black著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7302028168
- 页数:426 页
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
Introduction 1
The Present Telecommunications Infrastructure 1
Present Technologies for Voice,Video,and DataNetworks 2
Present and Future Requirements 5
Downsizing and Outsourcing 6
Present Systems 6
Costs of Leased Lines 8
Virtual Companies and Virtual Networks 9
Fast Relay Networks and ATM 12
Development of ATM 14
Applications use of ATM 14
Fast Relay Networks and SONET 16
Broadband ISDN 19
Summary 21
CHAPTER 2 The Nature of Analog and Digital Systems 22
Introduction 22
Analog Systems 22
Cycles,Frequency,and Period 23
Bandwidth 24
Broadband and Baseband Signals 26
Other Definitions of Broadband 27
Channel(Link)Capacity 27
Noiseless Channels and Harry Nyquest 28
Noisy Channels 29
The Signal-to-Noise Ratio 30
The Analog-to-Digital Conversion Process 30
Sampling,Quantizing,and Encoding 31
Other Coding Schemes 34
Plesiochronous Networks 35
Timing and Synchronization in Digital Networks 35
The Synchronous Clock Hierarchv 36
Clarification ofTerms 37
Timing Variations 37
Slips—Controlled and Uncontrolled 38
Bit or Clock Slips 39
Summary 39
CHAPTER 3 Layered Protocols,the Architecturefor ATM and SONET Networks 40
Introduction 40
Protocols and the OSI Model 40
OSI Layer Operations 42
Concept of a Service Provider 43
ATM andtheModel 48
Protocol Entities 48
Service Access Points(SAPs) 49
ATM and OSI Layers 49
The Internet Protocols(TCP/IP) 51
The Internet Layers 52
IP Functions 54
TCP Operations 56
Summary 58
The OSI Network and Transport Layer 58
CHAPTER 4 Emerged Technologies 59
Introduction 59
Comparison of Switching Systems 59
The T1/E1 Systems 61
Purpose ofT1 and E1 61
Typical Topology 62
T1 and E1 Layers 63
T1/E1 PDUs 63
X.25 65
Purpose of X.25 65
Conclusions on T1/E1 65
Typical Topology 66
X.25 Layers 67
X.25PDUs 68
Other Noteworthy Aspects of X.25 69
Conclusions on X.25 70
Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) 71
Purpose of ISDN 71
Typical Topology 71
ISDN Layers 74
Conclusions on ISDN 79
Signaling System Number 7(SS7) 80
Purpose of SS7 80
Typical Topology 80
SS7 Layers 81
SS7PDUs 84
Conclusions on SS7 85
ATM and SONET:Reduction or Enhancementof Functions in Networks 86
Summary 86
Introduction 87
ISDN and B-ISDN 87
CHAPTER 5 The Broadband Integrated ServicesDigital Network(B-ISDN)Model 87
B-ISDN Configurations 88
ATM and the B-ISDN Model 89
Examples of the Operations between Layersin the B-ISDN Planes 91
B-ISDN Functions 93
B-ISDN Service Aspects 95
Summary 97
CHAPTER 6 Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ArM)Basics 98
Introduction 98
The Purpose of ATM 98
An ATM Topology 99
Pertinent Standards 99
The VPI and VCI Labels 103
ATMLayers 105
ATM Layers and OSI Layers 106
Relationship of AAL,ATM,and theNetwork 108
Relationship of Layers to the OSI LayeredArchitecture 110
Where to Find Service Definitionsand Primitives 111
Typical Protocol Stacks 111
Use of Two Identifiers 114
Metasignaling Cells and OtherCells 115
RationalefortheCell Size 116
Network Transparency Operations 119
Errors and Error Rates 119
Error Correction and Detection 122
Probability of Discarding Cells 124
Overhead of the Cell Approach 125
Transmission Delay 126
ATMLabels 128
MultiplexingⅥCs and VPIs 130
Cell Relay Bearer Service(CRBS) 130
Point-to-Multipoint and Multipoint-to-Multiooint Services 132
ATM Interfaces 133
Principal Specifications for ATM 134
Summary 135
CHAPTER 7 The ATM Adaptation Layer(AAL) 137
Introduction 137
Principal Tasks of the AAL 137
The AAL Sublayers 139
Creating and Processing the AALPDU 139
Classes ofTraffic 141
Dividing CS into Further Sublayers 143
Rationale for AAL Types 143
AAL Naming Conventions 144
AALType 1(AAL 1) 144
The AAL 1 PDU 145
AAL 1 Modes of Operation 147
Synchronization and Clock Recovery 148
RunningAAL 1 Trafficon a T1 Link 148
AALType 2(AAL 2) 149
TheAAL 2PDU 150
Voice Packetization 152
Grouping Samples into Blocks 153
The Voice Packet 156
Packet Buildout at the Receiver 158
AALTypes 3,4,3/4,and 5(AAL 3,AAL4,AAL 3/4,andAAL 5)forData 161
Pre-ATM Approach to Traffic IntegrityManagement 161
ATM Approach to Traffice IntegrityManagement 164
The Original AAL Type 3 and Type 4(AAL 3,AAL4) 166
AAL3/4 167
Naming Conventions for AAL 3/4 167
TheAAL3/4PDU 167
AAL 3/4 Headers and Trailers 167
AAL 3/4 Sequencing and IdentificationOperations 170
A Complete SAR-PDU and CPCS-PDUExample 171
Functional Model for AAL 3/4 173
AALType 5(AAL 5) 175
Structure of AAL 5 176
TheAAL 5PDU 176
A New Type—Available Bit Rate(ABR) 177
The A AL/ATM Primitives 177
Summary 180
Introduction 181
ATM Switching 181
CHAPTER 8 ATM Switching Operations 181
Routing with the Cell Header 182
Space and Time Switching 185
Digital Cross Connects 186
The Switching Fabric 186
Multiplexing and Label Mapping 189
Switching Technologies 191
Shared Memory Switch 192
Shared Bus Switch 192
Crossbar Switch 193
Multistage Switching 194
Banyan and Delta Switching Networks 195
Example of an ATM Switch 200
Summary 202
CHAPTER 9 Traffic Management 203
Introduction 203
Traffic Management in an ATM Network 203
The Natural Bit Rate 204
Traffic Control and Congestion Control 206
Functions to Achieve Traffic Control andCongestion Control 206
Allocation of Bandwidth 206
Computing the Parameters for QueueServicing 210
Dealing with Variable Delay 211
Connection Admission Control(CAC)Procedures 212
Usage Parameter Control(UPC) 214
Performance Parameters at the UNI 215
ITU-T Recommendation I.35B 215
Traffic Management at the UNI—BasicConcepts 215
Eckberg Scheme 215
Multiplexing Traffic into the Cells 218
Token Pools and Leaky Buckets 218
ATM Bearer Service Attributes at the UNI 222
Allocating Resources 222
Traffic Control and Congestion Control 223
Cell Arrival Rate and Cell Interval 224
ATM Cell Transfer Performance Parameters 226
ATM Layer Provisions for Quality of Service(QOS) 227
ATM Forum and ITU-T Traffic Control andCongestion Control 228
Generic Cell Rate Algorithm(GCRA) 229
The Peak Cell Rate Reference Model 230
Cell Delay Variation(CDV)Tolerance 233
Examples ofABR Operations 235
ManagingLANTrafficwiththe AvailableBitRate(ABR) 235
Types of Feedback 238
Buildout Delay Proeedures at the ReceivingEndpoint 240
Summary 240
CHAPTER 10 Call and Connection Control 241
Introduction 241
ATM Connections on Demand 241
The ATM Address 244
Address Registration 247
The Connection Control Messages 248
Connection Setups and Clears 248
Q.2931 Timers and States 250
Connection Control Examples 251
Connection Setup 252
Connection Release 254
Restart Procedure 255
Status Inquiry 256
AddParty 256
Drop Party 259
Signaling AAL Reset and Failure 259
Messages for Restart Operations 260
Messages for Adding and DroppingParties 260
Messages for Call Control 260
Functions of Q.2931 Messages and InformationElements 260
Descriptions of the InformationElements 262
Examples of Q.2931 Messages 269
Coding Conventions 269
AAL Parameters 270
User Traffic Descriptors 274
Summary 275
Introduction 276
The ATM Network as the Backbone for OtherNetworks 276
CHAPTER 11 Internetworking with ATM Networks 276
Using Q.2931 to Support Protocol Capability(Tunneling) 277
Broadband Low-Layer InformationElement 280
The Network-to-Network Interface 283
The ATM B-ISDN Inter Carrier Interface(B-ICI) 284
Physical Layer Requirements at the B-ICI 287
Traffic Management at the B-ICI 287
Reference Traffic Loads 287
B-ICI Layer Management Operations 288
PVC Cell Relay Service(CRS) 289
Specific Internetworking Services 289
PVC Circuit Emulation Service(CES) 290
PVC Frame Relay Service(FRS) 290
SMDS Service 295
ATM Backbones for LAN8 297
ATM LAN Emulation 299
ArM Edge Routers 301
ATM Virtual Routers 301
RFC 1483 and RFC 1577 302
The ATM Data Exchange Interface(DXI) 303
DXI Modes 303
DXI Support for Frame Relay 308
Summary 310
CHAPTER 12 Synchronous Optical Network(SONET) 311
Introduction 311
Purpose of SONET 311
Present Transport Systems and SONET 313
Foundations for SONET 313
Synchronous Networks 315
Optical Fiber—The Bedrock for SONET 316
Pertinent Standards 317
Typical SONET Topology 319
SONET Configuration 321
SONET Layers 323
Automatic Protection Switching(APS) 324
Payloads and Envelopes 326
Envelopes 326
Mapping ATM Cells into the SONETEnvelope 329
Payload Pointers 330
Mapping and Multiplexing Operations 331
The Control Headers and Fields 334
SONET Equipment 335
Summary 342
Progress in SONET Penetration 342
CHAPTER 13 Signaling:Operations,Administration,and Maintenance(OAM) 343
The Network Management Model 343
Operation and Maintenance(OAM)Operations 344
ATM Functions at the U-and M-Planes 347
U-Plane Operations 347
M-Plane Operations 349
End-to-End and Segment Flows 350
Maintenance and Alarm Surveillance 353
Failure States 353
The SONET OAM Functions 353
Alarm Indication Signals(AIS),FERF,and Yellow Signals 354
Examples of Remedial Actions upon Enteringa Failure State 355
The OAM Headers 356
Section Overhead 357
Line Overhead 358
STS Path Overhead(STS POH) 358
ATM Use of the OAM Octets 360
Using Payload Pointers for TroubleshootingTiming Problems 361
OAM at the ATM Layer 362
Fault Management 362
Performance Management 364
Activation/Deactivation 367
The ATM Management Information Bases(MIBs) 368
The Interim Local Management Interface(ILMI) 369
The ILMI MIB Groups 370
ATM MIB(RFC 1695) 372
The ATM MIB Groups 372
The ILMI MIB and the ATM MIB 377
The Layer Management/ATM Primitives 379
Types of Signaling 379
Status of Common Channel SignalingStandards 379
Summary 380
Physical Layer Options for ATM 381
CHAPTER 14 Physical Layer Services for ATM 381
Introduction 381
The ATM/Physical Layer Primitives 382
ATM Mapping into SONET STS-3c 383
ATM Mapping into DS3 385
Other Aspects of the DS3 Scheme 387
ATM Mapping into the 100 Mbit/s Multimode FiberInterface 387
Functions of the U-Plane Physical Layer 387
Private UNI for 51.84 Mbit/s and Subrates 390
Shielded Twisted Pair Interface 390
Multimode Fiber Interface 390
ATM Mapping into the 155.52 Mbit/s PrivateUNI 390
Mapping DS1,DS3,and CEPT Payloads into SONETFrames 392
The VT/VC Structure 393
Floating and Locked VT Mode 396
Interworking ATM and SONET 397
Summary 398
CHAPTER 15 The ATM Market 400
Introduction 400
Forecasts on the Use of ATM 400
ATM Over T1/E1 402
Trials and Test Beds 403
ATM Vendors 405
DEC and IBM ATM Efforts 409
ATM Progress in Europe 410
United Kingdom 410
Examples of other Countries ATM Efforts 412
Some Final Thoughts 412
References 414
Abbreviations 418
Index 420
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