
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李知宇,宫齐,范毅方编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787566824967
  • 页数:232 页

前言 1

第一章 概述 2

引言 2

Selected Reading 1 The Ends of Translation&Joseph B.Casagrande 3

翻译的目的&李知宇 何梓健 译 9

Selected Reading 2 The Name and the Nature of Translation Studies&James Holmes 14

翻译的“名”与“实”&李知宇 何梓健 译 24

第二章 摘译 32

Selected Reading 1 T ranslation as Intercultural Communication&David Katan 32

作为跨文化交际的翻 译&宫齐 陈慕羽 译 50

Selected Reading 2 Higher Education and Europe After 1992:The Framework&Ladislav Cerych 60

1992年后的高等教育与欧洲&宫齐 译 73

Selected Reading 3 Toward a History of Modern Sociolinguistics&Konrad Koerner 77

现代社会语言学史&宫齐 译 86

Selected Reading 4 On the Developing History of Psycholinguistics&J.F.Kess 91

心理语言学的发展史&宫齐 译 107

Selected Reading 5 Ecolinguistics:State of the Art 1998&Alwin Fill 114

当代生态语言学的研究现状&范俊军 宫齐 译 125

第三章 学术论文汉 译英 134

Selected Reading 1 步态中的最小作用量原理&范毅方等 134

Least-Action Principle in Gait&Translated by Zhiyu Li 138

Selected Reading 2 非病理性扁平足和高弓足的自然步态&范毅方等 145

Natural Gaits of the Non-Pathological Flat Foot and High-Arched Foot&Translated by Zhiyu Li 149

Selected Reading 3 骨组织最优化原则&范毅方等 157

Optimal Principle of Bone Structure&Translated by Zhiyu Li 162

Selected Reading 4 骨表面地图化技术&范毅方等 173

Bone Surface Mapping Method&Translated by Zhiyu Li 180

Selected Reading 5 基于步行足底冲量检测肌肉骨骼衰老及损伤的筛选方法&范毅方等 191

Screening Method Based on Walking Plantar Impulse for Detecting Musculoskeletal Senescence and Injury&Translated by Zhiyu Li 201

Selected Reading 6 站立足印迹诊断方法&范毅方等 216

Standing Footprint Diagnostic Method&Translated by Zhiyu Li 223