Introduction:Our Changing World 1
Chapter Ⅰ Life among Primitive Peoples 5
Summary 14
Topics for Discussion 15
References 15
Chapter Ⅱ Migration of Tribes 17
Egypt 17
The Fertile Crescent 27
Babylonia 28
Assyria 32
Palestine 43
The Far East 43
India 44
China 51
Greece 57
Epidauros,a Temple of Asklepios 62
Greek Women 71
Rome 75
Roman Women 82
Persia 85
The Far West 86
Temples 88
Summary of Conditions al 1 A.D 91
Topics for Discussion 93
References 98
Chapter Ⅲ The Birth of Christ in Bethlehem (1-500 A.D.) 100
Christ,the Redeemer 101
Saul of Tarsus 106
Early Christian Orders for Women 109
Influence of Constantine the Great 115
Roman Matrons 119
Diakonia and Xenodochia 122
Status of Medicine and Nursing 127
The Fall of Rome in 476 A.D 132
Summary,1 to 500 A.D 136
Graph showing Medicine and Nursing of Ancient Civilizations 140
Topics for Discussion 141
References 142
PART Ⅱ.THE MIDDLE AGES (Circa 500-1500 A.D.) 144
Chapter Ⅳ The Early Middle Ages:Society in Small Cooperative Units 144
Christian Monasticism 147
Women of Monasticism 156
Feudalism and Chivalry 160
Guilds 164
Islam,a Rival of Christianity 167
Charlemagne Promotes Social Recovery through Education 177
Medicine and Nursing 179
Summary of Early Middle Ages 182
Topics for Discussion 184
References 185
Chapter Ⅴ The Late Middle Ages:Society Becoming Mobile;Detachment of Individuals 187
William the Conqueror 192
The Crusades (1096-1271) 193
Orders of Military Nurses 196
Rise of Mendicant Orders 202
The Second Order of St.Francis 207
Rise of Secular Orders:The Third Order of St.Francis 208
Gains and Losses of the Crusaders 214
Social Changes Associated with the Crusades 215
Chivalry Influences the Position of Women 218
Great Plagues of the Fourteenth Century 221
St.Catherine of Siena:Hospital Nurse and Visiting Nurse 225
Medicine during the Late Middle Ages 229
Growth of Hospitals 235
Nursing during the Middle Ages 240
Summary of the Middle Ages 246
Graph showing Nursing of the Middle Ages 249
Topics for Discussion 250
References 251
Chapter Ⅵ Renaissance,Protestant Revolt,and a Decline in Nursing (1500-1860) 253
The Renaissance 253
The Protestant Revolt 262
Transfer of European Culture to America 263
Medicine of the Renaissance 267
Public Health Movement:Era of Sanitation 277
Women of the Renaissance 279
A Decline in Nursing 290
Summary,1500 to 1860 297
Topics for Discussion 298
References 300
Chapter Ⅶ Early Hospitals and Nursing in America 301
New Spain 301
New France 307
New England 319
Summary 333
Topics for Discussion 337
References 338
Chapter Ⅷ Sporadic Efforts at Social Reform 340
Ⅰ.Catholic Reform 340
Ⅱ.Protestant Reform 348
The Fliedners at Kaiserwerth 361
Florence Nightingale:Reformer of Hospitals and Nursing 373
Summary 397
Topics for Discussion 399
References 400
Chapter Ⅸ Modern Development of Social Agencies (1860-1893) 401
Reform in Nursing 401
Modern District Nursing 406
Workhouse Infirmary Reform 408
Birth of the Red Cross in 1864 410
Nursing in the American Civil War (1861-5) 414
Founding of American Red Cross Society (1882) 424
Reform of Nursing in America 425
Other Evidence of Social Reform 445
The New Nurse 448
Medicine Enters a Revolutionary Period (1860-1893) 450
Summary,1860 to 1893 456
Topics for Discussion 458
References 460
Chapter Ⅹ Group Consciousness Develops with Growth of Schools (1893-1920) 461
Nursing during the World War of 1914-1918 483
Post-War Reconstruction 493
General Trend in Nursing from 1893 to 1920 496
Changing Aims in Medicine 498
Summary (1893-1920) 503
Topics for Discussion 507
References 508
Chapter Ⅺ Raising the Level of Nursing Education (1920-1935) 509
The Rockefeller Survey (1920-1923) 509
A Comparative Study of Nursing Schools (1926-1934) 514
A Critical Survey of Medical Practice (1927-1932) 527
Summary,1920-1935 529
Topics for Discussion 531
References 531
Chapter Ⅻ Adjusting to Rapid Social Change 533
Legislation Controlling Nursing Practice 533
The Social Security Act of 1935 534
Putting the Act into Effect 535
Stabilizing Trends in Hospitals 537
World War Ⅱ (1939-) 538
Graph showing Nursing of the Modern Era 550
Summary,1935 to the present time 551
Topics for Discussion 553
References 553
Chapter ⅩⅢ International Relationships 554
Graph showing General World-Pattern of Nursing 555
France 558
Germany 562
Belgium 569
Countries of Northern Europe 572
Italy 575
Greece and Palestine 575
Oriental Countries 577
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 583
Mexico 585
South American Republics 591
Congresses of the International Council of Nursing 593
Florence Nightingale International Foundation 597
Summary 602
Topics for Discussion 604
References 604
Chapter ⅩⅣ Nursing Economics 607
Topics for Discussion 620
References 621
Chapter ⅩⅤ The Nurse as a Citizen 622
Index 625