Introduction&D.S.BILLINGTON 1
Crystalline Defects and Their Detection 4
Introductory lectures on crystalline defects&J.FRIEDEL 4
Technique and application of transmission electron microscopy&P.B.HIRSCH 39
The experimental observation of dislocations and radiation damage in crystals by surface methods and decoration techniques&S.AMELINCKX 82
Mise en evidence des defauts cristallins par les rayons X&A.GUINIER 122
Influence of local irregularities on lattice vibrations&G.F.NARDELLI 152
The observed nature of primary damage&M.W.THOMPSON 169
Radiation Damage Theory 182
Terms and concepts in radiation damage theory&D.K.HOLMES 182
Radiation damage theory&G.LEIBFRIED 227
Dynamic stages of radiation damage&G.H.VINEYARD 291
Radiation Damage in Semiconductors 318
Introductory lectures on semiconductors.&E.GERMAGNOLI 318
Radiation effects in semiconductors&J.H.CRAWFORD,jr 333
Displacement thresholds in semiconductors&R.BAUERLEIN 358
Mobilite des defauts ponctuels dans le germanium&P.BARUCH 375
Transmutation doping and recoil effects in semi-conductors exposed to thermal neutrons&J.W.CLELAND 384
Radiation Damage in Ionic and Covalent Crystals 398
Introduction to ionic crystals&G.CHIAROTTI 398
Radiation effects in ionic crystals&S.AMELINCKX 422
Radiation damage in covalent crystals&E.W.J.MITCHELL 518
Radiation Damage in Metals 547
On the behavior of vacancies in pure metals&E.GERMAGNOLI 547
Recent progress in the theory of vacancy-annealing in metals&A.C.DAMASK 555
The experimental study of point defects in pure metals&R.O.SIMMONS 568
Electron-induced radiation damage in pure metals&R.M.WALKER 594
Low-temperature irradiation studies&T.H.BLEWITT 630
The mechanism of radiation-hardening of face-centered-cubic metals by fast neutrons&A.SEEGER and U.ESSMANN 717
Radiation damage in body-centred metals&M.W.THOMPSON 753
Radiation-enhanced diffusion in metals&A.C.DAMASK 763
Radiation-damage studies using dislocation properties&D.K.HOLMES 777
Quenched-in vacancies and low-temperature diffusion in Al-rich alloys&T.FEDERIGHI 801
The ferro-magnetic after-effect in irradiated nickel,and its application to the study of point defects in face-centered-cubic metals&A.SEEGER,H.KRONMULLER,P.SCHILLER and H.JAGER 809
Effets du rayonnement neutronique sur les materiaux magnetiques&G.MONTALENTI 819
Radiation Damage in Uranium 830
Fission damage in metals&J.A.BRINKMAN 830
Atomic displacement and impurity effects in fissile metals&R.S.BARNES 860
Effets des radiations dans l'uranium&J.BLIN 888
Special Seminars 912
Thermoelectricity and direct conversion systems&J.A.KRUMHANSL 912
Theory of sequential processes and the crystallization of high polymers&C.F.FRANK and M.TOSI 936