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Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics Enrico Fermi XVIII Course Radiation Damage in Sol
Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics Enrico Fermi XVIII Course Radiation Damage in Sol

Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics Enrico Fermi XVIII Course Radiation Damage in SolPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:24 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:Academic Press Inc
  • 出版年份:1962
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:942 页
《Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics Enrico Fermi XVIII Course Radiation Damage in Sol》目录

Introduction&D.S.BILLINGTON 1

Crystalline Defects and Their Detection 4

Introductory lectures on crystalline defects&J.FRIEDEL 4

Technique and application of transmission electron microscopy&P.B.HIRSCH 39

The experimental observation of dislocations and radiation damage in crystals by surface methods and decoration techniques&S.AMELINCKX 82

Mise en evidence des defauts cristallins par les rayons X&A.GUINIER 122

Influence of local irregularities on lattice vibrations&G.F.NARDELLI 152

The observed nature of primary damage&M.W.THOMPSON 169

Radiation Damage Theory 182

Terms and concepts in radiation damage theory&D.K.HOLMES 182

Radiation damage theory&G.LEIBFRIED 227

Dynamic stages of radiation damage&G.H.VINEYARD 291

Radiation Damage in Semiconductors 318

Introductory lectures on semiconductors.&E.GERMAGNOLI 318

Radiation effects in semiconductors&J.H.CRAWFORD,jr 333

Displacement thresholds in semiconductors&R.BAUERLEIN 358

Mobilite des defauts ponctuels dans le germanium&P.BARUCH 375

Transmutation doping and recoil effects in semi-conductors exposed to thermal neutrons&J.W.CLELAND 384

Radiation Damage in Ionic and Covalent Crystals 398

Introduction to ionic crystals&G.CHIAROTTI 398

Radiation effects in ionic crystals&S.AMELINCKX 422

Radiation damage in covalent crystals&E.W.J.MITCHELL 518

Radiation Damage in Metals 547

On the behavior of vacancies in pure metals&E.GERMAGNOLI 547

Recent progress in the theory of vacancy-annealing in metals&A.C.DAMASK 555

The experimental study of point defects in pure metals&R.O.SIMMONS 568

Electron-induced radiation damage in pure metals&R.M.WALKER 594

Low-temperature irradiation studies&T.H.BLEWITT 630

The mechanism of radiation-hardening of face-centered-cubic metals by fast neutrons&A.SEEGER and U.ESSMANN 717

Radiation damage in body-centred metals&M.W.THOMPSON 753

Radiation-enhanced diffusion in metals&A.C.DAMASK 763

Radiation-damage studies using dislocation properties&D.K.HOLMES 777

Quenched-in vacancies and low-temperature diffusion in Al-rich alloys&T.FEDERIGHI 801

The ferro-magnetic after-effect in irradiated nickel,and its application to the study of point defects in face-centered-cubic metals&A.SEEGER,H.KRONMULLER,P.SCHILLER and H.JAGER 809

Effets du rayonnement neutronique sur les materiaux magnetiques&G.MONTALENTI 819

Radiation Damage in Uranium 830

Fission damage in metals&J.A.BRINKMAN 830

Atomic displacement and impurity effects in fissile metals&R.S.BARNES 860

Effets des radiations dans l'uranium&J.BLIN 888

Special Seminars 912

Thermoelectricity and direct conversion systems&J.A.KRUMHANSL 912

Theory of sequential processes and the crystallization of high polymers&C.F.FRANK and M.TOSI 936
