Unit 21 Disinfection,Disinsecting and Deratting 1
Supplementary Readings 9
Text A Disinfection of Ballast Water 9
Text B Vector Control in Aircraft 9
Text C The Safe Use of Pesticides 9
Unit 22 Travel Medicine and Health 9
Supplementary Readings 20
Text A Review of Health Risk in Travelers 20
Text B Jet Lag 20
Text C Vaccination Rules and Requirements 20
Unit 23 The Relation between Microorganisms and Food,Microbiological Examining Methods 20
Supplementary Readings 30
Text A Soft Drinks 30
Text B Inspection of Campylobacter from Food 30
Text C Food Contamination 30
Unit 24 Why Is Food Safety an Essential Public Health Issue? 30
Supplementary Readings 41
Text A Required Label Statements 41
Text B Safety Evaluation of Flavouring Agent 41
Text C Juice Management 41
Text D Drug and Device Listing and Establishment Registration 41
Text E Japan May Require Labels on Genetic Food 41
Unit 25 Certification and Accreditation 41
Supplementary Readings 14000
Text A The Development of Certification 14000
Text B Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification Mark 14000
Text C ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
Unit 26 About Laboratory Accreditation 52
Supplementary Readings 61
Text A General Information about APLAC 61
Text B Certified Reference Materials 61
Text C Evaluation of Laboratory 61
Unit 27 Main International Organizations and Foreign Inspection Bodies 61
Supplementary Readings 70
Text A About IECEE 70
Text B Who Makes up ISO? 70
Text C How OIE Information Flows? 70
Unit 28 International Standards—The tools for the Global Market 70
Supplementary Readings 80
Text A The Environment and Standards:Close Together 80
Text B A Look at Standardization from a Historical Perspective 80
Text C Standardization as a Strategic Necessity to Penetrate Markets 80
Unit 29 What TBT Agreement is about? 80
Supplementary Readings 91
Text A An Introduction of AQSIQ 91
Text B Why Have a World Trade Organization? 91
Text C Trade Values Do Not Conflict with Other Values 91
Unit 30 Context and Perspectives on WTO/TBT 91
Supplementary Readings 99
Text A About WTO/TBT Agreement 99
Text B TBT:Why an Agreement? 99
Text C Anti-dumping Actions 99
Unit 31 Introduction of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 99
Supplementary Readings 107
Text A Transparency 107
Text B Consultations and Dispute Settlement 107
Text C Administration of the SPS Agreement 107
Unit 32 Partial Articles of Agreement on Preshipment Inspection 107
Supplementary Readings 119
Text A The Introduction to the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection 119
Text B Independent Review Procedures—Article 4 of Agreement on Preshipment InspectionText C Partial Articles in the PSI Codes of Practice of IFIAUnit 33 WTO's Dispute Settlement Procedure 119
Supplementary Readings 128
Text A Panels in Dispute Settlement 128
Text B A Case of SPS Dispute—Hormones 128
Text C Principles of the Trading System in WTO 128
Unit 34 Introduction to Electronic Commerce 128
Supplementary Readings 136
Text A Electronic Data Interchange 136
Text B The Internet and The World Wide Web 136
Text C Electronic Mail—An Introduction 136
Unit 35 Etiquette around the World 136
Supplementary Readings 145
Text A Table Manners 145
Text B On Tips 145
Text C Etiquette Codes in the United States 145
Law & Regulations 145
Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality 147
Law on Metrology of the People's Republic of China 159
Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China 164
Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection 168
Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection 174
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine 185
Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine 193
Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China 206
Specific Rules for Enforcing the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China 211
Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China 230
Translation & Answer 参考译文和练习答案 241