Chapter 1 Geography and Basic Resources 3
2 A Glimpse of the Pre-British Society and Economy 10
3 British Rule 17
4 Profile of the Economy Before World War Ⅱ 31
5 Independence and Economic Aspirations, Plans and Policies 56
Introduction to Part Ⅱ 80
Chapter 6 The American Consultants and Their Preliminary Report 83
7 The Pyidawtha Conference 96
8 The K.T.A. Comprehensive Report: Economics, Policy and Administration 110
9 The K.T.A. Comprehensive Report: The Sector Programs 134
Chapter 10 The Fight for a Feasible Rate of Program Implementa-tion —1953-54 153
11 The Fight for Economic Stability: The Foreign Exchange Side—1954-55 163
12 The Fight for Economic Stability: The Domestic Inflation Side — 1955-56 185
13 The Fight for Central Responsibility, Program Priorities and Better Performance —1956-57 217
14 Political Split, Crisis and Change—1957-58 237
15 Cleanup and Consolidation: The Military Regime—September 1958-March 1960 252
Chapter 16 Implementation of the Agriculture and Irrigation Program 269
17 Implementation of the Program for State Manufacturing Industry 299
18 Implementation of Other Public Sector Programs 318
19 Implementation by the Private Sector 336
20 Outcomes and Impact of the Development Program 352
Chapter 21 The Problem of Defects in the Basic Plan 371
22 The Problem of Internal Security 382
23 Problems of Cultural Adaptation 388
24 Problems of Specialized Manpower 400
25 Problems of Finance 409
26 Problems of Annual Budgeting and Programing 432
27 Problems of Management in the Public Enterprises 448
28 Problems of Supervision and Coordination 465
29 Problems of Public Administration 477
30 Problems of Central Economic Policy 491
31 Problems of Foreign Aid 507
32 Problems of Technical Assistance 546
Chapter 33 Significance of the Experience for Burma's Further Eco-nomic Development 565
34 Significance of the Burma Experience for Economic Development in Other Countries 584
35 Significance of the Burma Experience for U. S. and Western Aid Policy 605
Ⅰ Prime Minister's Report to the People on National Economy,September 27, 1957 613
Ⅱ “Our Goal and Our Interim Programme,” Economic Policy Statement, 1953 634
Ⅲ Investment Policy Statement of the Council of Ministers,June 8, 1955 647
Ⅳ Text of the Union of Burma Investment Act, 1959 650
Ⅴ Membership of Important Working Economic Committees, as of 1955-56 653
Ⅵ Agenda of the Economic and Social Board, 1955-56 655
Ⅶ Robert R. Nathan Associates Field Staff in Burma,September 1951-February 1959 659
Ⅷ Selected Economic Indicators in Burma, 1938-39 to 1959-60 660
ILLUSTRATIONS(in back pocket) 33
1 Distribution of Workers by Major Census Classification, 1931 33
2 Percentage Distribution by Race of Male Earners Grouped by Selected Economic Functions, 1931 35
3 Income Data on Sample Basis, 1957 37
4 Urban Family Income, 1957 38
5 Agricultural Acreage and Production, 1936-37 to 1940-41 Average 41
6 Number of Factories and of Workers Employed, 1940 46
7 Foreign Trade Balance, 1901-41 49
8 Exports, 1938-39 49
9 Sea-Borne Export Trade with Principal Countries, 1938-39 50
10 Government Revenue and Expenditures, 1938-39 51
11 General Development Goals in 1950-51 Prices 112
12 Government and Private Capital Formation, 1953-54 to 1959-60 114
13 Governmental Receipts, by Source, Including Estimated Net Income of Governmental Enterprises, 1938-39 and 1951-52 122
14 Requirements for New Skilled Manpower, by Type of Worker,1953-59 (Cumulative) 130
15 K.T.A.- Planned Project Expenditures by Sector 135
16 K.T.A.- Planned Expenditures for Transportation and Communications 141
17 Foreign Exchange Transactions and Reserves, 1952-53 to 1959-60 165
18 Direction of Rice Exports, by Tonnage, 1954 through 1959-60 169
19 Direction of Rice Exports, by Value, 1954 through 1959-60 170
20 Proposed Imports in 1955-56, by Country and Economic Sector 188
21 Proposed Private Imports in 1955-56, by Commodity and Area of Origin 189
22 Proposed Private Imports from Barter Sources in 1955-56, by Commod-ity and Country of Origin 191
23 Import Program of the Civil Supplies Management Board, 1955-56 192
24 Consumer Price Index and Value of Imports, 1953-54, 1954-55 and 1955-56 198
25 Imports by Type of Commodity, 1953-54, 1954-55 and 1955-56 212
26 Imports by Major Category and Structure of Payments, 1953-54, 1954-55 and 1955-56 213
27 Consumer Price Index for a Worker's Family in Rangoon, 1953-54,1954-55 and 1955-56 213
28 Interim Consumer Price Index for Low-Income Households in Rangoon (Revised April 1958), Selected Components, 1953 through 1958-59 214
29 Consumer Price Indexes in Rangoon, 1941-60 215
30 Government Capital Expenditures, 1952-53 to 1955-56 and Estimates for 1956-57 to 1959-60 as Presented in February 1957 by the Ministry for National Planning 221
31 Public Capital Expenditures for Agriculture and Irrigation, 1952-53 to 1959-60 270
32 Capital Expenditures for Agriculture and Irrigation, by Major Program Component, 1952-53 to 1955-56 271
33 Government Loans to Agriculturists, 1952-53 to 1959-60 292
34 Land Nationalization and Redistribution, 1953-54 to 1957-58 293
35 Public Capital Outlays in the Industrial Sector, 1952-53 to 1959-60 300
36 Public Capital Outlays in the Industrial Sector, by Major Category,1952-53 to 1959-60 301
37 Investment in Major State Manufacturing Plants (Exclusive of Working Capital), 1952-53 to 1959-60 302
38 Selected Financial Data for Government Manufacturing Enterprises 313
39 Current Operating Surplus or Deficit, Selected State Manufacturing In-dustries, 1957-58 to 1960-61 314
40 The Teak Production Cycle, 1953-54 to 1956-57 321
41 Growth of Power Capacity, Generation and Consumption, 1951-52,1957-58 and 1959-60 328
42 Power Generation and Consumption in the Rangoon Electricity Supply Area, 1952, 1957-58 and 1959-60 329
43 Power Generation and Consumption in the Rest of Burma, 1951-52,1957-58 and 1959-60 329
44 Agricultural Production, Pre-war, 1951-52 and 1959-60 339
45 Paddy Yields per Acre, 1936-41 and 1951-52 to 1959-60 339
46 Crude Petroleum Production, 1939 and 1951 to 1959-60 341
47 Production of Petroleum Products, 1951-52 to 1959-60 341
48 Production of Selected Minerals, 1939 and 1952 to 1959-60 341
49 Percentage Distribution of Public and Private Imports, 1954-55 to 1959-60 343
50 Estimated Industrial Production, Employment and Number of Establish-ments, by Type of Industry and Product, 1953-54 and 1956-57 344
51 Cottage Industry: Percentage Increase from 1953-54 to 1956-57 in Num-ber of Establishments, Employment and Output, by Type of Product 346
52 Production and Employment in Manufacturing Establishments Employ-ing Ten or More Persons, 1953 and 1957 347
53 Value of Manufacturing Output, by Product, 1953 and 1957 348
54 Growth of Private Industrial Production, 1953-57 348
55 Public Capital Expenditures by Economic Sector, 1952-53 to 1959-60 353
56 Percentage Distribution of Public Capital Expenditures by Economic Sector, 1952-53 to 1959-60 354
57 Gross Domestic Product in 1947-48 Prices, 1938-39 to 1959-60 355
58 Eight-Year Development Plan, Major Economic Targets and Achieve-ments 357
59 Gross Capital Formation, Public and Private, 1949-50 to 1959-60 358
60 Gross and Net Capital Formation, 1949-50 to 1959-60 359
61 Programed and Actual Capital Formation, January 1952 to 1959-60 359
62 Public and Private Capital Formation, Programed and Actual, January1952 to 1959-60 361
63 Gross Capital Formation as Per Cent of Gross Domestic Product, Pro-gramed and Actual, 1952-53 to 1959-60 361
64 The Use of Resources, Pre-war and 1950s, a Percentage Distribution 361
65 Comparison of Selected Program Goals and Achievements 362
66 Health Facilities and Personnel, 1938-39, 1952 and 1959-60 365
67 Enrollment in State Schools, 1952 to 1959-60 366
68 Number of State Schools, 1952 to 1959-60 366
69 Rice Production, Exports, Proceeds and Prices, Selected Data, 1952-53 to 1959-60 372
70 The Union Government Budget, 1952-53 to 1959-60 413
71 Comprehensive Budget of the Public Sector, 1952-53 to 1959-60 414
72 Cash Consolidated Budget of the Union Government and Its Effect on the Privately Held Money Supply, 1953-54 to 1959-60 416
73 Resources Available for Public Capital Expenditures, 1952-53 to 1959-60 417
74 Financing of Public Capital Expenditures, 1952-53 to 1959-60 419
75 Union Government Budgetary Receipts, 1952-53 to 1959-60 422
76 Current Income and Expenditures of Larger State-Owned Boards,1956-57 426
77 The Union Government Budget, 1954-55 to 1959-60, Program and Actual 444
78 Comprehensive Budget of the Public Sector, 1954-55 to 1959-60, Pro-gram and Actual 445
79 Cash-Consolidated Budget of the Union Government and Its Effect on the Privately Held Money Supply, 1954-55 to 1959-60, Program and Actual 446
80 Selected Pay Scales in the Public Service, 1954 482
81 Chronological Highlights of the Foreign Aid Experience 508
82 Major Foreign Aid Agreements, 1951-60 510
83 Aid Commitments and Deliveries Through September 30, 1960 511
84 Chronology of U. S. Project Loan Agreements 529
85 Implementation of the ?25 Million U. S. Development Loan: Status of Projects as of September 30, 1960 531
86 Burma's Credit Position with the U.S.S.R., 1955-56 to 1959-60 539
87 Sources of Foreign Specialists Assisting the Government as of September 1957 548
88 Foreign Specialists Assisting the Government as of September 1957, by Field of Activity 550
89 Government Agencies Utilizing Services of Foreign Specialists, as of September 1957 551