CHAPTER1 Exploring Life and Science 1
1.1 The Characteristics of Life 2
1.2 Humans Are Related to Other Animals 6
1.3 Science as a Process 8
1.4 Making Sense of a Scientific Study 12
1.5 Science and Social Responsibility 14
PARTⅠ Human Organization 19
CHAPTER2 Chemistry of Life 19
2.1 From Atoms to Molecules 20
2.2 Water and Living Things 24
2.3 Molecules of Life 27
2.4 Carbohydrates 28
2.5 Lipids 30
2.6 Proteins 32
2.7 Nucleic Acids 35
CHAPTER3 Cell Structure and Function 41
3.1 What Is a Cell? 42
3.2 How Cells Are Organized 44
3.3 The Plasma Membrane and How Substances Cross It 46
3.4 The Nucleus and the Production of Proteins 49
3.5 The Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement 51
3.6 Mitochondria and Cellular Metabolism 52
CHAPTER4 Organization and Regulation of Body Systems 61
4.1 Types of Tissues 62
4.2 Connective Tissue Connects and Supports 62
4.3 Muscular Tissue Moves the Body 65
4.4 Nervous Tissue Communicates 66
4.5 Epithelial Tissue Protects 68
4.6 Cell Junctions 70
4.7 Integumentary System 71
4.8 Organ Systems 74
4.9 Homeostasis 78
PARTⅡ Maintenance of the Human Body 85
CHAPTER5 Cardiovascular System:Heart and Blood Vessels 85
5.1 Overview of the Cardiovascular System 86
5.2 The Types of Blood Vessels 87
5.3 The Heart Is a Double Pump 88
5.4 Features of the Cardiovascular System 92
5.5 Two Cardiovascular Pathways 94
5.6 Exchange at the Capillaries 96
5.7 Cardiovascular Disorders 97
CHAPTER6 Cardiovascular System:Blood 105
6.1 Blood:An Overview 106
6.2 Red Blood Cells and Transport of Oxygen 108
6.3 White Blood Cells and Defense Against Disease 110
6.4 Platelets and Blood Clotting 113
6.5 Blood Typing and Transfusions 114
6.6 Homeostasis 116
CHAPTER7 Lymphatic System and Immunity 121
7.1 Microbes,Pathogens,and You 122
7.2 The Lymphatic System 126
7.3 Nonspecific Defenses 128
7.4 Specific Defenses 130
7.5 Acquired Immunity 136
7.6 Hypersensitivity Reactions 138
CHAPTER8 Digestive System and Nutrition 143
8.1 Overview of Digestion 144
8.2 First Part of the Digestive Tract 146
8.3 The Stomach and Small Intestine 148
8.4 Three Accessory Organs and Regulation of Secretions 152
8.5 The Large Intestine and Defecation 154
8.6 Nutrition and Weight Control 156
CHAPTER9 Respiratory System 169
9.1 The Respiratory System 170
9.2 The Upper Respiratory Tract 171
9.3 The Lower Respiratory Tract 173
9.4 Mechanism of Breathing 174
9.5 Control of Ventilation 177
9.6 Gas Exchanges in the Body 178
9.7 Respiration and Health 180
CHAPTER10 Urinary System and Excretion 187
10.1 Urinary System 188
10.2 Kidney Structure 191
10.3 Urine Formation 195
10.4 Regulatory Functions of the Kidneys 197
10.5 Problems with Kidney Function 200
10.6 Homeostasis 201
PARTⅢ Movement and Support in Humans 207
CHAPTER11 Skeletal System 207
11.1 Overview of the Skeletal System 208
11.2 Bone Growth,Remodeling,and Repair 210
11.3 Bones of the Axial Skeleton 216
11.4 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton 220
11.5 Articulations 222
CHAPTER12 Muscular System 227
12.1 Overview of Muscular System 228
12.2 Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction 232
12.3 Whole Muscle Contraction 236
12.4 Muscular Disorders 240
12.5 Homeostasis 242
PARTⅣ Integration and Coordination in Humans 247
CHAPTER13 Nervous System 247
13.1 Overview of the Nervous System 248
13.2 The Central Nervous System 254
13.3 The Limbic System and Higher Mental Functions 260
13.4 The Peripheral Nervous System 262
13.5 Drug Abuse 267
CHAPTER14 Senses 273
14.1 Sensory Receptors and Sensations 274
14.2 Proprioceptors and Cutaneous Receptors 276
14.3 Senses of Taste and Smell 278
14.4 Sense of Vision 280
14.5 Sense of Hearing 286
14.6 Sense of Equilibrium 291
CHAPTER15 Endocrine System 295
15.1 Endocrine Glands 296
15.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 300
15.3 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 303
15.4 Adrenal Glands 305
15.5 Pancreas 308
15.6 Other Endocrine Glands 311
15.7 Homeostasis 314
PARTⅤ Reproduction in Humans 319
CHAPTER16 Reproductive System 319
16.1 Human Life Cycle 320
16.2 Male Reproductive System 321
16.3 Female Reproductive System 324
16.4 Female Hormone Levels 326
16.5 Control of Reproduction 331
16.6 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 336
AIDS Supplement 343
S.1 Origin and Prevalence of HIV 344
S.2 Phases of an HIV Infection 346
S.3 HIV Structure and Life Cycle 348
CHAPTER17 Development and Aging 353
17.1 Fertilization 354
17.2 Pre-Embryonic and Embryonic Development 355
17.3 Fetal Development 360
17.4 Pregnancy and Birth 368
17.5 Development After Birth 370
PARTⅥ Human Genetics 377
CHAPTER18 Patterns of Chromosome Inheritance 377
18.1 Chromosomes and the Cell Cycle 378
18.2 Mitosis 381
18.3 Meiosis 385
18.4 Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis 389
18.5 Chromosome Inheritance 393
CHAPTER19 Cancer 403
19.1 Cancer Cells 404
19.2 Causes and Prevention of Cancer 408
19.3 Diagnosis of Cancer 411
19.4 Treatment of Cancer 414
CHAPTER20 Patterns of Genetic Inheritance 421
20.1 Genotype and Phenotype 422
20.2 One-and Two-Trait Inheritance 423
20.3 Beyond Simple Inheritance Patterns 433
20.4 Sex-Linked Inheritance 436
CHAPTER21 DNA Biology and Technology 443
21.1 DNA and RNA Structure and Function 444
21.2 Gene Expression 447
21.3 Genomics 454
21.4 DNA Technology 458
PARTⅦ Human Evolution and Ecology 467
CHAPTER22 Human Evolution 467
22.1 Origin of Life 468
22.2 Biological Evolution 470
22.3 Classification of Humans 475
22.4 Evolution of Hominids 479
22.5 Evolution of Humans 481
CHAPTER23 Global Ecology and Human Interferences 491
23.1 The Nature of Ecosystems 493
23.2 Energy Flow 497
23.3 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 498
CHAPTER24 Human Population,Planetary Resources,and Conservation 511
24.1 Human Population Growth 512
24.2 Human Use of Resources and Pollution 514
24.3 Biodiversity 524
24.4 WorkingToward a Sustainable Society 530
APPENDIX:Answer Key 537