目录Chapter 1 如何轻松用美语谈判谁需要谈判 3
用谈判美语追求成功 9
Chapter 2 熟悉谈判必备美语最有效的10句谈判美语 13
一般谈判用句 14
谈判起始美语 17
谈判结束美语 18
正常谈判程序用句 19
缓兵之计用句 21
强化本身立场用句 23
善意反应用句 25
反面立场用句 27
有关价格业务用句 29
给对方施加压力 31
询问对方用句 33
Chapter 3 应用精简谈判会话Unit 1 Introducing Your Proposal 37
己方建议的提出Unit 2 Opening the Discussion 43
开始谈判Unit 3 Opening the Discussion(continued) 49
开始谈判(续)Unit 4 Negotiations Relating to Legal Aspects 56
与法规有关的谈判Unit 5 Negotiations Relating to the Buyer 63
与买方有关的谈判Unit 6 Negotiations Relating to the Seller 70
与卖方有关的谈判Unit 7 Negotiations Relating to Costs 77
与成本有关的谈判Unit 8 Miscellaneous Negotiations 84
其他谈判Unit 9 Closing the Discussion 91
结束谈判Unit 10 Closing the Discussioncontinued) 98
结束谈判(续)Unit 1 1 Re-evaluating the Negotiation/Making Changes 105
对谈判的再评估与相关的变更Chapter 4谈判美语句型变化Uni t 1 Introducing Your Proposal 115
己方建议的提出Unit 2 Opening the Discussion 121
开始谈判Unit 3 Opening the Discussion(continued) 125
开始谈判(续)Unit 4 Negotiations Relating to LegalAspects 130
与法规有关的谈判Unit 5 Negotiations Relating to the Buyer 136
与买方有关的谈判Unit 6 Negotiations Relating to the Sel ler 141
与卖方有关的谈判Unit 7 Negotiations Relating to Costs 147
与成本有关的谈判Unit 8 Miscellaneous Negotiations 153
其他谈判Unit 9 Closing the Discussion 159
结束谈判Unit 10 Closing the Discussion(continued) 164
结束谈判(续)Unit 1 1 Re-evaluating the Negotiation/Making Changes 170
对谈判的再评估与相关的变更Chapter5实际运用谈判美语Unit 1 Introducing Your Proposal 177
己方建议的提出Unit 2 Opening the Discussion 182
开始谈判Unit 3 Opening the Discussion(continued) 187
开始谈判(续)Unit 4 Negotiations Relating to LegalAspects 192
与法规有关的谈判Unit 5 Negotiations Relating to the Buyer 198
与买方有关的谈判Unit 6 Negotiations Relating to theSeller 204
与卖方有关的谈判Unit 7 Negotiations Relating to Costs 209
与成本有关的谈判Unit 8 Miscel laneous Negotiations 215
其他谈判Unit 9 Closing the Discussion 221
结束谈判Unit 10 Closing the Discussion(continued) 226
结束谈判(续)Unit 11 Re-evaluating the Negotiation/Making Changes 232