
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:谭春健主编;王芳编著
  • 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:264 页

一、汉语语音简介Instruction on Chinese Phonetics 1

1.汉语的音节Chinese syllables 1

2.汉语的声母和韵母Initials and finals in Chinese 5

3.汉语的声调Tones in Chinese 7

4.汉语拼音方案The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 9

二、声母Initials 12

5.汉语的21个声母21 initials of Chinese phonetics 12

6.声母b, p的发音Pronunciation of initials “b” and “p” 15

7.声母m, f的发音Pronunciation of initials “m” and “f” 19

8.声母d, t的发音Pronunciation of initials “d” and “t” 23

9.声母n, l的发音Pronunciation of initials “n” and “l” 27

10.声母g,k,h的发音Pronunciation of initials “g”, “k” and “h” 31

11.声母j, q, x的发音Pronunciation of initials “j”, “q” and “x” 35

12.声母z, c, s的发音Pronunciation of initials “z”, “c” and “s” 39

13.声母zh, ch, sh, r的发音Pronunciation of initials “zh”, “ch”,“sh”and “r” 42

14.汉语送气音和非送气音的归纳总结Aspirated initials and unaspirated initials 46

15.声母z和zh的辫音Aiculation of z and zh 48

16.声母z和j的辫音Articulation of z and j 51

17.声母c和ch的辫音Articulation of c and ch 54

18.声母c和q的辫音Articulation of c and q 57

19.声母s和sh的辫音Articulation of s and sh 60

20.声母s和x的辫音Articulation of s and x 63

21.声母r和l的辫音Articulation of r and l 66

22.声母表Initials 69

三、韵母Finals 71

23.单韵母Simple finals 71

24.怎样发好i,u, u? How to pronounce i,u, u? 74

25.怎样发好u和e? How to pronounce u and e? 77

26.怎样发好e和er? How to pronounce e and er? 80

27.复韵母(1)前响二合元音韵母Compound finals (1) Front-louderdi-finals 83

28.复韵母(2)后响二合元音韵母Compound finals (2) Back-louderdi-finals 86

29.复韵母(3)中响三合元音韵母Compound finals (3) mid-loudertri-finals 89

30.鼻韵母(1)前鼻音韵母1 Nasal finals (1) Front nasal finals 191

31.鼻韵母(1)前鼻音韵母2 Nasal finals (1) Front nasal finals 294

32.鼻韵母(2)后鼻音韵母1 Nasal finals (2) Back nasal finals 196

33.鼻韵母(2)后鼻音韵母2 Nasal finals (2) Back nasal finals 298

34.前鼻音韵母和后鼻音韵母的辫析Front nasal finals and back nasalfinals 100

35.on, en, in以及ong, eng, ing的开口度的区别The openness when pronouncing on, en, in and ong, eng, ing 103

36i起头的韵母Finals started with i 105

37u起头的韵母Finals started with u 107

38u起头的韵母Finals started with u 109

39o, e, i实际发音的不同On pronunciations of o, e, i 111

40.韵母表Finals 113

四、拼音规则Instructions on Pinyin Writing 114

41.汉语普通话的四呼 114

42.普通话声韵拼合规律 116

43.整体认读音节Syllables recognized as one unit 118

44.音节拼写规则:y, w的用法Pinyin rules of y and w 120

45.音节拼写规则:隔音符号的用法 122

46.音节拼写规则:省写Pinyin rules of ellipsis 123

47.音节拼写规则:标调法Tone mark labeling 124

48.音节拼写规则:大写Pinyin rules of the capital leers 126

49.单韵母u和u介音复元音韵母与j, q, x相拼的拼音规则Pinyin rules of the combination of u andj,q, x 127

五、声调Tones 129

50.怎么发好第一声和第四声? How to pronounce the first tone and the fourth tone? 129

51.怎么发好第二声和第三声? How to pronounce the second tone and the third tone? 132

52.双音节词的声调搭配:1+1,1+2 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 1+1,1+2 136

53.双音节词的声调搭配:1+3,1+4 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 1+3,1+4 138

54.双音节词的声调搭配:2+1,2+2 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 2+1,2+2 140

55.双音节词的声调搭配:2+3,2+4 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 2+3,2+4 142

56.双音节词的声调搭配:3+1,3+2 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 3+1,3+2 144

57.双音节词的声调搭配:3+3,3+4 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 3+3,3+4 146

58.双音节词的声调搭配:4+1,4+2 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 4+1,4+2 148

59.双音节词的声调搭配:4+3,4+4 Tones of the two-syllable-word: 4+3,4+4 150

60.汉语的轻声(1) Neutral tone (1) 152

61.汉语的轻声(2)词汇轻声Neutral tone (2) 155

62.汉语的轻声(3)语法轻声Neutral tone (3) 158

63.汉语的轻声(4)轻声的辨义作用Neutral tone (4) 160

64.三音节词语的声调搭配Tone style of the tri-syllable words 163

65.三个三声相连的读法Pronunciations of the words with three third tone syllables 165

66.含有轻声音节的三音节词语Pronunciations of tri-syllable words with a neutral tone 167

六、音变The Sandhi in Chinese Phonetics 169

67.“一”的变调The tone sandhi of“一” 169

68.“不”的变调The tone sandhi of“不” 172

69.儿化Retroexion 174

70.儿化的作用The function of the retroexion 176

71.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(1) Retroexion rules for dierent finals (1) 178

72.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(2) Retroexion rules for dierent finals (2) 180

73.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(3) Retroexion rules for dierent nals (3) 181

74.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(4) Retroexion rules for dierent finals (4) 182

75.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(5) Retroexion rules for dierent finals (5) 183

76.儿化在不同韵尾后的音变(6) Retroexion rules for dierent finals (6) 184

77.常用的儿化词Retroex words equently used 185

78.“……啊”的音变(1) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(1) 186

79.“……啊”的音变(2) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(2) 187

80.“……啊”的音变(3) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(3) 188

81.“……啊”的音变(4) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(4) 189

82.“……啊”的音变(5) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(5) 190

83.“……啊”的音变(6) Sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊”(6) 191

84.“……啊”的音变综合练习 Exercises on sound changes of the pronunciation of“啊” 192

七、重音和语调Stress and Intonation 194

85.双音节词语的重音Stress of di-syllable words 194

86.三音节词语的重音Stress of tri-syllable words 196

87.四音节词语的重音Stress of four-syllable words 198

88.句子中的停顿Pause in a Chinese sentence 200

89.句子的重音(1)(语法重音)Stress in sentences (1) (Grammar stress) 202

90.句子的重音(2)(逻辑重音1) Stress in sentences (2) (Logical stress 1) 204

91.句子的重音(3)(逻辑重音2) Stress in sentences (3) (Logical stress 2) 206

92.基本句调(升调和降调) Basic intonation in Chinese (raising and falling tones) 208

93.陈述句的句调Intonation of the declarative sentences 210

94.疑问句的句调Intonation of the interrogative sentences 212

95.祈使句的句调Intonation of the imperative sentences 215

96.感叹句的句调Intonation of the exclamato sentences 217

97.句子末尾的“吧”和“吗”“吧”and“吗”used at the end of the sentences 219

98.常用感叹词用法举例(1) Using examples of interjections (1) 221

99.常用感叹词用法举例(2) Using examples of interjections (2) 225

100.有趣的拟声词Interesting mimetic words 228

参考答案Keys 232