1 The Nature of Universal Grammar 1
Structure-dependency 3
ContentsPreface by Halliday 9
王宗炎序 10
导读 13
The Head Parameter 13
The Projection Principle 16
General Ideas of Language 21
Types of Universals 26
The Language Faculty 30
Preface to the Second Edition 33
Principles and Rules 33
2 Concepts of Principles and Parameters Theory 40
The Framework of Principles and Parameters Theory 40
Relating Sound and Meaning 42
Movement 45
Modules of the Theory 48
Government 50
The Pro-drop(Null Subject)Parameter 55
Binding Theory 61
Core and Periphery 70
3 General Concepts of Language Acquisition 75
General Ideas of Language Acquisition 76
States of the languagefaculty 78
The Language Acquisition Device 79
The poverty-of-the-stimulus argument 81
The principles and parameters theory and language acquisition 85
First Language Acquisition 88
The evidence available to the L1 learner 89
Some insufficient ways of acquiring a first language 93
The physical basis for Universal Grammar 105
Acquisition of principles and parameter setting in first language acquisition 108
Language input 115
Markedness and language development 118
Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar 124
The poverty-of-the-stimulus argument and Second Language Acquisition 126
Acquisition of parameter settings in Second Language Acquisition 130
4 The X-bar Theory of Phrase Structure 133
X-bar Theory of Phrase Structure 133
The Structure of Lexical Phrases 136
The Structure of Functional Phrases 148
Levels of Structural Representation and Movement 152
5 θ-Theory and Functional Categories 159
Aspects of the Lexical Entry 159
The Projection Principle and θ-Theory 163
Grammatical Functions 173
Further Types of Functional Phrase 181
6 Movement and Case Theory 189
NP-movement 191
Wh-movement 199
Subject-movement and Verb-movement 206
Word Order Variation 215
Case Theory 222
The Case Filter 226
Parameters of Case Theory 231
7 Government and Other Developments 234
C-command and Government 234
Government and Case Theory 242
Control Structures 245
Binding Theory 250
Binding Theory and Empty Categories 251
The Boundedness of Movement and Proper Government 256
Relativized Minimality 268
8 Topics in Language Acquisition 273
The Acquisition of Functional Phrases 274
Alternative Explanations of Children's Null-Subject Sentences 284
Access to Universal Grammar in Second Language Acquisition 291
Maturation and Universal Grammar 297
Binding Parameters and Acquisition of Binding Theory 303
9 A Sketch of the Minimalist Programme 311
Why Minimalism? 312
A Brief Sketch of the Minimalist Framework 318
How Minimal Can the Minimalist Programme Get? 326
Getting Rid of D-and S-structure 326
Getting Rid of Government 333
Getting Rid of X-bar 338
Conclusion 344
Principles,Parameters and Operations:Quick Reference List 345
References 351
Index 363
文库索引 370