1.An Outline of Commercial English 1
1)Why Did(Do)We Chinese Study Eglish 1
2)What Is Commercial English? 3
3)What Are the Basic Distinguishing 4
2.Fundamentals and Basic Requirements of Understanding and Translation 12
1)Fundamentals 12
2)Basic Requirements 17
3.On Specialized Knowledge 40
1)Specialized Knowledge 40
2)Business Category 42
3)Cofusion in the Same Category 43
4)Usage 44
5)Preciseness 45
6)Business Characteristic 47
7)Polysemy 48
8)Coordination of Words 50
4.On Words 52
1)Noun 52
2)Article 54
3)Pronoun 55
4)Ajective 55
5)Adverb 57
6)Numeral 58
7)Verb 59
8)Preposition 60
9)Conjunctive 62
10)Words Commonly Used in Business English 63
5.On Connercial Symbols and Abbreviations 84
1)Commercial Symbols 84
2)Abbreviations 88
6.On Experessions 120
1)Experessions of the Sarme Kind 120
2)Experessions of the Sarme Formartion 126
3)Synonymous Expressions 127
4)Coorsinate Expressions 130
5)Antonymous Expressions 130
6)Seemingly Simiar Expressions 131
7)Non-English Expressions 134
8)Other Special Experssions 135
9)Expressions Comminly Used in Business English 135
7.On Sentence Formation and Grammar 153
1)Sentence Formation 153
2)Grammar 170
8.Contract and Agreement 177
1)Formal and Legal Words 177
2)Necessary Coordinate Structure 178
3)Commonl Used Structure 179
4)Necessary Capital Word or Numeral 180
5)Hereby,Thereon and Wherein,etc. 180
6)Words Commonly Used in Business English 181
7)Customary Expressions 182
8)Formularized Provision 183
9)Special Expressions 184
10)To Use Parenthesis 185
11)To Use Appendix,etc. 186
12)To Use Definition Clause,etc. 186
13)To Use Limitative Clause,etc. 186
14)Shall 187
15)Simple Present Tense 187
16)Paddive Voice 187
17)Active Voice 188
18)Non -Finite Form of Verb 188
19)Commonly Used Prepositional Phrase 188
20)To Be Practical and Concrete 189
21)To Be Correct and Complete 189
22)To Be Straight -Forward and Pithy 190
23)To Be Scientific and Rigorous 190
24)Specimen 191
9.Commercial Documents 196
1)Word to Be Concise 196
2)Tra Colouring to Be Marked 197
3)Clause as Certification 198
4)Clause as Stipulation 198
5)Clause as Declaration 198
6)Coordnate Clause 200
7)Non-Finite Forrm of Verb 201
8)Incomplete Sentence 201
9)Expression Without Verb 202
10)The Same, Thereof, ect .to Be Used 202
11)Different Commercial Forms to Be Used 202
12)Contents of Different Commercial Documents 204
10.Letter of Credit 228
1)Commonly Used Words 228
2)Atticle Omitted 230
3)Common Business Abbreviations 230
4)Necessary Capital Word 231
5)Shall ,ect. 231
6)Special Words 232
7)Expreessions Frequently Used in Financial World 233
8)Non-Finite Form of Verb and Other Expressions 234
9)Linitative Clause 235
10)Simple Presenr Tense 236
11)Active Voice 237
12)Passive Voice 237
13)Letter of Credit Itself 237
14)Re Commodity 238
15)Re Draft 238
16)Re Shipping Documents 239
17)Re Shipment 239
18)Re Other Items 239
19)Clauses in Letter of Credit 240
20)Specimen of Letter of Credit 248
11.Convention,Rule, Law and Regulation 254
1)Legal Colouring 254
2)Specialize Characteristic 256
3)Featur of Specified Provision 257
4)Hereby, ect 259
5)Idioms 259
6)Tree-Shape Structure 261
7)Coordinate Structure 262
8)Inserted Structure 263
9)Special Omission 264
10)Special Present Tense 265
11)Simple Presen Tense 266
12)Shall 267
13)Must,Should,May,Will 267
14)Have Done ,Shall Have Done 268
15)Passive Voice 269
16)Definition 269
17)Condition 270
18)Limitation and Range 273
19)Time,Place.Quantity,Specification,Right and Obligation 273
20)Specimen 274
12.Commercial Publicity 299
1)Word to Be Attractive 299
2)Abbreviation to Be Commonly Accepted 300
3)Coordinate Statements 301
4)Concise Description 302
5)Excellent Illustration 303
6)Commercial Slogan 304
7)Shortened Structure 304
8)Shortened Present Tense 304
9)Necessary Emphasis 305
10)Vigorous and Pithy 305
11)Novel and Clear 306
12)Fine and Touching 307
13)Different Writings 308
13.Commercial Corresponsence 319
1)Words 319
2)Layout of Business Letter 337
3)Usage 344
4)To Use Pronoun "We" 347
5)To Use Pronoun"You" 348
6)Simple Present Tense 349
7)To Be Precise 349
8)To Be All-Sided 349
9)Sentences Commonly Used 350
14.Cable and Telex 357
1)Cable 357
2)Telex 369