Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 1
本章学习指导 1
1.1 The Invention of the Computer 1
1.2 Computer Generations 3
1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions 6
Reading Material: DARPA Creating Self-Aware Computing 8
科技英语的特点 8
Exercises 11
Chapter 2 Organization of Computers 12
本章学习指导 12
2.1 Basic Organization of Computers 12
2.2 CPU Organization 16
2.3 Memory Subsystem Organization and Interfacing 18
2.4 I/O Subsystem Organization and Interfacing 24
Reading Material: On 64-Bit Processing 26
计算机英语专业词汇的构成 27
Exercises 31
Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra 33
本章学习指导 33
3.1 Number Systems 33
3.2 Boolean Algebra 39
Reading Material: Moore’s Law 41
数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions) 42
Exercises 45
Chapter 4 Data Structure 46
本章学习指导 46
4.1 An Introduction to Data Structures 46
4.2 Stacks 47
4.3 Queues 50
常用英汉互译技巧 51
Exercises 56
Chapter 5 Operating System 58
本章学习指导 58
5.1 OS Function 58
5.2 Evolution of OS Function 61
5.3 OS Structure 63
被动语态的翻译技巧 66
Exercises 69
Chapter 6 Software Engineering 70
本章学习指导 70
6.1 The Software Life Cycle 70
6.2 Design Methodologies 75
Reading Material: Software Security 78
复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧之一 82
Exercises 85
Chapter 7 Programming Languages 86
本章学习指导 86
7.1 Computer Languages 86
7.2 Object-Oriented Programming 88
Reading Material: OMG’s Unified Modeling Language(UML) 94
复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧之二 96
Exercises 99
Chapter 8 The Internet 101
本章学习指导 101
8.1 The Internet:Technology Background 101
8.2 The Internet Today 110
8.3 Internet Ⅱ:The Future Infrastructure 116
Reading Material:Researcher Develops Colorful Map of the Internet 120
英语长句的翻译 120
Exercises 125
Chapter 9 The World Wide Web 126
本章学习指导 126
9.1 Hypertext 126
9.2 Markup Languages 127
9.3 Web Servers and Clients 129
9.4 Web Browsers 131
Reading Material: The Internet and The Web: Features 131
学术论文的英文写作简介 136
Exercises 138
Chapter10 Computer and Network Security 140
本章学习指导 140
10.1 Characteristics of Computer Intrusion and Kinds of Security Bbreaches 140
10.2 Modern Cryptography- Data Encryption 142
10.3 How Firewalls Work 145
科技论文标题的写法 149
Exercises 151
Chapter 11 Database Management 152
本章学习指导 152
11.1 Overview 152
11.2 DBMS Structuring Techniques 154
11.3 Database Management Features of Oracle 157
Reading Material: Data Independence, Integrity And Security 159
英文摘要的写作技巧 161
Exercises 165
Chapter 12 Multimedia 167
本章学习指导 167
12.1 Multimedia 167
12.2 Elements of Multimedia 169
12.3 The Multimedia Personal Computer 172
Reading Material: Recent Advances in Computer Vision 173
英文论文引言的写作技巧 177
Exercises 183
Chapter13 Computer Graphics 185
本章学习指导 185
13.1 Introduction To Computer Graphics 185
13.2 Video Display Devices 188
13.3 Output Primitives 191
13.4 Computer Animation 193
求职英语简介 195
Exercises 198
Chapter 14 Virtual Reality 200
本章学习指导 200
14.1 An Introduction to and History of Virtual Reality 200
14.2 About VRML 202
Reading Material: Industrial Strength VR: Telepresence in Factories 205
广告文体简介 208
Exercises 211
参考译文 212
附录 部分习题参考答案 271
主要参考文献及网站 284