《人与环境 第13版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:21 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)米勒(Miller,J.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7040155907
  • 页数:757 页


1 Environmental Problems,Their Causes,and Sustainability 2

Living in an Exponential Age 2

1-1 Living More Sustainably 3

Spotlight:Cast of Players in the Environmental Drama 3

Guest Essay:Natural Capital by Paul G.Hawken 16

1-2 Population Growth,Economic Growth,Environmentally Sustainable Development,and Globalization 4

Spotlight:Current Exponential Growth of the Human Population 5

Connections:Some Harmful Environmental Effects of Poverty 8

1-3 Resources 9

Connections:Free-Access Resources and the Tragedyof the Commons 11

Connections:Lessons from China 15

1-4 Pollution 10

1-5 Environmental Problems:Causes and Connections 12

1-6 Is Our Present Course Sustainable? 13

Solutions:Some Guidelines for Working with the Earth 18

2 Environmental History:An Overview 21

Near Extinction o f the AmericanBison 21

2-1 Cultural Changes and the Environment 22

Connections:Consequences of the Agricultural Revolution 24

Connections:Consequences of Advanced Industrial Societies 25

2-2 Environmental History of the United States:The Tribal and Frontier Eras 25

2-3 Environmental History of the United States:The Early Conservation Era(1832-1960) 26

Individuals Matter:Alice Hamilton 28

Spotlight:How Should Public Land Resources Be Used?Preservationists vs.Conservationists 32

2-4 Environmental History of the United States:The Environmental Era(1960-2002) 29

Individuals Matter:Rachel Carson 33

2-5 Case Study:Aldo Leopold and His Land Ethic 36


3 Science,Systems,Matter,and Energy 40

Two Islands:Can We Treat This One Better? 40

3-1 Science and Critical Thinking 41

Guest Essay:Critical Thinking and Environmental Studies by Jane Heinze-Fry 42

Connections:What Is Harming the Robins? 44

3-2 Models and Behavior of Systems 44

3-3 Matter:Forms,Structure,and Quality 47

3-4 Energy:Forms and Quality 51

3-5 Physical and Chemical Changes and the Law of Conservation of Matter 54

Spotlight:Keeping Track of Atoms 54

3-6 Nuclear Changes 55

3-7 Two Laws Governing Energy Changes 59

3-8 Connections:Matter and Energy Change Laws and Environmental Problems 60

4 Ecosystems:Components,Energy Flow,and Matter Cycling 64

Have You Thanked the Insects Today? 64

4-1 The Nature of Ecology 65

Connections:Microbes:The Invisible Rulers of the Earth 65

4-2 The Earth’s Life-Support Systems 68

4-3 Ecosystem Concepts and Components 70

4-4 Connections:Food Webs and Energy Flow in Ecosystems 76

4-5 Primary Productivity of Ecosystems 80

4-6 Connections:Matter Cycling in Ecosystems 82

Case Study:Effects of Deforestation on Nutrient Cycling 90

4-7 How Do Ecologists Learn About Ecosystems? 89

4-8 Ecosystem Services and Sustainability 92

5 Evolution and Biodiversity:Origins,Niches,and Adaptation 95

Earth:The Just-Right,Resilient Planet 95

5-1 Origins of Life 96

Spotlight:How Did Life First Evolve? 99

5-2 Evolution and Adaptation 100

Spotlight:What Is Artificial Selection? 100

5-3 Ecological Niches and Adaptation 103

Spotlight:Cockroaches:Nature’s Ultimate Survivors 105

5-4 Speciation,Extinction,and Biodiversity 104

Guest Essay:The Future of Evolution by Norman Myers 108

6 Biogeography:Weather,Climate,Biomes,and Terrestrial Biodiversity 110

Connections:Blowing in the Wind 110

6-1 Weather:A Brief Introduction 111

6-2 Climate:A Brief Introduction 115

6-3 Biomes:Climate and Life on Land 122

6-4 Desert Biomes 125

6-5 Grassland,Tundra,and Chaparral Biomes 128

6-6 Forest Biomes 134

6-7 Mountain Biomes 141

6-8 Lessons from Geographic Ecology 141

7 Aquatic Ecology:Biodiversity in Aquatic Systems 144

Why Should We Care About Coral Reefs? 144

7-1 Aquatic Environments:Types,Components,and Limiting Factors 145

Spotlight:Biofiltration 149

7-2 Saltwater Life Zones 147

Connections:Coral Partners May Enhance Reef Survival 155

7-3 Freshwater Life Zones 156

7-4 Sustainability of Aquatic Life Zones 162

8 Community Ecology:Structure,Species Interactions,Succession,and Sustainability 165

Flying Foxes:Keystone Species in Tropical Forests 165

8-1 Community Structure:Appearance and Species Diversity 166

8-2 General Types of Species 169

Connections:Why Are Amphibians Vanishing? 170

Connections:Why Should We Care About Alligators? 173

8-3 Species Interactions:Competition and Predation 172

Case Study:Why Are Sharks Important Species? 176

8-4 Symbiotic Species Interactions:Parasitism,Mutualism,and Commensalism 178

8-5 Ecological Succession:Communities in Transition 180

8-6 Ecological Stability and Sustainability 184

9 Population Dynamics,Carrying Capacity,and Conservation Biology 190

Sea Otters:Are They Back from the Brink of Extinction? 190

9-1 Population Dynamics and Carrying Capacity 191

9-2 The Role of Predation in Controlling Population Size 192

Case Study:Wolf and Moose Interactions on Isle Royale 197

9-3 Reproductive Patterns and Survival 195

9-4 Conservation Biology:Sustaining Wildlife Populations 198

9-5 Human Impacts on Ecosystems:Learning from Nature 199

Connections:Ecological Surprises 200

Solutions:Principles of Sustainability:Learning from Nature 201

10 Geology:Processes,Hazards,and Soils 203

The Mount St.Helens Eruption 203

10-1 Geologic Processes 204

10-2 Internal and External Earth Processes 205

10-3 Minerals,Rocks,and the Rock Cycle 209

10-4 Natural Hazards:Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions 210

10-5 Soil Resources:Formation and Types 212

10-6 Soil Erosion and Degradation 216

10-7 Solutions:Soil Conservation 222

Case Study:Slowing Soil Erosion in the United States 223

11 Risk,Toxicology,and Human Health 228

The Big Killer 228

11-1 Risk,Probability,and Hazards 229

11-2 Toxicology 229

11-3 Chemical Hazards 233

Connecalons:Are Hormonally Active Chemicals a Health Threat? 235

11-4 Biological Hazards:Disease in Developed and Developing Countries 236

Spotlight:Are We Losing Ground in Our War Against Infectious Bacteria? 238

Case Study:The Global Tuberculosis Epidemic 241

Solutions:Producing an Edible Hepatitis B Vaccine 242

Solutions:Improving Health Care in Developing Countries 244

11-5 Risk Analysis 245


12 The Human Population:Growth,Demography,and Carrying Capacity 254

Slowing Population Growth in Thailand 254

12-1 Factors Affecting Human Population Size 255

12-2 Population Age Structure 263

12-3 Solutions:Influencing Population Size 267

Case Study:Immigration in the United States 268

Guest Essay:Moral Implications of Cultural Carrying Capacity by Garrett Hardin 272

12-4 Case Studies:Slowing Population Growth in India and China 271

12-5 Cutting Global Population Growth 274

13 Food Resources 277

Perennial Crops on the Kansas Prairie 277

13-1 How Is Food Produced? 278

13-2 Producing Food by Green-Revolution and Traditional Techniques 281

13-3 Food Production,Nutrition,and Environmental Effects 284

Solutions:Saving Children 289

Case Study:Can China’s Population Be Fed? 293

13-4 Increasing World Crop Production 289

Spotlight:Shrinking the World’s Genetic Plant Library 295

13-5 Producing More Meat 296

Connections:Some Environmental Consequences of Meat Production 299

Spotlight:Endangered Riparian Zones 300

13-6 Catching and Raising More Fish 301

Connections:Commercial Fishing and the Tragedy of the Commons 305

13-7 Government Agricultural Policy 307

13-8 Solutions:Sustainable Agriculture 308

14 Water Resources 312

Water and Grain Import Wars in the Middle East 312

14-1 Water’s Importance and Unique Properties 313

14-2 Supply,Renewal,and Use of Water Resources 314

14-3 Too Little Water 317

14-4 Using Dams and Reservoirs to Supply More Water 318

Case Study:Egypt’s Aswan High Dam:Blessing or Disaster? 321

Case Study:The Colorado River Basin 322

14-5 Transferring Water from One Place to Another 322

Case Study:The Aral Sea Water Transfer Disaster 324

14-6 Tapping Groundwater,Converting Salt Water to Fresh Water,Seeding Clouds,and Towing Icebergs 324

Case Study:Mining Groundwater:The Shrinking Ogallala Aquifer 327

14-7 Using Water More Efficiently 328

Spotlight:Water Rights in the United States 329

Solutions:The Promise of Drip Irrigation 333

Spotlight:Running Short of Water in Las Vegas,Nevada 334

14-8 Too Much Water 332

Connections:Living Dangerously on Floodplains in Bangladesh 335

14-9 Solutions:Achieving a More Sustainable Water Future 335

15 Geologic Resources:Nonrenewable Mineral and Energy Resources 338

Bitter Lessons from Chernobyl 338

15-1 Nature and Formation of Mineral Resources 339

15-2 Finding and Removing Nonrenewable Mineral Resources 341

15-3 Environmental Effects of Extracting,Processing,and Using Mineral Resources 343

Case Study:Some Environmental Effects of Gold Mining 345

Pro/Con:Controversy Over the General Mining Law of 1872 347

15-4 Supplies of Mineral Resources 346

Solutions:Mining with Microbes 349

15-5 Evaluating Energy Resources 349

15-6 Oil 354

Spotlight:A Brief History of Oil 359

Pro/Con:Should Oil and Gas Development Be Allowed in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? 360

15-7 Natural Gas 362

15-8 Coal 363

15-9 Nuclear Energy 365

Case Study:How Safe Are Radioactive Wastes Stored at Nuclear Power Plants? 371

Case Study:Underground Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States 374

16 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 380

The Coming Energy-Efficiency and Renewable-Energy Revolution 380

16-1 The Importance of Improving Energy Efficiency 381

Guest Essay:Technology Is the Answer(But What Was the Question?) by Amory B.Lovins 384

16-2 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency 383

Connections:The Real Cost of Gasoline in the United States 388

Guest Essay:Living Lightly on the Earth at Round Mountain Organics by Nancy Wicks 390

Connections:Using the Internet to Save Energy and Paper and Reduce Global Warming 393

16-3 Using Solar Energy to Provide Heat and Electricity 393

16-4 Producing Electricity from Moving Water and from Heat Stored in Water 400

16-5 Producing Electricity from Wind 401

16-6 Producing Energy from Biomass 403

16-7 The Solar-Hydrogen Revolution 405

Spotlight:Producing Hydrogen from Green Algae Found in Pond Scum 408

16-8 Geothermal Energy 409

16-9 Entering the Age of Decentralized Micropower 410

16-10 Solutions:A Sustainable Energy Strategy 412


17 Air and Air Pollution 418

When Is a Lichen Like a Canary? 418

17-1 The Atmosphere 419

17-2 Outdoor Air Pollution 420

Spotlight:Air Pollution in the Past:The Bad Old Days 423

17-3 Photochemical and Industrial Smog 423

17-4 Regional Outdoor Air Pollution from Acid Deposition 428

17-5 Indoor Air Pollution 434

17-6 Effects of Air Pollution on Living Organisms and Materials 437

Spotlight:Health Dangers from Fine Particles 440

17-7 Solutions:Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution 439

18 Climate Change and Ozone Loss 446

A.D.2060:Green Times on Planet Earth 446

18-1 Past Climate Change and the Natural Greenhouse Effect 447

18-2 Climate Change and Human Activities 448

18-3 Projecting Future Changes in the Earth’s Climate 454

Spotlight:How Do Climate Models Work? 456

18-4 Factors Affecting Changes in the Earth’s Average Temperature 457

18-5 Some Possible Effects of a Warmer World 460

Connections:Global Warming,Kirtland’s Warblers,and Adelie Penguins 463

18-6 Solutions:Dealing with the Threat of Climate Change 464

Solutions:Energy Efficiency to the Rescue 465

Solutions:Organic Farming and No-Till Cultivation to the Rescue 468

18-7 What Is Being Done to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? 469

18-8 Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere 472

Connections:The Cancer You Are Most Likely to Get 478

18-9 Solutions:Protecting the Ozone Layer 476

Individuals Matter:Ray Turner and His Refrigerator 479

19 Water Pollution 483

Learning Nature’s Ways to Purify Sewage 483

19-1 Types,Effects,and Sources of Water Pollution 484

Case Study:Hurricanes,Hog Farms,and Water Pollution in Eastern North Carolina 487

19-2 Pollution of Freshwater Streams 489

Individuals Matter:Tracking Down the Pfiesteria Cell from Hell 489

19-3 Pollution of Freshwater Lakes 489

19-4 Groundwater Pollution and Its Prevention 493

Spotlight:How Much Arsenic Should We Allow in Drinking Water? 496

19-5 Ocean Pollution 496

Case Study:The Baltic Sea 499

Solutions:Bring Back the Oysters 501

19-6 Solutions:Preventing and Reducing Surface Water Pollution 502

Solutions:Using Wetlands to Treat Sewage 507

19-7 Drinking Water Quality 507

Individuals Matter:Using UV Light,Horseradish,and Slimes to Purify Water 508

20 Pesticides and Pest Control 512

Along Came a Spider 512

20-1 Pesticides:Types and Uses 513

20-2 The Case for Pesticides 514

20-3 The Case Against Pesticides 515

Spotlight:How Effective Have Pesticides Been in Reducing Crop Losses? 517

20-4 Pesticide Regulation in the United States 518

Connections:What Goes Around Can Come Around 518

20-5 Other Ways to Control Pests 520

21 Solid and Hazardous Waste 525

There Is No “Away”:Love Canal 525

21-1 Wasting Resources 526

Case Study:Mining and Smelting Waste in Montana 527

Case Study:A Black Day in Bhopal 529

21-2 Producing Less Waste and Pollution 528

Guest Essay:We Have Been Asking the Wrong Questions About Wastes by Lois Marie Gibbs 530

Solutions:Doing More with Less:Increasing Resource Productivity 533

21-3 Solutions:Cleaner Production and Selling Services Instead of Things 531

Individuals Matter:Ray Anderson 534

Guest Essay:Cleaner Production:A New Environmentalism for the 21st Century by Peter Montague 536

21-4 Reuse 534

Solutions:What Kind of Grocery Bags Should We Use? 535

21-5 Recycling 535

Solutions:Using Composting to Recycle Biodegradable Wastes 539

Case Study:Recycling,Reuse,and Waste Reduction in Germany 540

21-6 Case Studies:Recycling Wastepaper and Plastics 540

21-7 Detoxifying,Burning,Burying,and Exporting Wastes 542

Individuals Matter:Using Landfill Methane to Heat a School 545

21-8 Case Studies:Lead,Mercury,Chlorine,and Dioxins 548

21-9 Hazardous-Waste Regulation in the United States 552

Spotlight:Using Honeybees to Detect Toxic Pollutants 553

Solutions:How Can the Superfund Law Be Improved? 554

21-10 Solutions:Achieving a Low-Waste Society 555


22 Sustaining Wild Species 560

The Passenger Pigeon:Gone Forever 560

22-1 Human Impacts on Biodiversity 561

22-2 Species Extinction 563

Case Study:Bats Are Getting a Bad Rap 567

22-3 Why Should We Care About Biodiversity? 568

Spotlight:What Is the Economic Value of the Earth’s Ecological Services? 571

Connections:Biophilia 572

22-4 Extinction Threats from Habitat Loss and Degradation 572

Case Study:The Plight of Migrating Birds 575

22-5 Extinction Threats from Nonnative Species 574

Connections:Deliberate Introduction of the Kudzu Vine 577

Case Study:The Termite from Hell 579

Individuals Matter:Killing Invader Species and Saving Shipping Companies Money 580

22-6 Extinction Threats from Hunting and Poaching 579

22-7 Other Extinction Threats 581

22-8 Protecting Wild Species from Depletion and Extinction:The Research and Legal Approach 582

Spotlight:Accomplishments of the Endangered Species Act 586

22-9 Protecting Wild Species from Depletion and Extinction:The Sanctuary Approach 586

22-10 Wildlife Management 588

Connections:What Should Be Done About Snow Geese? 591

23 Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity:The Ecosystem Approach 594

Who Is Afraid of the Big Gray Wolf? 594

23-1 Land Use in the World and the United States 595

Individuals Matter:The Eco-Rancher 599

23-2 Managing and Sustaining Forests 598

Solutions:Certifying Sustainably Grown Timber 606

23-3 Forest Resources and Management in the United States 608

23-4 Tropical Deforestation and the Fuelwood Crisis 612

Solutions:The Incredible Neem Tree 614

Connections:The Downward Spiral of Tropical Forest Degradation 616

Solutions:Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry Tropical Forests 618

Individuals Matter:Kenya’s Green Belt Movement 619

Individuals Matter:New Stoves Help Save India’s Forests and Improve Women’s Health 620

23-5 Managing and Sustaining National Parks 619

23-6 Establishing,Designing,and Managing Nature Reserves 621

Solutions:Parks in Costa Rica 622

Solutions:The Nature Conservancy 623

Solutions:Biosphere Reserves 625

Case Study:The U.S.National Wilderness Preservation System 628

23-7 Ecological Restoration 629

Individuals Matter:Ecological Restoration of a Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica 630

24 Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity 634

Connections:Can Lake Victoria Be Saved? 634

24-1 The Importance of Aquatic Biodiversity 635

24-2 Human Impacts on Aquatic Biodiversity 637

Spotlight:Invasion of Wetlands by Purple Loosestrife 640

24-3 Protecting and Sustaining Marine Biodiversity 640

Case Study:Near Extinction of the Blue Whale 643

24-4 Managing and Sustaining the World’s Marine Fisheries 649

Spotlight:Managing Fisheries with Individual Transfer Quotas 650

24-5 Protecting,Sustaining,and Restoring Wetlands 651

Individuals Matter:Restoring a Wetland 652

24-6 Protecting,Sustaining,and Restoring Lakes and Rivers 653

Case Study:Protecting Lake Baikal 654

25 Sustainable Cities:Urban Land Use and Management 661

The Ecocity Concept in Davis,California 661

25-1 Urbanization and Urban Growth 661

Spotlight:The Urban Poor 663

25-2 Urban Resource and Environmental Problems 668

Connections:How Can Reducing Crime Help the Environment? 671

25-3 Transportation and Urban Development 671

Pro/Con:Good and Bad News About Motor Vehicles 673

Case Study:Mass Transit in the United States 677

Solutions:Curitiba,Brazil 678

25-4 Urban Land-Use Planning and Control 676

Solutions:Ecological Land-Use Planning 681

Solutions:Land-Use Planning in Oregon 683

25-5 Solutions:Making Urban Areas More Livable and Sustainable 682

Case Study:Tapiola,Finland 683

Guest Essay:The Ecological Design Arts by David W.Orr 684


26 Economics,Environment,and Sustainability 690

How Important Are Natural Resources? 690

26-1 Economic Resources and Systems and Environmental Problems 691

Solutions:Appropriate Technology 696

Guest Essay:The Steady-State Economy in Outline by Herman E.Daly 698

26-2 Monitoring Economic and Environmental Progress 695

26-3 Harmful External Costs and Full-Cost Pricing 698

26-4 The Economics of Pollution Control and Resource Management 700

26-5 Using Regulations and Market Forces to Improve Environmental Quality 703

Solutions:Shifting the Tax Burden from Wages and Profits to Pollution and Waste 705

Spotlight:What Is Good Environmental Management? 707

26-6 Reducing Poverty to Improve Environmental Quality and Human Well-Being 708

Solutions:Microloans to the Poor 709

26-7 Making the Transition to More Environmentally Sustainable Economies 710

Case Study:How Is Germany Investing in the Future and the Earth? 712

Connections:Jobs and the Environment 713

27 Politics,Environment,and Sustainability 716

Rescuing a River 716

27-1 Politics and Environmental Policy 717

27-2 Developing and Influencing Environmental Policy 717

Solutions:Election Finance Reform 721

Individuals Matter:Environmental Careers 724

27-3 Case Study:Environmental Policy in the United States 719

Solutions:Types of Environmental Laws in the United States 724

27-4 Environmental Law 723

Case Study:The Regulatory Takings Controversy 725

Spotlight:SLAPPs:Intimidating Environmental Activists 726

27-5 Environmental and Anti-Environmental Groups and Claims 727

Guest Essay:Environmental Justice for All by Robert D.Bullard 728

Individuals Matter:Environmental Action on Campuses 732

Guest Essay:Covering the Environment by Andrew C.Revkin 734

Solutions:Improving Environmental Laws and Regulations 736

27-6 Global Environmental Policy 731

Solutions:Goals of National and Global Environmental NGOs 737

Solutions:Improving Trade Agreements 738

28 Environmental Worldviews,Ethics,and Sustainability 741

Biosphere 2:A Lesson in Humility 741

28-1 Environmental Worldviews in Industrial Societies 742

28-2 Life-Centered Environmental Worldviews 743

Connections:Why Should We Care About Future Generations? 745

Spotlight:Deep Ecology 746

28-3 Solutions:Living More Sustainably 747

Guest Essay:Envisioning a Sustainable Society by Lester W.Milbrath 748

Individuals Matter:Mindquake:Evaluating One’s Environmental Worldview 750

Connections:Learning from the Earth 751

Guest Essay:Green Colleges by Noel Perrin 752

Spotlight:What Are Our Basic Needs? 754

Appendices 1

1 Units of Measurement 1

2 Some Basic Chemistry 2

3 Classifying and Naming Species 5

Glossary 1

Index 1