1.Terminology and Scope 7
1.Choice of law and jurisdiction 7
2-1.Conflict of laws" and "private international law 8
2-2.Interterritorial and intertemporal conflicts 10
3.Datum and rule of decision 11
4.2.History 12
a.The European Continent 15
5-1.Statutism 15
5-2.Comity 16
5-3.From vested rights to modern pluralism 17
b.England and the United States 19
6-1.Lex fori 19
6-2.Joseph Story 20
6-3."Vested rights": Dicey and Beale 21
7."Local law" 22
8-1.3.Current Doctrine 24
a."Revolution" 25
8-2."Justice" 25
8-3.Cavers: Principles of Preference 26
8-4.The Second Restatement: The "most significant relationship" 26
8-5.Currie: "Governmental interests" 28
8-6.Von Mehren and Trautman: "Functional approach" 31
8-7.Weintraub: "Functional" analysis 32
b."Counter-revolution" 33
8-8.Leflar: Choice-influencing considerations 33
8-9.Rheinstein: Problem selection 34
8-10.c.The courts 35
4.Sources 39
a.Choice and non-choice 39
9-1.(1) Forum rule by non-choice: selfassertion and self-delimitation 39
(2) Choice of foreign law by formulated rules 40
9-2.Civil-law codes 40
9-3.Common-law legislation 41
9-4.Precedent 42
9-5.(3) Choice under inchoate rules 44
(4) Choice by interpreting forum policy 45
9-6."Theory" 45
9-7."Relevance" 46
9-8.The "better rule"? 47
9-9.(5) Forum rule as residuary 48
(6) The author's so-called "lex-fori approach" defended 48
9-10.General critique 48
9-11.Forum shopping 50
b.International law 52
10-1.Treaties 52
10-2.Customary law 53
c.National law 53
11-1.(1) International conflicts 53
11-2.(2) "Federal fields" 55
11-3.Federal common law 56
11-4."General maritime law" 56
12-1.(3) Constitution 57
12-2.Due Process 58
(a) Negative application 58
12-3.(b) Affirmative application 59
13-1.Full Faith and Credit 60
(a) In general 60
13-2.(b) Statutes of limitations 62
13-3.(c) Wrongful death statutes 63
13-4.(d) Workmen's compensation acts 64
13-5.(e) Conclusions 64
d.State law 65
14-1.Klaxon doctrine 65
14-2.Legislation 66
5.The "Structure" of Choice of Law Rules 67
15-1.Traditional devices 67
15-2."False conflicts" 68
a.Characterization 70
16-1.Contract or tort 70
16-2."Legal ideas" or "gimmicks" 71
16-3.Interpretation 72
16-4.Lex fori or lex causae? 73
16-5.Preliminary (incidental) question 74
17-1.b.Renvoi 75
17-2.Theory 75
17-3.Practice 76
17-4.Rationale 78
c.Public policy 79
18-1.In general 79
18-2.Penal laws and taxes 80
18-3.Filling the gap 82
18-4.Fraud on the law 82
6.Choice of Forum Law 83
a.Procedural characterization 83
19-1.Original use 83
19-2.Extended use 84
19-3.Future use 84
19-4.Deficiency judgments 86
20-1.b.Recognition of judgments (an excursus) 87
(1) Extranational judgments 87
20-2.Judicial acts 87
20-3.Administrative acts 89
20-4.Extralitigious proceedings 90
(2) Sister state judgments 90
20-5.Judicial acts 90
20-6.Administrative acts 91
c.Statute of limitations 92
(1) Favor rei" 92
21-1.Shorter forum statute 92
21-2.Shorter foreign statute 92
21-3.(2) "Favor actoris" (the longer statute) 94
22-1.d."Moral data" (non-choice) 95
22-2.(1) Negligence 95
(2) Restitution 97
22-3.The concept 97
22-4.Lex causae? 98
22-5.Lex fori 99
22-6.Exceptions? 99
(3) Equitable defenses 100
22-7."Unclean hands" 100
22-8.Estoppel 101
22-9.Fraud 101
22-10.Corporate veil 102
7.Finding the Foreign Law 103
a.Theory 103
23-1.Vested rights 103
23-2.Law or fact 103
b.Failure to plead 104
24-1.Party agreement 104
24-2.Ex-officio application 105
c.Failure of proof 107
25-1.Judicial notice 107
25-2.Other solutions 107
25-3.d.Mechanics 109
1.Natural Persons in General 110
a.Status and its incidents 110
26-1.History 110
26-2."Public law" status-arriage 111
26-3.Non-status-adoption 113
26-4.The future of "status" 114
b.The "personal law" 115
27.Nationality and domicile 115
28.The concept of domicile 116
29.c.Capacity 118
2.Domestic Relations 119
a.Marriage 119
(1) Agreements relating to marriage 119
30-1.Engagement 119
30-2.Anti-marriage and divorce stipulations 119
30-3.Antenuptial and postnuptial agreements 120
(2) Validity of marriage 121
31-1.Valid under law of celebration 121
31-2.Invalid under law of celebration 124
31-3.Two marriages 125
b.Children and parents 127
32.(1) Legitimacy by birth 127
(2) Legitimation 128
33-1.In general 128
33-2.Subsequent matrimony 128
34.Acknowledgment 129
35.Attempted marriage 131
36.(3) Illegitimacy 132
37.(4) Adoption 133
c.Family support (URESA) 135
38-1.Defendant's law 135
38-2.Plaintiffs law 136
38-3.A better law? 137
3."Juristic Persons? 138
39.a.Personality 138
40.b.Personal law 139
41.c.Capacity 141
d.The members 142
42-1.Members inter se; transfer of membership 142
42-2.Members and the corporation 143
43.Members and third parties 144
44.e.Partnerships 145
45.f.Regulatory measures 146
46-1.1.General Analysis 147
a.Express stipulation: professio juris 147
46-2.General rule 147
46-3.Limitation? 149
b.Adhesion contracts 150
47-1.Professio juris 150
47-2.In general梐n excursus 152
c.Third parties 153
(1) Agency 153
48-1.Actual authority 153
48-2.Apparent authority 154
49.(2) Third party beneficiaries 156
50.(3) Assignment 157
51.(4) Subrogation 158
52-1.2.Validity 159
52-2.a.Europe 160
b.United States 161
53-1.Party autonomy 161
53-2.Vested rights 161
53-3."Most significant relationship" 163
53-4.Lex fori 164
54.Presumption of validity 165
c.Phases of the validity problem 167
(1) Form requirements 167
55-1."Imperative rules" 167
55-2.Validation 168
55-3.Invalidation 170
55-4."Interests" and "the most significant relationship" 171
56-1.(2) Capacity to contract 172
56-2.Married women 174
56-3.Infants 175
(3) Formation of the contract 177
57-1.Sufficiency of consideration 177
57-2.Offer and Acceptance 177
(4) Legality 178
58-1.Presumption of validity 178
58-2.Invalidation under forum law 179
58-3.Invalidation under foreign law 179
59.Usury in particular 181
3."Performance" ? 183
60.a.Introduction 183
b.Interpretation and construction 184
61-1.Interpretation 184
61-2.Construction 185
62-1.c.Discharge 186
62-2.Performance 186
62-3.Release 187
62-4.Operation of law 187
63-1.d.Breach 188
63-2.Implied warranties 188
63-3.Requirement of notice 189
63-4.Statute of limitations 190
63-5.Specific performance 190
64.Damages 191
65.Interest 193
4.Particular Contracts 194
a.Insurance 194
(1) Life, accident, and fire insurance 194
66-1.Professio juris 194
66-2.Lex fori against imperative formulas 194
66-3.Location of the risk 195
(2) Casualty insurance 196
67-1.The dilemma 196
67-2.Interspousal immunity 197
67-3.Direct actions 198
68.b.Suretyship 200
c.Employment 202
69-1.(1) Validity 202
(2) "Master and servant" 202
69-2."Right to work" 202
69-3.Wages 203
69-4.Pre-tort release 204
70.Workmen's compensation 204
(3) Principal and agent 206
71-1.Real estate brokers 206
71-2.Other agents 207
72.d.Transportation 208
73.e.Procedural agreements 210
74.f.Arbitration 210
75.An excursus: Court argument and bar examination 211
1.History and Doctrine 213
76-1.a.From lex fori to lex loci 213
76-2.b.From place of conduct to place of harm 215
c.New formulas? 216
76-3.The need 216
76-4.Adherence 217
76-5.Rejection 218
76-6.d.The law 219
2.General Principles 220
77-1.a.Classification by issues (depe?age) 220
77-2.(1) Damages in general 221
77-3.Periodic payments 222
77-4.Loss of consortium 222
(2) Limitation on wrongful death damages 223
77-5.Exit the limiting lex loci 223
77-6.Exit the limiting lex fori 227
77-7.Interpretation of the forum statute 228
77-8.Insurability in particular 229
77-9.Forum shopping 230
78-1.(3) Survival of action and standing to sue 230
(4) Re-allocation of the loss 231
78-2.Release of co-tortfeasors 231
78-3."Splitting" the cause of action 232
78-4.Contribution between tortfeasors 232
78-5.Fellow servant rule 233
78-6.(5) Punitive damages 234
79.b.Classification by torts: admonition versus compensation 234
3.Intentional Torts and Other Moral "Wrongs" 237
80-1.a.Family relations 237
b.Personal injury 238
80-2.Assault and battery 238
80-3.Dram Shop Acts 238
80-4.Moral negligence 239
c.Property 240
80-5.Fraud 240
80-6.Abuse of process 241
80-7.Conversion and trespass 242
80-8.Insurers' liability 243
d.Trade 244
81-1.Antitrust 244
81-2.Securities regulations 244
82.Unfair competition and trademarks 245
e.Reputation 246
83-1.Individual defamation 246
83-2.Mass (multistate) defamation 247
83-3.Lex causae? (herein of statutes of limitation) 248
83-4.Lex fori? 248
83-5.What now? 249
83-6.f.Invasion of privacy 249
84.4.Accidents (Enterprise Liability) 250
a.Traffic accidents 251
(1) Negligence 251
85-1.Cause of action 251
85-2.Contributory negligence 253
(2) Third party liability 253
86-1.The Scheer rule 253
87-1.Vicarious liability in general 255
87-2.The automobile owner in particular 256
88.Community property 258
89-1.(3) Guest statutes 258
89-2.The "revolution" 259
89-3.Retreat? 262
89-4.Advance? 263
(4) Immunities 265
90-1.Family 265
90-2.Charities 266
b.Products liability 267
91-1.Forum law? 267
91-2.Foreign law? 269
91-3.Plaintiffs choice? 270
c.Other accident liabilities 270
92.Dog-bites 270
93.Blasting and other ultra-hazardous activities 271
94.Malpractice 272
95.d.Outlook 273
1.Land (Immovables) 274
a.In general 274
96-1.The lex situs 274
96-2.Renvoi 275
96-3.Terminology 276
97.b.Title to land (conveyances) 276
c.Land contracts 277
98-1.Validity 277
98-2.Other questions 279
98-3.d.Leases 280
98-4.e.Liens 280
2.Chattels 281
a.Lex situs, personal law, and lex actus 281
99-1.History 281
99-2.Analysis 282
b.Derivative acquisition (transfer) 283
100-1.Validity 283
100-2.Repossession 285
c.Original acquisition (bona fide purchase) 286
101-1.Introduction 286
101-2.Automobiles 287
102.Other chattels 290
3.Intangibles 292
a.In general 292
103-1.Lex situs 292
103-2.Other formulas 292
b.Negotiable instruments 293
104.Unification? 293
105-1.Contractual obligations 294
105-2.Property rights 296
106.A better law? 296
c.Assignments 297
107-1.Validity 297
107-2.Assignability 298
107-3.Successive assignments 299
d.Living trusts 300
108-1.Validity 300
108-2.Administration 301
108-3."Construction" 303
4.Marital Property 304
a.In general 304
109-1.Prior titles 304
109-2.Full mutability 304
109-3.Partial mutability 305
110.b.Immovables 306
111.c.Movables 307
1.General Problems 309
112-1.Situs and domicile 309
112-2.Movables and immovables 310
113.2.Immovables 311
a.Intestate succession 312
114-1."Status" and succession 312
114-2.Against the "land taboo"? 313
b.Testate succession 314
115-1.Validity 314
115-2.Other questions 315
116.c.Anti-testate succession 316
3.Movables 317
117.a.Intestate succession 317
b.Testate succession 318
(1) Validity 318
118-1.Formal validity 318
118-2.Capacity 318
119-1.Charitable bequests 319
119-2.Other questions of validity 320
120-1.(2) Interpretation and construction 320
120-2.(3) Revocation 321
121.c.Anti-testate succession 323
122.d.Administration 324
Table of Cases 337
Index 375