In the Field 1
1. Introduction to Fieldwork&William B. Shaffir and Robert A. Stebbins 2
Participant Observation—Methodology 17
2. The Methodology of Participant Observation&Danny L. Jorgensen 17
Participant Observation—Fieldwork Relations 27
3. Constructing Participant/Observation Relations&Robert M. Emerson and Melvin Pollner 27
Interviews 44
4. Asking Descriptive Questions&James Spradley 44
Entering the Field 54
5. Playing Back the Tape: Early Days in the Field&John Van Maanen 54
Socialization 66
6. Observations on the Making of Policemen&John Van Maanen 66
Informal Communication 80
7. Humor in the Briefing Room:A Study of the Strategic Uses of Humor Among Police&Mark R. Pogrebin and Eric D. Poole 80
Stereotyping Cases 94
8. Case Routinization in Investigative Police Work&William B. Waegel 94
Emotions 107
9. The Highs and Lows of Emotional Labor:Detectives' Encounters with Criminals and Victims&Barbara Stenross and Sherryl Kleinman 107
Undercover Work 116
10. Vice Isn't Nice A Look at the Effects of Working Undercover&Mark R. Pogrebin and Eric D. Poole 116
Community Relations 128
11. Community Policing in Small Town and Rural America&Ralph A. Weisheit, L. Edward Wells, and David N. Falcone 128
Police Deviancy 141
12. The Social Context of Police Lying&Jennifer Hunt and Peter K. Manning 141
Prosecutorial Decision Making 158
13. Discrediting Victims' Allegations of Sexual Assault:Prosecutorial Accounts of Case Rejections&Lisa Frohmann 158
Defense Attorneys and Clients 171
14. Client Games: Defense Attorney Perspectives on Their Relations with Criminal Clients&Roy B. Flemming 171
Social Class Effects on Criminal Clients 190
15. The Effect of Social Class on the Adjudication of Criminal Cases:Class-Linked Behavior Tendencies, Common Sense, and the Interpretive Procedures of Court-Appointed Defense Attorneys&Debra S. Emmelman 190
Plea Bargaining—Prosecutorial 204
16. Adapting to Plea Bargaining: Prosecutors&Milton Heumann 204
Plea Bargaining—Defense Attorney 219
17. Trial by Plea Bargain:Case Settlement as a Product of Recursive Decision Making&Debra S. Emmelman 219
Plea Bargaining—Judges' Role 237
18. Guilty Plea Courts: A Social Disciplinary Model of Criminal Justice&Mike McConville and Chester Mirsky 237
Stereotyping the Offender 254
19. Maintaining the Myth of Individualized Justice:Probation Presentence Reports&John Rosecrance 254
Guard Research 272
20. Accounts of Prison Work:Corrections Officers' Portrayals of Their Work Worlds&Stan Stojkovic 272
Adjustment to Prison 286
21. Ambivalent Actions:Prison Adaptation Strategies of First-Time, Short-Term Inmates&Thomas J. Schmid and Richard S. Jones 286
Changing Climate of Prisons 301
22. Changes in Prison Culture:Prison Gangs and the Case of the "Pepsi Generation"&Geoffrey Hunt, Stephanie Riegel, Tomas Morales, and Dan Waldorf 301
Women View Prison 312
23. Women's Accounts of Their Prison Experiences:A Retrospective View of Their Subjective Realities&Mark R. Pogrebin and Mary Dodge 312
Sexualized Work Environment 326
24. Women Deputies and Jail Work&Mark R. Pogrebin and Eric D. Poole 326
Parole Board 338
25. Parole Interviews of Sex Offenders:The Role of Impression Management&Michael L. Radelet and Leigh M. Roberts 338
Inmates' View of Parole Board 348
26. Denial of Parole: An Inmate Perspective&Mary West-Smith, Mark R. Pogrebin, and Eric D. Poole 348
27. The Moral Fix: On the Ethics of Fieidwork&John Van Maanen 363
28. Female Researchers in Male-Dominated Settings:Implications for Short-Term Versus Long-Term Research&Joan Neff Gurney 377
29. Doing Research in Prison:The Strengths and Weaknesses of Full Participation as a Guard&James W. Marquart 383
Index 395
About the Editor 403
About the Contributors 405