Introduction: reflexivity, culture and ethics&LIVIA HOLDEN 1
PART Ⅰ Patterns 11
1 South Asian Muslims and country expertise in the American immigration courts&SYLVIA VATUK 13
2 When South Asians marry trans-jurisdictionally: some reflections on immigration cases by an 'expert'&PRAKASH SHAH 35
3 French law courts and South Asian litigants&VERONIQUE BOUILLIER 53
PART Ⅱ Conflicts 71
4 Being on and being in: exposure and influence of academic experts in contemporary Denmark&STIG TOFT MADSEN 73
5 Witness statements and credibility assessments in the British asylum courts&ANTHONY GOOD 94
6 Honour killing? Or just plain homicide?&ROGER BALLARD 123
PART Ⅲ Narratives 149
7 Life and law: advocacy and expert witnessing in the UK&WERNER MENSKI 151
8 The case of S: elaborating the 'right5 narrative to fit normative /political expectations in asylum procedure in Italy&TOMMASO SBRICGOLI AND STEFANO JACOVIELLO 172
9 Expert report writing: professional commitments and legal outcomes&LIV1A HOLDEN 195
References cited 212
Index 226