![Cultural Expertise and Litigation](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s664e370.jpg)
![Cultural Expertise and Litigation](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s664e370.jpg)
Cultural Expertise and LitigationPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Livia Holden
- 出 版 社:Routledge; 1 edition
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9780415601566;0415601568
- 页数:235 页
Introduction: reflexivity, culture and ethics&LIVIA HOLDEN 1
PART Ⅰ Patterns 11
1 South Asian Muslims and country expertise in the American immigration courts&SYLVIA VATUK 13
2 When South Asians marry trans-jurisdictionally: some reflections on immigration cases by an 'expert'&PRAKASH SHAH 35
3 French law courts and South Asian litigants&VERONIQUE BOUILLIER 53
PART Ⅱ Conflicts 71
4 Being on and being in: exposure and influence of academic experts in contemporary Denmark&STIG TOFT MADSEN 73
5 Witness statements and credibility assessments in the British asylum courts&ANTHONY GOOD 94
6 Honour killing? Or just plain homicide?&ROGER BALLARD 123
PART Ⅲ Narratives 149
7 Life and law: advocacy and expert witnessing in the UK&WERNER MENSKI 151
8 The case of S: elaborating the 'right5 narrative to fit normative /political expectations in asylum procedure in Italy&TOMMASO SBRICGOLI AND STEFANO JACOVIELLO 172
9 Expert report writing: professional commitments and legal outcomes&LIV1A HOLDEN 195
References cited 212
Index 226
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- 《小学生文库 第1集 自然科学总类 儿童实用科学大纲 第3册》EDWARD S.HOLDEN原著;胡懿风译;吕金录校;王云五,徐应昶主编 1934
- 《壹佰分实境英语听说 3》(英)克利里(Cleary,C.),(美)霍尔登(Holden,B.),(英)库尼(Cooney,T.)著;史宝辉注 2005
- 《壹佰分实境英语听说 2》(英)TERRY COONEY CHRIS CLEARY (美)BILL HOLDEN编著;史宝辉注释 2005
- 《壹佰分实境英语听说 1》(英)Chris Cleary,(美)Bill Holden,(英)Terry Cooney编著;史宝辉注释 2005
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- 《基于Excel的财务管理》(美)格莱葛·W.霍顿(Craig W. Holden)著;卢俊,杨飞虎译 2003
- 《基于Excel的投资学》(美)格莱葛·W.霍顿(Craig W. Holden)著;李志赟译 2003
- 《FrontPage 2002电子商务核心技术》(美)霍德恩(Holden G.)著;技桥工作室译 2002
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