《Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 REPORTING SERVICES 由入门到精通 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)斯坦西亚·米斯纳著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书上海出版公司
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7506283263
  • 页数:547 页
图书介绍:本书是一本使用Microsoft SQL Server 2005来制作报告的基础指南。它通过大量的可视化教程,配合随书附带光盘中的多媒体手段,以及更多实例分析,逐步引导您学会利用SQL Server 2005的全部优势来组建您个性化的报告。从如何开始,到如何引入分析数据,再到如何引导问题,如何解答,以及如何总结。拥有这本指南,您会发现制作报告就如同安装软件一样轻松。

Part Ⅰ Getting Started with Reporting Services 3

1 Understanding Reporting 3

Reporting Scenarios 3

Reporting User Communities 5

The Enterprise Reporting Life Cycle 6

Authoring 7

Management 7

Access and Delivery 8

Reporting Services Components 8

Authoring Components 9

Management Components 11

Access and Delivery Components 13

Chapter 1 Quick Reference 16

2 Installing Reporting Services 17

Considering Deployment Options 17

Choosing a Reporting Services Edition 17

Planning a Site Configuration 18

Deciding Naming Conventions 19

Preparing for Installation 19

Reviewing Operating System Requirements 19

Reviewing Software Requirements 20

Reviewing Configuration Prerequisites 20

Creating Reporting Services Credentials 21

Installing Reporting Services 23

Launching Setup 23

Choosing the Components 24

Selecting the Service Account 27

Using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager 28

Configuring Virtual Directories 29

Specifying the Report Server Database 31

Specifying Report Delivery Options 32

Verifying the Installation 34

Chapter 2 Quick Reference 36

3 Building Your First Report 37

Authoring a Report 37

Starting a New Report 38

Connecting to a Data Source 40

Getting Data for the Report 43

Structuring Data in the Report 45

Placing Data in the Report Structure 46

Applying a Style Template 48

Finishing the Report Wizard 49

Checking the Report Layout 51

Correcting Report Layout Issues 55

Publishing a Report 57

Managing a Report 59

Reviewing Report Properties 59

Changing Report Properties 62

Reviewing Execution Properties 63

Changing Data Sources Properties 65

Changing Execution Properties 66

Accessing a Report 67

Displaying a Report 67

Searching a Report 68

Exporting a Report 69

Chapter 3 Quick Reference 71

Part Ⅱ Authoring Reports 75

4 Developing Basic Reports 75

Understandina a Report Definition File 75

Preparing a Report Using Report Designer 76

Creating a New Report Project 76

Creating a New Report 77

Connecting to a Data Source 78

Working with Datasets 79

Structuring a Report Using Report Designer 82

Adding Items from the Toolbox 82

Working with Table Rows 83

Sorting Table Rows 86

Grouping Data in a Table 88

Adding Group Headers 91

Computing Group Subtotals 92

Formatting a Report Using Report Designer 93

Setting the Format Property 93

Applying Styles 94

Editing Properties 96

Adding Floating Headers 98

Triggering Page Breaks 100

Adding a Textbox 100

Setting Table Properties 103

Working with Page Headers 104

Working with Page Footers 105

Adding Graphical Elements 106

Adding Images 108

Chapter 4 Ouick Reference 111

5 Working with Expressions 113

Using Expressions to Calculate Values 113

Creating Calculated Fields 114

Using Global Variables 119

Using the Reportltems Collection 122

Using Aggregate Functions 125

Using Aggregate Functions in a Table 127

Using Aggregate Functions in a Textbox 129

Using Expressions to Change an Object's Behavior 132

Using Conditional Formatting 132

Sorting 133

Chapter 5 Quick Reference 135

6 Organizing Data in Reports 137

Understanding Data Regions 137

Comparing Types of Data Regions 137

Using Data Regions 138

Using a Matrix 138

Adding a Matrix Data Region 139

Grouping Rows 140

Sorting Rows 141

Grouping Columns 142

Using Subtotals in a Matrix 144

Using Static Rows and Columns in a Matrix 146

Using a Chart 148

Adding a Chart 148

Adding Values and Column Groups to a Chart 149

Grouping Data by Series 150

Adding a Chart Legend 152

Setting Chart Properties 154

Using a List 155

Adding a List 156

Grouping and Sorting a List 157

Using Fields in a List 157

Nesting Data Regions 158

Chapter 6 Quick Reference 160

7 Building Advanced Reports 161

Using Parameters to Change Report Data 161

Adding a Report Parameter 162

Using the Parameters Collection 164

Adding a Query Parameter 167

Supplying Values for a Query Parameter 169

Creating a Report Parameter for a Filter 172

Adding a Filter 175

Adding a Parameter Value to a Report 177

Linking Information with Interactive Features 177

Adding Actions 179

Using the Hidden Property 182

Using the Toggleltem Property 183

Adding a Subreport 186

Working with Hierarchical Data 188

Displaying a Recursive Hierarchy in a Data Region 189

Using the Level Function 191

Using the Recursive Keyword 192

Creating an Analysis Services Data Source and Dataset 194

Using an Analysis Services Dataset 196

Chapter 7 Quick Reference 197

8 Building Report Models 199

Understandina Report Models 199

Creating a Report Model 200

Adding a Report Model Data Source 200

Adding a Data Source View 201

Adding a Report Model 204

Reviewing a Report Model 207

Modifying a Report Model 211

Changing Model Objects 212

Organizing Model Objects 215

Adding Source Fields 220

Adding Expressions 222

Managing a Report Model 223

Publishing a Report Model 224

Securing a Report Model 226

Chapter 8 Quick Reference 229

Part Ⅲ Managing the Report Server 233

9 Managing Content 233

Publishing Reports 233

Defining Deployment Properties by Project 234

Deploying Reports 236

Uploading Reports 239

Creating a Script File 240

Using the rs Utility 241

Organizing Content 242

Working with Folders 242

Moving Content 244

Linking Reports 246

Working with General Properties 248

Using Properties to Manage Report Content 250

Working with Data Sources 250

Specifying a Default Value 253

Disabling a Parameter Prompt 255

Managing Report Execution 256

Executing Reports with Current Data 257

Implementing Cached Instances 259

Working with Shared Schedules 261

Managing Snapshots 263

Using Report History 266

Chapter 9 Quick Reference 268

10 Managing Security 271

Using Report Server Security 271

Adding Role Assignments 272

Applying Item Security 277

Applying System Security 280

Applying Data Security 285

Using Roles and Parameters to Restrict Data 285

Restricting the Source Query by User 288

Filtering the Report Data by User 293

Chapter 10 Quick Reference 296

11 Managing Server Components 299

Configuring Reporting Services 299

Editing the rsreportserver.config File 300

Changing Encrypted Configuration Information Using the rsconfig Utility 302

Configuring Tracing on the Report Server 305

Managing the Report Server 307

How to Monitor Performance 308

Managing Execution Logging 308

Initializing an Execution Log Database 309

Using an Execution Log Report 312

Adding Current Data to the Execution Log 315

Applying Time-outs to Source Queries 317

Applying Time-outs to Report Execution 318

Canceling Jobs 320

Disabling a Shared Data Source 321

Administering Reporting Services Databases 324

Monitoring Database Storage Consumption 324

Implementing a Backup and Restore Strategy 326

Chapter 11 Quick Reference 328

Part Ⅳ Delivering Reports 333

12 Accessing Reports 333

Finding and Viewing Reports 333

Navigating the Folder Hierarchy 334

Refreshing Reports 336

Searching for Reports 337

Using the HTML Viewer 339

Using My Reports 342

Saving Reports for Future Reference 346

Creating a Report History Snapshot 347

Saving Reports to Local Files 349

Printing Reports 351

Chapter 12 Quick Reference 353

13 Rendering Reports 355

Comparing Rendering Formats 355

Rendering for Online Viewing 356

Rendering as MHTML 356

Rendering for Document Management 358

Rendering as a TIFF File 358

Rendering as a PDF File 362

Rendering for Data Exchange 367

Rendering as an Excel File 367

Rendering a Report as a CSV File 371

Rendering a Report as an XML File 373

Chapter 13 Quick Reference 374

14 Managing Subscriptions 375

Creating a Standard Subscription 375

Delivering a Report by E-Mail 376

Delivering a Report to a File Share 383

Creating a Data-Driven Subscription 389

Creating a Subscription Delivery Table 389

Creating a Data-Driven Subscription 390

Managing Subscriptions 398

Using the My Subscriptions Page 399

Deleting Subscriptions 403

Chapter 14 Quick Reference 404

15 Creating Reports with Report Builder 405

Building Basic Reports 405

Getting Started with Report Builder 405

Building a Report 408

Building a Matrix Report 412

Using Clickthrough 415

Building a Chart Report 417

Enhancing Reports 420

Formatting a Report 421

Filtering a Report 423

Adding Expressions 426

Chapter 15 Quick Reference 428

Part Ⅴ Programming Reporting Services 433

16 Report Authoring with Custom Development 433

Using Custom Code 433

Adding Custom Code to a Report 434

Accessing Functions Using the Code Global Member 436

Creating a Custom Class Library 438

Using Functions from a Custom Assembly 441

Creating Custom Data Processing Extensions 446

Assigning a Namespace 447

Creating a Connection Object 448

Creating a Command Object 450

Creating a Data Reader Object 451

Deploying a Custom Data Processing Extension 454

Generating Report Definition Language 462

Creating a Console Application 462

Adding a Data Source Connection 464

Generating a Fields List 465

Generating the RDL 466

Chapter 16 Quick Reference 469

17 Programming Report Server Management 471

Understanding Web Services 471

Using the rs Utility 472

Querying Report Server 474

Using a Custom Application to Manage Reporting Services 477

Querying Report Server 478

Managing Reports 485

Using the Reporting Services WMI Provider 493

Querying a Report Server 493

Chapter 17 Quick Reference 497

18 Building Custom Reporting Tools 499

Using URLs 499

How to Use URLs to Access Reports 500

Viewing Reports 500

Working with Report Parameters 503

Using URL Access Parameters 505

Using the Web Service 510

Rendering a Report 511

Authenticating Users 515

Using Report Parameters in a Control 517

Enabling Multiselect for Parameters 524

Chapter 18 Quick Reference 527

Glossary 529

Index 531