Chapter 1 The Concept of Anthropology and the Early Development of It 1
What's Anthropology? 1
Founders of Anthropology 2
The Main Contributions of Edward Tylor 2
Lewis Henry Morgan:the Evolution of Society 3
Franz Boas:Cultures not Culture 4
?mile Durkheim:the Relationship between Individual and Society 5
Further readings: 7
1.The Science of Culture 8
2.What Is a Social Fact? ?mile Durkheim(1858-1917) 34
3.The Methods of Ethnology Franz Boas(1858-1942) 46
Chapter 2 The Individual and Culture 60
Alfred Kroeber:Configurations of Culture 61
Ruth Benedict:Patterns of Culture 61
Margaret Mead:The Personality and Culture 62
Edward Sapir:Culture,Language and the Individual 62
Bronislaw Malinowski:The Functions of Culture 63
Further readings: 64
1.Psychological Types in the Cultures of the Southwest Ruth Fulton Benedict(1887-1948) 65
2.Introduction to Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies Margaret Mead(1901-1978) 85
3.The Essentials of the Kula Bronislaw Malinowski(1884-1942) 95
Chapter 3 The Nature of Society 125
Marcel Mauss:Social Exchange 125
A.R.Radcliffe-Brown:The Structure of Society 126
Edward Evans-Pritchard:Social Anthropology,Social History 129
Further readings: 131
1.Excerptsfrom The Gift Marcel Mauss(1872-1950) 132
2.The Mother's Brother in South Afica a A.R.Radcliffe-Brown(1881-1955) 155
Chapter 4 Cultural Ecology,Materialism and Neoevolutionary Theories 176
Leslie White:Evolution Reemergent and Culturology 176
Julian Steward:Cuhural Ecology and Multilinear Evolution 180
Marvin Harris:Cultural Materialism 182
Further reading: 184
1.The Cultural Ecology of India's Sacred Cattle Marvin Harris(1927-2001) 185
Chapter 5 Structures,Symbols and Meaning 213
Claude Lévi-Strauss:Structuralism 213
Victor Turner:Symbols and Pilgrims 216
Clifford Geertz:An Interpretive Anthropology 220
Mary Douglas:Pollution and Purity 224
Further reading: 227
1.Deep Play:Notes on the Balinese Cockfight Clifford Geertz(1926-2006) 228
Chapter 6 Structures,Practices and Agency 268
Sherry Ortner:Symbols,Gender,Practice 268
Pierre Bourdieu:Practice and Habitus:an Anthropology of Practice 274
Further reading: 277
1.Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?Sherry B.Ortner(1941—) 278
Chapter 7 Research Methods in Anthropology 305
Different Levels of Methods 305
Variables 307
Preparing for Research 308
The Literature Search 310
Sampling 312
Interviewing 313
Participant Observation 313
Brief Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis 314
Chapter 8 Ethnic Group and Ethnicity 317
The Concepts and Theories of Ethnicity 317
Ethnicity,Religion,and Language 319
Ethnicity in the Moderm World 322