目录 1
1 Pickingup someone 接人 1
2 A frequent custom appointed 有预约的常客 4
3 A custom no appointment 没有预约的客户 8
4 An infrequent custom appointed 有预约的生客 11
5 Calling on behalf of the boss 代上司打电话 15
6 Someone you want isn't in 要找的人不在时 20
7 Arranging an appoint ment on behalf of the boss 代上司安排约会 24
8 Reservation 预订 28
9 Theboss is available 上司能接听电话 32
10 The boss isn't available 上司不便接听电话 36
11 Receiving apersonal call instead 代接私人电话 41
12 Having the wrong number 打错电话 44
13 Giving a dinner for guests 招待客人用餐 48
14 Shopping 购物 53
15 Showing samples 看样品 59
16 Giving a tour of the company 参观公司 62
17 Sightseeing 观光旅游 65
18 Visitinga custom 拜访客户 70
19 Afarewell party 欢送会 74
20 Makingan appointment 预约 77
21 Booking a room 预订房间 81
22 Reserving a table 饭店预约 85
23 Invitation 邀请 88
24 Arranging a meeting 安排会议 91
26 Traveling arrangement 旅行安排……………………? 94
25 Minutes 会议记录 94
27 Handling complaints(1)处理投诉(1) 101
28 Handling complaints(2)处理投诉(2) 105
29 Keeping a file 文档管理 109
30 Memo 备忘录 112
31 How to sendan E-mail 怎样发E-mail 115
32 Transfering a report 传送报告 119
附录1 主要商务部门及头衔 122
附录2 关于会议的常用句型 123
附录3 接待须知 128