
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:高中山主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7313039778
  • 页数:186 页

目录 2

1 Registration in ahotel 请客人登记 2

2 Introduction of facilities 设施介绍 5

3 Guiding guest to his room 带领客人去房间 8

4 Exchanging money 换钱 10

5 Cashing travel checks 兑现旅行支票 13

6 Checking the meter reading 核实电话计时表的记录 16

7 Explanation to theguest 向客人作解释 22

8 Ordering newspapers 订阅报纸 24

9 An apology for the delay of newspapers 为报纸送晚了表示歉意 27

10 Receiving a notice of package 收到包裹通知 29

11 Looking for a letter 查找一封信 33

12 Announcement to guest for visitors 通知有客人来访 36

13 Visitation after 11∶00p.m. 晚上11点以后的拜访 39

14 Asking guest for his bill 提醒客人付账 42

15 Paying by credit card 用信用卡结账 45

16 Paying cash in U.S.dollars 用美元现金结账 48

17 Guest's inquiry about interest charge of debit notice 客人询问有关利息欠单事宜 51

18 A message 记录留言 55

19 Checking out 结账 58

20 Well-wishing 祝愿 61

21 Arranginga taxi 安排出租车 63

客房 66

1 Showing the room to the guests 向客人展示房间 67

2 Going over list of furnishings 查对客房设施清单 71

3 Establishing lines for communication 建立与客人的沟通关系 73

4 Room service 客房服务 76

5 Permission from guests 取得客人允许 78

6 Leaving 离开客人房间时的礼貌用语 80

7 Special requests 特殊要求 82

8 Morning call 唤醒服务 86

9 Miscellaneous questions 其他问题 89

10 Checking laundry slip 核对洗衣单 92

11 Fail to deliver laundry on time 未按时送回洗烫衣服 95

12 Wrong delivering 送错房间 98

13 Unsatisfactory and complaint 客人不满意 101

14 Complaint about the bill 抱怨费用太高 104

15 Washing of miscellaneous items 其他的洗涤服务 108

16 Toilet problems 卫生间的问题 111

17 Complaint about quality of cleaning service 清洁服务质量投诉 114

18 Other problems 其他问题 116

19 Arrangement for the facility repairing 安排时间为客人修理设备 120

餐饮 122

1 Booking a table by telephone 电话预订 123

2 Areservation with special requirement 专门预订 126

3 The restaurant is full 餐厅客满 129

4 Room service 送餐服务 132

5 Breakfast for tourists 旅游者的早餐 135

6 Coffee break 休息时的点心 139

7 The formal banquet 正式宴会 142

8 Recommendation of some special dishes 推荐风味菜 145

9 Chinese food 中餐 148

10 Dessert 甜点 151

11 Soldout of something 东西售完 154

12 Paying the bill 付账 157

13 Amiscalculation on the bill 账单上的差错 161

14 Rejecting tip politely 礼貌地拒绝客人的小费 164

15 Special services 特别服务 167

16 Finding lost property 找回失物 170

17 Complaints 投诉 173

18 Servicein a bar 吧台服务 178

19 In a snack bar 在小吃店 181

20 Ina night club 在夜总会 184