
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘健主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7801248236
  • 页数:141 页

Chapter 1 The Electric Power System 电力系统 1

art 1 Minimum Power System 1

art 2 More Complicated Systems 3

art 3 Typical System Layout 5

art 4 Auxiliary Equipment 6

第一节译文 最小的电力系统 8

Chapter 2 Faults on Power Systems 电力系统故障 10

art 1 Faults and Its Damage 10

art 2 Overload 11

art 3 Various Faults 12

第一节译文 故障及其危害 14

art 4ermanent Faults and Temporary Faults 14

Chapter 3 Communication in Electric Power System 电力系统通信 16

art 1 Fiberoptics Communication 16

art 2ower Line Carrier Communication 17

art 3 Other Wire Communications 19

art 4 Wireless Communications 20

第二节译文 电力线载波通信 24

Chapter 4 Fossil-Fuel Plant 火电厂 26

art 1 Single Stage Turbine 26

art 2 Multistage Arrangement 27

art 3 Generator 29

第一节译文 单级汽轮机 31

art 1 Types of Hydroelectric Turbines 33

Chapter 5 Hydroelectric Power Plant 水电厂 33

art 2 Cross Section of A Hydroplant 34

art 3 Desirable Feature of Hydroplant 35

第三节译文 水电厂理想的特征 37

Chapter 6 Substation and Its Automation 变电站及其自动化 38

art 1 Substation 38

art 2 Control From Afar 40

art 3 Coordination in Substation Automation System 43

第三节译文 变电站自动化系统间的协作 46

Chapter 7 Circuit-Interrupting Devices 断路设备 48

Part 1 Types 48

Part 2 Air Circuit Breakers 49

Part 3 Oil Circuit Breakers 51

Part 4 Vacuum Circuit Breakers 52

第四节译文 真空断路器 55

Chapter 8 Transformer 变压器 57

art 1 Types and Construction of Transformer 57

art 2 The Ideal Transformer 58

art 3 The Equivalent Circuit of a Transformer 60

art 4 The Autotransformer 62

第一节译文 变压器的类型及结构 63

Chapter 9 Transmission Line and Cables 输电线和电缆 65

art 1 Transmission Line 65

art 2 Considerations for Transmission Line 66

art 3 Line Voltage Regulation and Compensation 67

art 4 Cables 68

第一节译文 传输线 70

Chapter 10 Overvoltages 过电压 72

art 1 Overvoltage Due to Lightning 72

art 2 Switching Transients 74

art 3 Contact with Circuits of Higher Voltage 75

第一节译文 雷电造成的过电压 78

art 1 Electrical Insulation 80

art 2 Insulating Materials 80

Chapter 11 Line Insulation,Lightning and Grounding 绝缘、防雷和接地 80

art 3 Limitations on Design to Insulation 82

art 4 Transmission Line Insulation 83

art 5 Lightning Arresters 84

art 6 Grounding 85

第六节译文 接地 87

Chapter 12 System Instrumentation 电力系统测量仪表 89

art 1 Importance of Instrumentation 89

art 2 Effects without Instrumentation 91

art 3 Instruments for System Monitoring 92

art 4 Instrument Circuits 93

第四节译文 测量仪表电路 96

art 1 Relays and its Characteristics 98

Chapter 13 Relays 继电器 98

art 2 Basic Relays Types 99

art 3 Relays Timing 102

art 4 Over-Current Relays Type COC4-20-M1 104

第四节译文 COC4-20-M1型过电流继电器 108

Chapter 14ower System Protection 电力系统继电保护 112

art 1 The Directional Protection Basis 112

art 2 Introdution To Distance Protection 114

art 3 Basic Principles of Power-Line Carrier Directional ComparisonProtection 118

art 4 Differential Protection 120

第一节译文 方向保护基础 122

第四节译文 差动保护 123

art 1 A Typical SCADA System 125

Chapter 15 RTU and SCADA 125

art 2 Remote Terminal Units(RTUs) 127

art 3 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) 128

art 4 Three Levels of Control Centers 130

第一节译文 典型的SCADA系统 131

Chapter 16 Distribution Automation System(DAS)in Japan 日本的配电自动化系统 133

Part 1 Overview 133

Part 2 Advantages and Configuration 134

Part 3 Functions of the Three Stages DAS 136

Part 4ole-mounted Equipment Interface 137

Part 5 Fault Detecting Relay for Radial System 137

第五节译文 辐射状配电网的故障检测继电器 139