
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陶友兰著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787309062243
  • 页数:315 页

Figure 0-1 A model of translation competence for second language learners 10

Figure 1-1 Holmes'basic"map"of Translation Studies 28

Figure 1-2 Munday's interpretation of Translation Studies 28

Figure 1-3 Liu's interpretation of Translation Studies 29

Figure 1-4 Tao's interpretation of Translation Studies 33

Figure 2-1 Factors that determine the skopos 45

Figure 2-2 Factors that influence readability 61

Figure 2-3 The marketing mix(adapted from Palmer,2004) 69

Figure 2-4 Basic theories supporting translation textbook compilation 73

Figure 3-1 The position of a syllabus in the whole process of teaching 75

Figure 3-2 Categorization of syllabus(adapted from Cheng Xiaotang 2002:17) 79

Figure 3-3 Roles of teachers 81

Figure 3-4 Factors influencing the making of translation textbooks 135

Figure 4-1 Recommended steps for setting up and implementing a translation teaching program(adapted from Jordan 1997:57) 141

Figure 4-2 Methods of collecting data for needs analysis(Jordan 1997:39) 144

Figure 4-3 A framework of new needs analysis(Masuhara,1998) 149

Figure 4-4 A translation-competence-based approach to course design(translated from Wen Jun 2005:12) 158

Figure 4-5 Types of translation 188

Figure 4-6 Cognitive factors influencing the designing of translation exercises(adapted from ELT Journal Vol.43/1,1989:4-5) 228

Figure 6-1 A theoretical framework of making a translation textbook 268

Table 5-1 A glance of representative translation textbooks in China(1980-2008) 248

Introduction 1

0.1 Background of the study 1

0.2 Definition of some terms 3

0.3 Description of methodology 13

0.4 Organization of the contents 14

Chapter 1 A Survey of Translation Textbook Studies 18

1.0 Introduction 18

1.1 Translation textbook studies in the West 18

1.2 Translation textbook studies in China 21

1.3 Comments on the related studies both at home and abroad 23

1.4 The positioning of translation textbook compilation 25

1.5 Conclusion 34

Chapter 2 Basic Theories Supporting the Making of Translation Textbooks 35

2.0 Introduction 35

2.1 Skopostheorie 35

2.1.1 A brief introduction of skopostheorie 35

2.1.2 Skopostheorie and the making of translation textbooks 39

2.2 Communication theory 48

2.2.1 A brief introduction of communication theory 48

2.2.2 Communication theory and the making of translation textbooks 49

2.3 Psycho-educational theories 52

2.3.1 A brief introduction of related psycho-educational theories 52

2.3.2 Psycho-educational theories and the making of translation textbooks 57

2.4 Readability theory 58

2.4.1 A brief introduction of readability theory 58

2.4.2 Readability theory and the making of translation textbooks 64

2.5 Marketing theories 66

2.5.1 A brief introduction of marketing theories 66

2.5.2 Marketing theories and the making of translation textbooks 69

2.6 Conclusion 72

Chapter 3 Factors Influencing the Making of Translation Textbooks 74

3.0 Introduction 74

3.1 Syllabus 74

3.1.1 Types of syllabus 74

3.1.2 Syllabus and the making of translation textbooks 79

3.2 Teachers 80

3.2.1 The role of teachers 81

3.2.2 Teachers,methodology and textbooks 82

3.2.3 Translation teachers and the making of translation textbooks 83

3.3 Students 86

3.3.1 The roles of students 86

3.3.2 Students,methodology and textbooks 88

3.3.3 Students and the making of translation textbooks 89

3.4 Linguistic and language studies 92

3.4.1 Traditional grammar and the making of translation textbooks 93

3.4.2 Structural grammar and the making of translation textbooks 95

3.4.3 Functional grammar and the making of translation textbooks 98

3.4.4 Semiotics and the making of translation textbooks 101

3.4.5 Semantics and the making of translation textbooks 104

3.4.6 Text linguistics and the making of translation textbooks 106

3.5 Translation Theories 108

3.5.1 Chinese translation theories and the making of translation textbooks 109

3.5.2 Western translation theories and the making of translation textbooks 118

3.6 Social and cultural factors 126

3.6.1 Social contexts and the making of translation textbooks 126

3.6.2 Market demands and the making of translation textbooks 128

3.6.3 Cultural turn in translation studies and the making of translation textbooks 130

3.7 Conclusion 134

Chapter 4 Developing Translation Textbooks 136

4.0 Introduction 136

4.1 Needs analysis 136

4.1.1 Classification of needs 136

4.1.2 The role of needs analysis 140

4.1.3 Methods for needs analysis 144

4.2 Approaches to designing translation textbooks 150

4.2.1 Language-based approach 150

4.2.2 Skills-based approach 154

4.2.3 Translation-competence-based approach 158

4.3 Principles of designing translation textbooks 163

4.3.1 The principle of emphasizing the practice 167

4.3.2 The principle of being guided by macro translation theories 167

4.3.3 The principle of borrowing theories from other disciplines 168

4.3.4 The principle of keeping up with the times 169

4.3.5 The principle of user-friendliness and market orientation 170

4.4 The Designing of the Components of Translation Textbooks 171

4.4.1 The designing of translation theories 171

4.4.2 The designing of translation methods 186

4.4.3 The designing of translation techniques 198

4.4.4 The designing of translation exercises 213

4.5 Conclusion 232

Chapter 5 Reflections on Translation Textbooks and Suggestions for Their Making 235

5.0 Introduction 235

5.1 A glance at translation textbooks in the West 235

5.2 The implications for translation textbook making in China 238

5.3 A survey of translation textbooks in China 240

5.4 Comments on the established translation textbooks in China 249

5.5 Suggestions for translation textbook making in China 254

5.6 Conclusion 259

Conclusion 261

Notes 269

Bibliography 275

AppendixⅠ.本书中涉及的主要教材 299

Ⅱ.中国大陆主要英汉、汉英翻译教材目录(1980—2008) 301

Ⅲ.国内外有关翻译教材研究的主要文章和著作目录(1980—2008) 307

Ⅳ.本科生翻译教材编写者调查问卷 312

Ⅴ.翻译教材调查问卷 313