《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中共中央编译局中央文献翻译部翻译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787511709271
  • 页数:293 页

Part Ⅰ Transform the Pattern of Economic Development:Initiate a New Phase of Scientific Development 3

Chapter 1 The Development Environment 3

Chapter 2 Guiding Thought 9

Chapter 3 Main Goals 12

Chapter 4 Policy Orientation 17

Part Ⅱ Strengthen Agriculture and Benefit Farmers:Accelerate the Development of a New Socialist Countryside 23

Chapter 5 Develop Modern Agriculture More Rapidly 23

Chapter 6 Expand the Ways in Which Farmers Can Increase Their Incomes 27

Chapter 7 Improve Living and Working Conditions in the Countryside 29

Chapter 8 Improve Systems and Mechanisms for Rural Development 32

Part Ⅲ Transform and Upgrade Industries:Raise Their Core Competitiveness 39

Chapter 9 Transform and Upgrade the Manufacturing Industry 39

Chapter 10 Cultivate and Develop Strategic Emerging Industries 46

Chapter 11 Give Impetus to Changing the Way Energy Is Produced and Used 50

Chapter 12 Build a Comprehensive Transport System 54

Chapter 13 Comprehensively Raise the Level of Informationization 61

Chapter 14 Promote the Development of the Maritime Economy 64

Part Ⅳ Create the Favorable Environment:Promote the Significant Development of the Service Industry 69

Chapter 15 Accelerate the Development of Producer Services 69

Chapter 16 Vigorously Develop the Household Services Industry 72

Chapter 17 Create a Favorable Environment for Developing the Service Industry 75

Part Ⅴ Optimize the Structure:Promote Balanced Development Between Regions and Healthy Development of Urbanization 79

Chapter 18 Implement the Master Strategy for Regional Development 79

Chapter 19 Implement the Development Priority Zones Strategy 84

Chapter 20 Carry Out Urbanization Actively yet Prudently 89

Part Ⅵ Pursue Green Development:Develop a Resource-Conserving and Environmentally Friendly Society 97

Chapter 21 Actively Respond to Global Climate Change 97

Chapter 22 Strengthen Resource Conservation and Management 99

Chapter 23 Vigorously Develop a Circular Economy 104

Chapter 24 Intensify Environmental Protection 108

Chapter 25 Promote Ecological Protection and Remediation 111

Chapter 26 Intensify the Development of Systems for Water Conservancy and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 117

Part Ⅶ Be Innovation-Driven:Implement the Strategies of Reinvigorating the Country Through Science and Education and Strengthening the Country Through Human Resources 123

Chapter 27 Increase Scientific and Technological Innovation Capabilities 123

Chapter 28 Accelerate Educational Reform and Development 128

Chapter 29 Cultivate a Large Contingent of High-Quality Personnel 133

Part Ⅷ Improve People's Wellbeing:Establish a Sound System of Basic Public Services 139

Chapter 30 Raise the Level of Basic Public Services 139

Chapter 31 Implement a Strategy of Jobs First 143

Chapter 32 Reasonably Adjust Income Distribution 146

Chapter 33 Improve the Social Security System for Urban and Rural Residents 149

Chapter 34 Improve the Basic Medical and Health Care System 152

Chapter 35 Strengthen Assurances of Adequate Housing 157

Chapter 36 Do All Aspects of Population Work Well 160

Part Ⅸ Address Both Symptoms and Root Causes:Strengthen and Make Innovations in Social Administration 167

Chapter 37 Make Innovations in the Social Administration System 167

Chapter 38 Strengthen the Self-Governance and Service Functions of Urban and Rural Communities 169

Chapter 39 Strengthen the Development of Social Organizations 172

Chapter 40 Improve the Mechanism for Safeguarding the Masses'Rights and Interests 174

Chapter 41 Strengthen the Development of the Public Security System 176

Part Ⅹ Carry on Traditions and Make Innovations:Promote the Great Development and Prosperity of Culture 183

Chapter 42 Raise the Cultural Level of the Whole Chinese Nation 183

Chapter 43 Promote Cultural Innovation 185

Chapter 44 Develop Thriving Cultural Programs and Industries 187

Part Ⅺ Tackle Difficult Problems in Reform:Improve the Socialist Market Economy 193

Chapter 45 Adhere to and Improve the Basic Economic System 193

Chapter 46 Press Ahead with Reform of the Administrative System 196

Chapter 47 Accelerate the Reform of the Fiscal and Taxation Systems 199

Chapter 48 Deepen Reform of the Financial System 201

Chapter 49 Deepen Reform of the Prices for Resource Products and Environmental Protection Charges 204

Part Ⅻ Create a Win-Win Situation:Raise the Level of Opening Up 209

Chapter 50 Improve the Pattern of Regional Opening Up 209

Chapter 51 Optimize the Foreign Trade Structure 211

Chapter 52 Integrate"Bringing In"with"Going Global" 213

Chapter 53 Actively Participate in Global Economic Governance and Regional Cooperation 215

Part ⅩⅢ Develop Democracy:Advance Socialist Political Civilization 219

Chapter 54 Develop Socialist Democratic Politics 219

Chapter 55 Comprehensively Develop the Legal System 221

Chapter 56 Strengthen Efforts to Combat Corruption and Build Clean Government 222

Part ⅩⅣ Strengthen Cooperation:Create a Common Homeland for the Chinese Nation 225

Chapter 57 Maintain the Long-Term Prosperity and Stability of Hong Kong and Macao 225

Chapter 58 Press Ahead with Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations and the Great Cause of Unifying the Motherland 229

Part ⅩⅤ Carry Out Military-Civilian Integration:Strengthen National Defense and Army Modernization 235

Chapter 59 Strengthen National Defense and Army Modernization 235

Chapter 60 Carry Out Integrated Military-Civilian Development 237

Part ⅩⅥ Strengthen Implementation:Achieve the Master Development Blueprint 241

Chapter 61 Improve the Mechanism for Plan Implementation and Evaluation 241

Chapter 62 Strengthen Coordination and Management of Plans 244

Appendix 246

Proposal of the CPC Central Committee for Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 246