
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:贺翔主编
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787308112536
  • 页数:264 页
图书介绍:金融专业英语证书考试(Financial English Certificate Test,简称FECT)是我国第一个国家级行业性专业外语证书考试,考试成绩可作为金融系统决定员工录用、职称评定、职务晋升及出国培训人员或外派人员的重要依据。近年来我国越来越多的金融从业人员和大专院校金融专业学生踊跃参加FECT考试。主编多年来在宁波大学从事金融英语教学并指导学生参加FECT考试,迫切感到需要一本既适合课堂教学又有助于学生参加FECT考试的教材。本教材正是编者根据金融英语课堂教学的特点及FECT考试大纲的要求编写,是一本适合金融学专业课堂教学或从业人员自学备考的FECT辅导教材。教材内容丰富,涵盖金融学专业主要基础理论及实务,包括货币理论、银行管理及银行业务、金融市场及实务、保险基础等,教材中的文章多数来自于近年来国内外英语原版著作教材及国内权威机构发布的相关报告。本教材第二章由燕小青编写,第六章由唐果编写,其余各章均由贺翔编写。受编者水平所限,本书难免有疏漏或差错,敬请读者和专家学者提出宝贵的意见和建议。感谢宁波市服务型教育重点专业(高端贸易与金融专业群)对本书出版的资助。

Chapter One Money 1

1 What Is Money? 1

2 Development of Money 2

3 Desirable Properties of Money 5

4 Functions of Money 6

5 Measuring Money 7

6 Motives for Holding Money 9

Chapter Two An Overview of the Financial Industry in China 12

1 Banking Sector 12

2 Securities Sector 19

3 Insurance Innovation and Prospect of Insurance 22

Chapter Three Central Banking and Supervision of Financial Institutions 26

1 Origin of Central Bank 26

2 Functions of a Central Bank 27

3 The Federal Reserve System 29

4 Three Tools for Central Banking(Taking the Fed as an Example) 32

5 Banking Supervision 38

6 Securities Supervision 58

7 Insurance Supervision 60

Chapter Four Overview of Commercial Banks 65

1 Direct Finance and Indirect Finance 65

2 Major Functions of Commercial Banks 71

3 Assets and Liabilities of a Commercial Bank 73

4 Off-Balance-Sheet Activities 76

5 Theories of Bank Management 78

Chapter Five Bank Loans 99

1 Definition and Categories of Loans 99

2 The Credit Process 108

3 Post-Disbursement Management 123

Chapter Six International Payment 131

1 Survey of International Payment 131

2 Instruments for International Settlement 135

3 Methods of International Settlement 140

4 Documents Used in International Settlement 154

Chapter Seven Bank Accounting 156

1 What Is Accounting? 156

2 Accounting Basis 157

3 Accounting Controls 158

4 The Chart of Accounts of a Bank 158

5 Account Reconciliation 160

6 Types of Income and Expenditure of a Bank 161

7 Assets and Liabilities of a Bank 164

8 Bad and Doubtful Debts 167

9 Foreign Exchange Transactions 168

10 The Cash Flows of a Bank 172

Chapter Eight Securities and Financial Markets 177

1 Major Characteristics of Securities 177

2 Money Market 182

3 Capital Market 188

4 Internationalization of Financial Markets 192

Chapter Nine Foreign Exchange 195

1 Foreign Exchange and Its Market 195

2 Foreign Exchange Rate 198

3 Exchange Rate System 201

4 Exchange Controls 203

5 Foreign Exchange Risk 205

6 Overview of Chinese Foreign Exchange System 206

7 Types of Transaction in Foreign Exchange Market 212

Chapter Ten Insurance 217

1 Insurance and Risks 217

2 Mathematic Basis of Insurance 219

3 Principles of Insurance 220

4 Insurance Contracts 222

5 Types of Insurance 223

6 Entities in Insurance Market 229

7 Insurance Management Practice 234

Chapter Eleven Bank Letters and Telecommunications 240

1 Bank Letters 240

2 Telex 250

3 SWIFT 255

4 Memos 259

5 E-mail 261

Bibliography 264