Introduction Approaching a Remarkable Translator:in Search of the Fuller Facts and Their Implications 1
Research background 2
A review of existing studies 5
Research purpose and questions 8
Research significance 9
Research methods 10
The structure of the book 11
Chapter 1 China"Rediscovered":Western Zeal for Chinese Art and Culture at the Turn of the 20th Century 15
1.1 Western conceptions of China before the 20th century 17
1.2 Western"rediscovery"of China at the turn of the 20th century 22
1.3 Reception and influence of Chinese art and culture in the West in the early 20th century 28
Chapter 2 Arthur Waley:the Making of the Sinologist and Translator 39
2.1 Arthur Waley's ethnic background 41
2.2 Arthur Waley's intellectual background 47
2.3 Arthur Waley's career in the British Museum 54
2.4 Arthur Waley's relation to the Bloomsbury Group 59
Chapter 3 Oriental Jewels Selected:Arthur Waley's Major Translations and Their Then Reception 67
3.1 Arthur Waley's translation of classical Chinese poetry 69
3.2 Arthur Waley's translation of Chinese ancient philosophic works 87
3.3 Arthur Waley's translation of Chinese novel:Xi You Ji 95
3.4 Arthur Waley's translation of Japanese literature 98
Chapter 4 Scholarship and Craftsmanship:Arthur Waley's Translation Thoughts and Strategies 107
4.1 Arthur Waley's translation thoughts 109
4.2 Arthur Waley's translation strategies 124
4.3 A comparison of Waley's translations with Pound's 174
Chapter 5 Spread,Canonization and Beyond:Arthur Waley's Influence 191
5.1 The spread of Arthur Waley's translations 193
5.2 The canonization of Arthur Waley's translations 201
5.3 The contribution and impact of Arthur Waley 212
Conclusion The Legacy:Mediating Between an Oriental Scholarship and an English Poetics 229
Appendix Ⅰ Biographical Chronology of Arthur Waley 237
Appendix Ⅱ First Appearance of Waley's Translations in Periodicals 242
Appendix Ⅲ Representative Opinions of the Reviewers on Waley and His Translations from Amazon 244
Appendix Ⅳ Obituary of Arthur Waley(by David Hawkes) 246
Bibliography 253
Acknowledgements 271