CM Values of Automorphic Green Functions on Orthogonal Groups over Totally Real Fields&Jan H.Bruinier and Tonghai Yang 1
Some Generalized Functionals and Their Bessel Functions&James W.Cogdell and Freydoon Shahidi 55
Spectacle Cycles with Coefficients and Modular Forms of Half-integral Weight&Jens Funke and John Millson 91
A Regularized Siegel-Weil Formula for Exceptional Groups&Wee Teck Gan 155
L-functions for Symplectic Groups Using Fourier-Jacobi Models&David Ginzburg,Dihua Jiang,Stephen Rallis,and David Soudry 183
An Exercise in Automorphic Cohomology—the Case GL2 over a Quaternion Algebra&Neven Grbac and Joachim Schwermer 209
On the Hilbert Polynomials and Hilbert Series of Homogeneous Projective Varieties&Benedict H.Gross and Nolan R.Wallach 253
Theta Correspondences for Close Unitary Groups&Michael Harris,Jian-Shu Li,and Binyong Sun 265
Deforming Endomorphisms of Supersingular Barsotti-Tate Groups&Benjamin Howard 309
Singular Moduli Refined&Benjamin Howard and Tonghai Yang 367
Sup-norm Bounds for Automorphic Forms and Eisenstein Series&Jay Jorgenson and Jürg Kramer 407
Conjecture d'Adams pour la correspondance de Howe et filtration de Kudla &Colette Ma?glin 445
On the Number of Local Newforms in a Metaplectic Representation&Brooks Roberts and Ralf Schmidt 505
Le foncteur de Colmez pour GL(2,F)&Marie-France Vigneras 531