《管理创新 科教融合 2015经管人才培养模式创新国际研讨会 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱占峰,唐新贵,闫森主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787307159143
  • 页数:301 页
图书介绍:本书主要议题为“管理创新 科教融合——经管人才培养模式创新”,在主要议题下共设置七个板块:企业管理、物流管理、财务管理、管理科学、管理工程、经济与贸易、综合创新。每个板块均包含数篇国内外高校学者的研究论文。本书旨在探索和分析经管人才培养模式创新过程中如何加强学科建设与促进专业课发展,为高等教学国际化背景下进行管理创新与科教融合提供参考和建议。

Part 1 Enterprise Management 2

Dynamic Capabilities of Family Owned Business:Theoretical and Empirical Research&Zhao Yongjie Joe Teng 2

The Influences of Social Media Characteristics on Customer Participation in Social Media&Jiao Yongbing Gao Jing Yang Jian 13

Exploring Business Model Innovation Practice for Established Firms&Jiang Li 20

Diminishing Marginal Utility of Risk Probability&Zhang Xiaodong 24

Factors Motivates Customers to Participate in Social Commerce under the Influence of Role Stress and Conflict&Cai Rongjiang 29

Enterprise Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Protection in Ningbo&Li Qi Peng Jing 32

Analyzing the Unique Business Model of IKEA&Alexandre Lucas 39

A Quick Analysis of McDonald's in USA&Emilie Fournier 43

Part 2 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 49

Evaluation Theory and Application of Logistics Enterprise Customer Satisfaction Degree&Jiao Xinlong 49

Study on Construction of Foreign Trade Service Supply Chain Based on Research of Foreign Trade Demand&Guo Chunrong Xu Yan 55

Game Analysis and Pushing Strategy of Low Carbon Supply Chain Cooperation&Zhang Xiaodong 62

Process of Providing Humanitarian Aid Logistics&Gumerov Rinat 66

Evaluation on Wisdom Degree of Enterprise in Smart City Construction:A Case Study of Ningbo Zhongtong Logistics Group&Zhu Geng Zhu Zhanfeng Zhao Jing 72

Influence of Environment Regulation on Sea Transport Industry&Hanna Soldatova 81

Part 3 Financial Management 88

Research on Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Port Listed Companies&Wang Renxiang Du Yunchao 88

Cost Control Situation and Countermeasures of Hardware Manufacturing—A Case Study in Ningbo&Yao Liqiong Hong Lini Liu Yongbo 96

The Central Government,China Banking Regulatory Commission,and Rural Bank:Based on the Analysis of Double Principal-Agent Relationship&Li Hongyu 102

The Comparative Research on the Accounting Standard of Revenue Between China and America&Luo Meijuan 106

Correlation of Investment Cash Flow Sensitivity and Financial Constraints&Yu Zuwei Zhang Biao Shao Jishu Hu Hongwei Liu Sulang 111

Part 4 Management Science 128

Using the SSA Model to Analysis FDI,Fixed Asset Investment and Resident Consumption on Ningbo Economic Growth&Guo Yue Cai Jinfeng 128

Based on the Theory of Perceived Value the Study about the Influence of Bank Brand Image on Customer Loyalty&Gong Lingyu Wang Renxiang 139

Research on Paths of City Brand Internet Communication&Liu Hao Zhao Yongjie 149

Study on Ningbo Industrial Structure Development Based on Concentric Zone Theory&Xue Jingjing Zhu Zhanfeng Zhu Yiqing Li Qi 156

Risk Assessment of Ship Oil Spills in the Ningbo-Zhonshan Port&Zhao Yapeng 166

Study on Characteristics,Restrictive Factors and Countermeasures of Ningbo Cultural Industry&Qiao Wen Wang Xue 171

The Price of a City Dream—Rural Migrant Workers in China's Urbanization Process&Shen Xuelian 177

Research on Business Transformation at Tesco&Daniel Gille 181

Part 5 Management Engineering 186

Interactive System Dynamics Model Between Port and City&Yan Sen Mo Qunli 186

The Study of New Simple Method for 3×n Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Precedence Constraints&Jia Chunyu 193

Green Inland Navigation Developing Path of Zhejiang Province&Zhao Yapeng 199

A Sequencing Method for the Mixed-model Assembly Line in Consideration of the Car's Transportation Schedule on Land&Hugejile 204

The Development and Protection Research of the Island Resources in Zhejiang Province&Wang Shibiao Wang Ping Shen Gongming 209

Transportation Problems in China's Urbanization:Ways of Solving&Kryhin Illia 214

Part 6 Economy and Trade 222

An Empirical Research on Chinese FDI Development Path Based on Time Series Data and Provincial Panel Data&Gao Zhixiong 222

The Mechanism Analysis of the Impact of Trade Protection on Technological Innovation:A Level-innovation Model&Nie Honglong 229

Exploring the Way of Introducing European Products to China:Case Study in CALOR&Amélie Bacco 242

An Empirical Study on Sino-five Central Asian Countries Intra-industry Trade for Manufactures:The Perspective of One Belt and One Road&Zou Jiali Gao Zhixiong 246

Exploring the Development ofApple Inc&Amélie Poisson 254

Part 7 Comprehensive Innovation 259

Intellectual Capital's Effects on Performance of Chinese Listed Banks&Tang Xingui Xu Xiaofeng Zheng Jingjing 259

Organic Integration of Sino-American Accounting Teaching and Domestic Accounting Teaching—Based on Accounting Major Teaching Practice in Ningbo University of Technology&Liang Xuwen 268

Curriculum Design Based on Talent Training in Applied-oriented Undergraduate Universities&Wang Xue Qiao Wen Xie Xingheng 274

Enlightenment from TAFE in Australia to College English Teaching in China&Mo Qunli 278

The Application and Practice of the Inquiry Teaching Model in Management&Yao Lina 283

Analysis on the Relationship of Conception Education Change and Higher Education Innovation&Yan Zemin 289

Internet Addiction Problem among European Adolescents&Anatolii Reva 296